Wednesday, December 18, 2019

46- Looking Back on a Bad or Good Year 2019

We have good years and bad years, tough ones and easy ones. So, worship leaders, this is our final pod this year until we kick off again in mid January, so we thought it would be a cool idea, and a bit of fun, to look back on the year that was, 2019.

Has 2019 Been a Good Year?

This has been a tough 12 months for many, especially those in ministry, but I believe the Lord has something great coming up in the year of vision, 2020! Personally I have found 2019 to be among the toughest I have experienced in many ways, especially in ministry.  I don't mind telling you that I am glad to see the back of 2019, and look ahead with great expectancy to what the Lord has for us in the future. But this doesn't mean that, if we count our blessings, 2019 has not been good.  We are, after all, still alive at the end of it, and that is good. However, many of us have found that it has been a tough, difficult slog this last 12 months, and so be the end of it many are telling me they are exhausted, disheartened and generally feeling low and flat. It is OK to not be on top of the world all the time, right?  I have not found 2019 bad at all, just tough, and things that previously seemed easy have seemed hard and sometimes overwhelming, especially as the year wore on and we all got tired.  OK, maybe I am just getting old and tired myself, but sometimes things can feel overwhelming, and we need to just honestly tell the Lord how we are feeling and ask His help, direction and provision for the next season. Let me leave you with this wonderful and inspiring scripture...

Habakkuk 3:17-18 New International Version (NIV)

17 Though the fig tree does not bud     and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails     and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen     and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord,     I will be joyful in God my Savior.

So settle back and look back, rejoicing in the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly of 2019 in this last 12 minute pod this year...

Monday, December 9, 2019

45- Raising the Energy of a Worship Song

Raising the energy of a worship song should be a priority for all worship leaders.

Yes, But How Do You Raise the Energy of a Worship Song?

Worship songs, being corporate in nature, tend to be a little repetitive and often simple.  This means that, if your church has sung these songs several times before, there is a huge tendency to just sing them the same old way, the way you've done it time and time again in the past. I know this bores many worship leaders and band members, but it also bores your congregation as well!  I mean, if you are not inspired byt the song, what makes you think the audience is going to be inspired? But how do you do it?  What can you actually change in your song that takes it from an average, less than inspiring song to a song with tons of energy, loads of character and heaps of anointing? There are actually secrets that really work, and in this podcast we are going to go through a number of techniques you can use, starting the Sunday, to transform a boring, also ran song into an inspiring, exciting and uplifting anthem of praise! You can learn how to transform an average worship song into a spiritual powerhouse... it's not an impossibility, it is very achievable and not even that hard. Take 12 minutes out of your day to check this out now... and glean your own ideas from what we share...  Implementing a few well-chosen techniques could make all the difference in the long run, and transform an ordinary, flat worship time into an incredible journey of blessing and the presence of God.  Discover the easy and fun ways to increase the energy of a worship song today by listening and applying this awesome info!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

44- When It All Goes Wrong in Worship

As a worship leader., you've probably figured out that sometimes, despite all your preparation and rehearsal, it all goes wrong!

But Don't Panic When It All Goes Wrong in Worship!

Even the best, even the pros have times when, despite all their preparation, skills and checking, things go wrong! No matter who you are, how good you are, how experienced you might be or how much you pray, sometimes things just don't happen the way we want.  It might be a power issue, a broken guitar string, a dodgy cable or something worse! I've learned that the best worship leaders are not those who have talent, big capable teams or a massive reputation.  Many times the best worship leaders are those who can flow with changes and wing their way through potential disasters. I hesitate to use the term "fake it til you make it", but frankly sometimes this is a reality.  Accomplished worship leaders tend to be really good at doing this when things are getting grim!  I know, I've probably done it a thousand times, and mostly the audience had no idea! I remember singing my own material, forgetting the starting words of one of my songs and making up and entire verse on the spot... rhyming and all!  No one knew, except my wife who commented that she really loved the new verse.  I was so panicked I could not remember a thing!  These are the time when you have to let go and flow with the Holy Spirit, and it takes courage and obedience to do this. We want you to become that kind of worship leader.  Listen to this week's 12-minute pod and learn some of the secrets to adapting, overcoming and even triumphing through the times when it all goes wrong, and how your congregation might not even realise that you've had these struggles!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

43- How to Pastor Your Worship Team

As a leader, you should pastor your worship team! Being a worship leader is not just about singing and playing.  It goes beyond choosing songs and arranging the music.

Worship Leaders Should Pastor Your Worship Team

Worship leaders need to become worship pastors, caring for and encouraging the worship team just as the pastor works to shepherd the whole church. It is not enough to just make music.  Your team comes to practice, and they need direction and help in their music.  But they also come to practice at times with personal crises, having had financial issues, fights with their spouse, a tough day at work and might even be in sin.  It is not enough to care only for the music or the singing, because when you pastor, you should be caring for the whole individual. Musicians and singers are, by nature, emotional.  That's what makes them creative and awesome.  However, this comes with its own kind of baggage, and this needs the care and love of a shepherd. And if you decide to pastor your team rather than just produce it, you can have an amazing impact on their life, and they will usually respond with incredible loyalty and respect for you as a leader. Leading is not just creating, it is leading, and good leaders lead every aspect of their team's lives.  It doesn't mean you meddle and stir up things that should be left alone, but it does mean that you are available and ready to care for the people the Lord has given you to pastor. So we thought we would do a 12-minute pod on what it actually means to pastor your worship team, and how you as the leader can care for not only the musical needs but the entire person on your team. If you love people and love your worship team, this special podcast is for you...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

42- Making Christmas Carols Special Again

Christmas carols are upon us once again, and many worship teams, possibly yours, are madly rehearsing for the Christmas festivities.

So This Year We Want to Make Christmas Carols Special Again!

When you sing Christmas Carols year and year, how can you make them special?  I mean, what can you do to change the drab, boring, run of the mill songs and transform them into something just awesome and incredible. And while some of these carols are amazing and beautiful songs, some come across as very old fashioned and out of date, and this makes them especially hard to sing them in a way that modern audiences will respond to. And I have to admit, as a worship leader, I actually spent many years just dreading this time of year!  I know it sounds a little "bah humbug" of me, but the thought of churning out the same old songs the same old way just about gave me nightmares! Don't worry, I have converted back to someone who loves this time of year, and part of that transformation came with being able to make these beautiful and majestic songs into something special again! So, worship leaders, don't be bored or negative about this time of year, because we are going to change not only your mind but also your heart where Christmas Carols are concerned.  We are about to show you that these songs can become a tremendous tool in enabling you to reach out to those who would otherwise never come to church. That's what this podcast is all about.  Giving you 5 ideas on how you can transform the humble carol into a spiritual and musical masterpiece! Give us 12 minutes and we will throw some great suggestions your way as to how you can make Christmas special this year...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

41- When is Worship Too Loud?

When is worship too loud in your church?

Is Worship Too Loud, or are People Just Too Old?

You may have heard it said that if you think it's too loud, you're too old.  That was probably coined back in the late 60s or early 70s, when rock music was loud and, well, rocky, but the very ones who once said that are today complaining that the music in church is too loud, even though they are partially deaf these days! So in your church, how do you know when the sound level is overly loud, or too quiet for that matter? It is a balancing act because if you have worship too loud, people cannot hear themselves sing and so stop singing.  However, if you have it too soft, people can hear themselves too much and they stop singing also.  We have to get this balance right, worship leaders, because the success of your worship leading is at least partially tied in with the level of the sound, like it or not! So when is worship too loud?  Is it when the little old lady who sits in front of the speaker complains, or is it when the guy in the back row has blood flowing from his ears? Is it when you are comfortable with it, or is it when the old man with sensitive ears turns his hearing aid down? We know that perceived loudness does not simply depend on volume, it involves equalisation, bass levels and whether the singing can be heard.  So we reveal some secrets and show you how you can have a great volume without the complaints and people leaving the room in pain! In so many churches the question of whether you worship too loud is a hotly debated and often highly emotional issue, and that's why we decided to do a podcast and spend 12 minutes figuring out what constitutes too loud, and what you can do about it...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

40- Raising Leaders

Raising leaders is one of the great challenges in any leadership, especially in worship.

Raising Leaders is What True Leaders Do!

There is a huge tendency for leaders to just do everything themselves.  They know how it should be done, they can do it, there is little risk in the short term and everything looks rosy. The problem is that that is not leadership!  If you are not raising leaders you are failing as a leader, even if worship seems to be going OK. If you are not training leaders and giving them the chance to improve in their ministry, what happens if you get sick or travel away?  Your church will suffer if you insist on being the only trained leader, and your leadership will be questioned because you are not producing the fruit that real leaders produce... Other leaders, trained and ready to go! I know some worship leaders feel that they are not qualified to train and equip others for the position, but if you are called and in the job, you are automatically qualified.  Some don't want to bring leaders up because they are afraid the trainee will be better than them.  However, true leaders know if you raise others who are better, you yourself are also lifted up.  Training and equipping leaders is a win-win situation. So we wanted to do a special podcast on raising leaders, and how you can have the incredible satisfaction of reproducing your ministry in the lives of others.  Take 12 minutes and listen to this to become a better leader, and watch how the Lord uses you to make an incredible impact and leave an amazing legacy because you took the time to train, equip and pour your life into raising leaders...

Monday, October 28, 2019

39- Worship and Performance

Worship and Performance is a balance we all need to strike as worship leaders.  In truth, none of us claim to be about performance, but we really are performing when you think about it (please don't get offended).

Worship and Performance are Both Needed

However, we all should agree that performance is not the most important part of what we do, because worship is far more important. So how do we strike a balance between worship and performance? Perhaps the first step is to realise we do both, like it or not.  When your pastor preaches, there is an element of performance, so there is nothing wrong with acknowledging this.  Great preachers and great performers generally, and the same can be said of great worship leaders! So while we do not major on performing, we still should recognise that we do perform, and we can use and even improve our performance skills if we need to.  We don't major on our clothes either, but we still generally dress neatly and nicely. So the essence here is one of balance.  Some worship leaders go right over the top and perform like rock stars, and I believe that is not only counterproductive but it is almost offensive!  God is not impressed with a big show, He wants genuine worship.  Other worship leaders are so concerned about worshipping and not performing that they are painful to watch and listen to. Surely balance is the way to go, and somewhere between the two extremes serve both worship and performance well Listen to this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast and discover how you can find the right balance between worship and performance, and I would encourage you to seek the Lord as to what this balance looks like for you in your church and in your ministry.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

38- Those New Songs That are Un...

Those new songs, we often hear them in church or at a convention, but I wonder has anyone stopped to think about them... their content in particular?

New Songs are not Always Better

This podcast is a funny look at those new tunes, the ones that are un... !  What do I mean by that? Well, we are talking about some of those songs certain worship leaders madly promote that are un-something, be it unscriptural, uninspiring, unbelievable or just plain unbearable. The things they talk about, the thing they focus on, the amount of ME rather than JESUS, these are all common criticisms of modern songs, but is this just a bunch of oldies hating everything and anything new, or is there really some valid concerns about the kind of music we are having in our church services. So rather than writing them all off, or blindly accepting them as cutting edge and we all have to sing them, we thought we would take a "tongue in cheek" look at the kind of new songs that are being promoted out there. This is loosely based on my experiences at a recent church convention, where I looked around at 1200 pastors and leaders of our denomination and found most pastors, especially those over the age of 30, staring straight ahead, bored or concerned about the quality of the worship. So this is not a dig about loudness, smoke, lights or anything else, we just wanted to have a look at the content of modern songs and ask the question, "Does this really promote worship?" Come on and join in the fun as we have a look at and discussion of those new worship numbers, and what we see as the problem with them.  Yes, it is our opinion, but I do believe we have to, in all honesty, examine the content of the songs we share in church and use to encourage intimacy with God...

Monday, October 14, 2019

37- Bringing Communion into Your Worship

Communion is something most churches love to do.  It is a command of Scripture, but it is also a great time to contemplate and worship the Lord, both individually and as a body.

Communion is a Part of Worship

While many churches perform communion differently, with different traditions and ways in which the rituals are performed, we all agree that it is important as an act of worship.  When Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of Me," He was not thinking of the church traditions that were to form in and around this act, but rather He was talking about a heartfelt act of worship and submission, and a relationship that requires intimacy to flourish. There is much debate about the frequency of communion, with some churches having it every week, some once a month and others only once a year.  Who is right and who is wrong?  That's the thing, no one has everything totally right, so there is room for church tradition to come into play here. No matter how communion is done or how often, it should always be an act of worship, and that's where you as a worship leader has something special to offer! Many churches separate communion from other areas of the morning, but we have found that this leads to a very disjointed service, and also affects the preparation of the heart that people go through as they approach it. This is why we strongly suggest that you incorporate it into your worship set, not separate it out. When you make communion part of your worship set, it becomes easy for the speaker to role into the bread and wine seamlessly from worship, and this means that people's hearts are already centred on Christ and worship from the start. This podcast looks at the ways you can make your communion time even more special by including it as part of your worship time...

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

36- Worship Team Building

Worship team building is an important part of being a worship leader.

Worship Leaders Must Be into Worship Team Building

Many people think worship leading is just about singing, arranging songs, looking good and telling people to raise their hands. But true leadership goes far beyond this... To excel at what God has called you to do, you need to be able to build your team and to do so in a godly and winsome way. So we encourage you to look at your worship team.  Your role is to lead them into the battle week by week for Jesus in worship, sure.  But long term you are called to forge a winning team.  You are called to pull singular, often selfish and self-absorbed musicians and singers, and to create a team where everyone works together, pulls together, grows together and becomes a unit that brings glory to God, both now and long into the future. Team building is a lot harder than you might think.  Your team doen's need a friend, and they don't just need a figurehead.  What your team needs is a leader, a true and godly leader, full of integrity and godly wisdom. You are not just a song leader, so don't stoop to just be one.  You are a leader, an on-field general or quarterback who leads, sets the course, inspires and cares for their team.  You need to learn how to be there when they struggle, to inspire them when they are down and flat, and to let each member of your team reach the full potential they have in Christ Jesus. If you are not worship team building your influence for Christ will be limited, and you will fall short of what the Lord has for you as a worship leader! So this podcast is for those worship leaders who want to go beyond just being a song leader. This is for those who want to establish a long term ministry that yields fruit for generations. This is for true worship leaders!

Monday, September 30, 2019

35- Structure vs Free Worshipping

Free worshipping is something most worship leaders want to explore, but it is at odds to the structure that most worship leaders need for them and their team to function properly.

Free Worshipping Ain't Cheap!

Free worshipping, that is the kind of worship that is not planned but flows "as the Holy Spirit leads" is a wonderful thing.  However, it often takes a lot of strategic and dedicated planning to allow the Spirit this kind of freedom, which really sounds contradictory, doesn't it? Often times worship leaders need to be structured, but we also have to make room for free worship in our meetings.  The blend between beeing free and flowing verses the need for structure is a pressure many worship leaders face and struggle with. I often think about it like an egg, where the structure is represented by the shell, and free-flowing is represented by the egg white.  If you have all structure, you look like an egg, but there is no life within, but if you are all free-flowing, without structure, then you can look like a big mess. And that's the important secret... we need both structure and freedom to truly lead dynamic and powerful worship.  Too much of one or the other leads us to become out of balance.  However, if we get this right, we can lead incredible worship the way God wants us to. So if you are structured as a worship leader, or free-flowing, listen to this and learn how to create the perfect blend of both, so that you, your team and your church enjoy worship on a whole new level. In this podcast, Darin and Erick look at how you can program it into your worship set, and how you can balance the freedom with the right amount and kind of control.  This is a must for every worship leader...

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

34- Dealing with Sexual Immorality in the Worship Team

Sexual immorality is always a temptation for any Christian, but especially so in a worship team.

Sexual Immorality Will Destroy Your Ministry!

In a worship team there is a special bond between members, which centres around music, love of music and the joy of being able to lead people into the presence of the Lord. But sometimes people get too close. This is a clear and present danger, and every worship leader should be aware and have plans in place to head off any potential sexual immorality in their worship team. And please, don't think for a moment it could never happen to you, because it simply could, in any worship team, anywhere.  And the enemy would like nothing better than to ruin your ministry, and the church, using sexual attraction as a tool.  And be aware, this may not necessarily by a full blown affair, although many times it heads that way, but we should include flirting, the way people sing, play and interact, and just about any form of contact that could result in poor choices with regards behaviour and attraction. This problem is a constant pressure in most praise and worship teams.  You sing together, share music together, and most often your spouse does not share the same passion for music and worship.  They cannot understand the joys and the bond that sharing worship together brings, and so you are drawn to someone in your team and, if you are not careful, drawn away from your partner at home. There are many things we can do to put barriers in place, against this moving to a sad and devastating conclusion, and that is what the guys are prepared to openly and frankly discuss with you. So we thought we would produce a special, no holes barred podcast helping worship leaders defuse one of the most devastating and destructive situations you could ever have in your worship leading...

Saturday, September 21, 2019

33- Stretching Your Worship Team

Worship leading is more than just singing or playing, it is bringing out the best in your worship team.

It's Time to Stretch Your Worship Team!

I believe that the true measure of the leadership of a worship leader is in the positive changes in their team over time.  And I have to admit, this is also one of the greatest joys you can have as a praise and worship leader! So we thought we would do a podcast to encourage praise and worship leaders everywhere to go beyond the basics, beyond just leading a praise and worship session, to actually depositing something amazing into your team. Developing the team is key to your long term success.  You may encounter a little resistance early on, but over time when the team members see their performance, their skills and their satisfaction increase, they will become your biggest fans and your greatest supporters. And honestly, it is not that hard to begin to develop the team you lead and see them growing in their skills and abilities over time, even a short period of time. Learn how to do this in a way that challenges, inspires and has a lot of fun in this week's episode...  Take just 12 minutes and change the way you minister to your singers and musicians, inspiring and challenging them to get better, hear better and ultimately worship better and more effectively than ever before.

Monday, September 9, 2019

32- Measuring Engagement in Your Congregation

Measuring engagement in your congregation is important for any worship leader. How do you know if your worship leading is hitting the mark?  If you cannot measure something, you cannot change it, and you cannot improve it, so we must not be frightened about ways to measure whether the congregation is with us, or not...

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32- Measuring Engagement in Your Congregation

Measuring engagement in your congregation is important for any worship leader. How do you know if your worship leading is hitting the mark?  If you cannot measure something, you cannot change it, and you cannot improve it, so we must not be frightened about ways to measure whether the congregation is with us, or not (as the case may be).

Measuring engagement is Essential for Improvement

So often we as worship leaders just operate with a vague notion that we are leading OK, or that things are not quite right.  And surely, the truest measure of your worship leading skills and gifting has to be whether the people in your church are with you, right? Why? You need to measure this because otherwise, you have no idea how your people are reacting to the worship.  You could be leading them well, but you could just as easily be off, doing your own thing, and leaving them behind. You may have seen, or experienced, situations where the worship leader describes an "amazing morning of incredible worship," and you were at the same service and you never saw this so-called incredible worship. Part of the disconnect here is that the worship leader had a great time worshipping the Lord, but the congregation stood and watched them, and experienced nothing like the same spirit of worship. In other words, the congregation was not engaged in the service.  So, if you are not measuring engagement in your congregation, how are you going to know this?  You might, at best, have a vague notion that people liked it, or you might ask your friends, all of whom feel obliged to like it. So this podcast is going to examine how you can quantify the reaction your congregation is having to your worship leading.  We must all gauge this in some way, so this is a podcast not to be missed!!!

Monday, September 2, 2019

31- How to Make Practice Fun

Do you know how to make practice fun?

Make Practice Fun and Make Your Team Inspired and Happy!

Now, as a musician and singer, I am always about having a great time and enjoying what I am doing.  But some worship leaders take the role so seriously, they leave no room for fun! This is a terrible mistake because when you do not make your practice times fun, you actually suck the life and enjoyment out of it. So shouldn't our practices be serious?  Well, getting it right might be a serious thing, but even while achieving what you want to achieve in the practice, you can still leave room for fun.  And trust me, the ideas we share in this podcast will inspire you to make your team practices the best night of the week for your worship team! You should make practices enjoyable in some way, you know, because so often practice for the worship team is long, boring and particularly uninspiring.  As a worship leader, you should be looking for every opportunity to make practices fun.  This can include jokes, funny stories and the like, and it flows right throughout the entire practice.  So any mistakes are moments to have fun.  Any frustrations can be treated with a smile and a joke.  I have found that my team are far more productive in this environment than in a tense, highly professional and over-controlled atmosphere! That's what we are talking about in this 12 minutes for worship leader's podcast, and if you want to draw the best out of your team, this could be a pivotal podcast. Invest just 12 minutes, and inject some real fun and joy into your team, creating not only the right atmosphere but developing a loyalty form your team that will last a lifetime!  Tune in and check it out now...

Monday, August 26, 2019

30- Sound Mixing Disasters

Sound mixing disasters are a clear and danger when worship leading, so this 12 minutes, we want to look at how you can quickly and effectively deal with sound, and the possible disasters you might face. Sound Mixing Disasters can Ruin Your Whole Day! Any time you deal with sound gear, there is always a...

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30- Sound Mixing Disasters

Sound mixing disasters are a clear and danger when worship leading, so this 12 minutes, we want to look at how you can quickly and effectively deal with sound, and the possible disasters you might face.

Sound Mixing Disasters can Ruin Your Whole Day!

Any time you deal with sound gear, there is always a possibility that something could go wrong.  You know what I mean... those annoying buzzes, clicks, pops and the dreaded earth loop, that low drone that can ruin everything! Now some of these problems are due to aging gear, so keeping your sound gear in tip-top shape can minimise the problems.  If you do run into problems, diagnosing what the issue is, a lead, the desk, a particular instrument, is often a long, involved and very frustrating exercise! Some sound issues are due to "operator error," and these can be a cause of much distress, panic, and bad blood in the worship team.  If your sound tech is inexperienced, or if they panic, then once again sound can become an unmitigated disaster.  This is also true of the sound guys who are perpetual fiddlers... trust me, I could write a book on the times I've had to deal with these guys! So how do you deal with these sound mixing disasters effectively, kindly and in a way that keeps everyone happy, but still produces excellent results? How do you do so without upsetting, discouraging or making an enemy of the sound person.  And trust me, you want your sound team onside, not as an enemy.  Remember, these guys can make your worship leading, or destroy it, so be nice, be patient and be godly in all your dealings with them, no matter how frustrated you become!   This worship leader podcast is a must for every single worship leader who wants to lead worship powerfully, and peacefully! Tune in and find out all about it in just 12 minutes in today's podcast!

Friday, August 16, 2019

28- Free Worship

Free worship is worship that you do freely, that is with little or no structure.

Free Worship Can Really be Free

Some worship teams find this easy, and for some it is absolutely never going to happen. Many churches and worship leaders are uncomfortable with the whole concept of open worship, but let me ask a question, is it something we should be terrified of? Worship should just be an expression of the heart, our heartfelt love for our Lord flowing freely.  However, most of what we do in worship leading is more about structure or performance than it is about freedom. The thing is, most of us are a little uncomfortable with situations we cannot control. Losing control is not a thing we enjoy, so the prospect of worship unbridled and free is, well let's just say, slightly uncomfortable.  We're a bit like Michal watching David dancing and worshipping before the ark of the covenant. 2 Samuel 6:16 As the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart. Yet, as this podcast explores, we really have nothing to fear about free or open worship. It doesn't have to be weird, tongues, or out of control at all. It doesn't have to be prolonged, but just a few bars for people to worship without constraint is doable, no matter how conservative the church. You can have freedom in your worship and you can make free worship an acceptable part of your church worship today. Learn more about free worship and how you can begin to see real freedom in your church worship in a way that almost every church will accept and enjoy, in this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast...

Sunday, July 21, 2019

26- The Last Song of Your Worship Set... Make it the Best!

The last song of your worship set is often the most important.  It is the point to which you are leading the congregation, the culmination of leading worship in your church service.

The Last Song Should be the Best

So why is the last song so important, and how can you make it the height of worship that you long for and that your church deserves. Everything you do in your worship set should be done with the end in mind, the hope and the wonderful privilege of leading people closer to the Lord.  Ours is a  noble calling, taking people from where they are when they walk into the room, right through to an encounter with God Himself. So we need to be mindful of how we are leading worship, and especially how it all leads to the last song, the one that reaches the highest heights of worship, and prepares the way for what follows, even into the delivery of the sermon. In fact, if you get this area of your worship leading right, you can prepare the way for your pastor to share a more powerful word, and preach more effectively for the Kingdom.  So it is not an over-exaggeration to say that the final song you share in your worship set can affect people's lives. So settle back, have a coffee or tea and learn how to make the final song of your worship set the best song ever!  Apply these simple yet effective ideas, and you will find that the 12 minutes you invest right here could yield a lifetime of powerful and effective worship leading...

Monday, July 8, 2019

25- Does Size Matter in Worship Leading?

Does size matter in worship leading?

Worship Leading has Never Been about Size!

As worship leaders, we say size doesn't matter, but we secretly think it does, and we all would love to be leading worship in a stadium full of people rather than a home group.  Come on, admit it! Whether your church is huge or small, whether you meet in a home or a stadium, whether your team is 20 people or just you and a guitar, God can still use you and your gifts to lead people into an incredible worship experience. In fact, some of the best worship experiences I have ever had have been in small churches.  When you have fewer people, it is sometimes easier to all be on the same page, loving and seeking the Lord together. Now I know that big churches, big stages, big speakers and lights, and stuff are cool and attractive, but in God's economy, they carry very little weight.  It is not about the size of your team, or your church, it's about the size of your heart for Jesus! Worship leading has always been about the heart, the heart of worship, not the excitement of a big crowd or a large worship team. So does size matter? The answer to that is probably yes to us, but no to God.  We often talk about the audience of one, the Lord Himself, and having led worship at some pretty big and famous venues, I always try to concentrate on the audience of one... my Lord and Saviour! So take 12 minutes out of your busy day and tune into this week's 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast, and discover how being in a small church can open up a large blessing as you serve the Lord in your worship leading gift.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

24- Dealing with Negative Opinions

Negative opinions are something we all need to face at some time or other, and especially when you are in the public eye.

You Can Be Positive about Negative Opinions!

As a worship leader, you can be positive about negative opinions.  I mean, opinions are like noses... everybody has one, and most of them smell! However, if you simply ignore every opinion, you are making yourself a dictator, so there has to be a way you can process what has been said about you and your ministry, while at the same time protecting yourself from the attacks that come your way. This 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast is about how you can be open, listening to the Lord and to others, how you can be seen to be approachable and authentic, but how you can also surround yourself with the protection you need to be insured against discouragement and fear that negative opinions inevitably bring. And those opinions can cut like a knife.  I have seen many worship leaders destroyed by stinging, often unloving words directed at them from members of the congregation, from fellow band members and from pastors and leaders in the church.  Part of what we discuss here is about not letting the dissenters be the deciders, and not letting criticism, whether valid or not, ruin your career in worship, and your life in general! We explore how you can gather a team around you, to be honest with you when needed, and be supportive of you at all times.  Facing these opinions is not a journey you should embark upon alone! So worship leaders need to recognise that we are targets for negative opinions, and that's why Darin and Erick are keen to share their more positive opinions on how you can deal with these criticisms.  Listen to this, it could protect you from a lifetime of hard knocks and pain...

Sunday, June 23, 2019

23- Harmonies... Learn the Art and Make Worship Sound Awesome!

Harmonies... one of the most difficult, challenging yet incredibly satisfying aspects of singing, and of worship leading. Harmonies have always been an area that even many accomplished singers find difficult to master. So OK, it's a challenge, but hey, who doesn't want to rise to a challenge, especially one that musicians and singers find so exciting. And they are exciting. A beautiful harmony will inspire the people singing it, and harmonies will blow your congregation out of the water! If you want to catapult your worship team into the spiritual stratosphere, if you want people deeply touched and blessed by your worship leading, then harmonies are definitely a way to do this. And they are not as difficult as everyone would have you believe.  You can learn them, train in them and you can teach your team simple ways they can use a 3rd or 5th part harmony to make your worship sound stunning and amazing. Generally, in worship practice, we spend hours working with a team of musicians, trying to get our sound as a worship team to be amazing. We know that a great sound in the band makes it easier for people to worship.  Yet I am telling you now that simple music and amazing 3 or 4 or 5 part harmony will impress people more, and open their hearts amazingly more than nicely played music. Learning how to sing harmony takes time, takes practice and takes commitment and patience, but trust me, the end will justify the hard work. As a singer, there is very little in your craft that will satisfy as much as harmony singing. So if you want your worship leading to get to the next level, then learn harmonies and teach your team how to sing in harmonies. This podcast will start one of the most incredible learning experiences you will ever experience...

Sunday, June 16, 2019

22- The Art of Modulation

Modulation is a fantastic thing to do, especially for worship leaders, but there are a few techniques and ideas that can make you look like a phenomenal worship leader, even if you're not exactly sure what you are doing!

Modulation Rocks!

Modulation is going up a key... or two... or three... or, well you get the picture.  Going up a key does something amazing for the congregation, and can easily see them move into deeper and more meaningful worship. In this podcast, Darin and Erick reveal some awesome ways in which you can raise the stakes and raise the level of worship as you raise the key!  And listen, anyone can do this.  When you learn the techniques, it is easy to apply this powerful technique to your worship leading. Going up a key really lifts the energy in your worship.  When you go up a key, without them even realising it, the audience stretches more to reach the notes, and thereby open their diaphragms, and their hearts! Now I know some of you are thinking, well it is really the Spirit of God, so these guys are crazy teaching techniques and thinking God will move.  OK, let's sort this now.  Techniques do work, but they do not replace the Spirit of God moving, of course! What I can tell you is that techniques like modulation can enhance what the Lord is doing.  So please do not write this off, because as you learn techniques like this one you will enhance your worship leading skills, and the people will be more and more blessed! So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax and open your heart to learning a powerful new technique for your ever progressing worship leading.  Listen to this podcast, and master the subtle art of modulation!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

21- Song Arranging for Worship Leaders

Song arranging is an art in itself, but as a worship leader, you want to know how to arrange songs so that they sound great, flow well and lead people into worship.

Song Arranging is One of the Best Parts of Leading Worship...

Arranging music is a real joy for many worship leaders, and this podcast is a great chance for Darin and Erick to share their love of song arranging.  We want you to share the incredible blessing of taking a song you've heard on the internet and making it special, arranging it so that it becomes an amazing song, with highs and lows, special features and powerful vocals. You can use techniques like build-ups, silence, syncopated beats and vocal harmonies.  You can repeat parts of the song, you can go up keys, you can end on a high or a low.  Truly, arranging songs is one of the great joys of being a musician or a singer, and we want to share this great joy with you... And this is not something that is beyond you, and of you!  If you have a creative mind, song arrangements become easy and have an infinite number of variations. If you do not see yourself as creative, you can still start to arrange songs in your own special style. Your whole band looks to you for leadership, and arranging songs is a great way to lead your team and see your congregation worship in true spirit and truth. This podcast is an awesome opportunity to learn the song arranging secrets from 2 guys who have been leading worship and producing records for decades. All is revealed in this week's 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast, and we are excited to bring this information to you and see you reach higher heights in worship as you serve the Lord.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

20- Does Worship Require Music?

Does worship require music?

Of course, the answer is no, but surely music and singing can enhance the worship experience and promote unity when it comes to worship in a church environment. We know that we can worship anywhere, any time and that no music, words, artifacts, religious ceremonies are needed.  God is God, and he is longing to connect with us, using any means possible. This podcast is all about how worship can go beyond just the music played and the lyrics that are sung, and permeate all of your life and the life of your worship team and the whole church. If you truly love the Lord, then you will want to pay any price and do anything to connect with Him in worship. And while some might disagree with the question itself, does worship require music, if we as worship leaders are dedicated to making that true and honest connection with God, then the method really is not important. We worship the Lord with our money and giving, with our time, with our speech and with every aspect of our lives, but certainly when we are feeling down or flat, maybe distant from the Lord, we answer the question of does worship require music with a resounding, "No, but it sure helps when we are flat." And as this podcast explores, sometimes times of quietness and contemplation, times when music is specifically not there, can be very powerful in worship. We live in noisy environments every day, and there are times when we should not as worship leaders be filling up people heads with more and more sounds, but rather allow them space and the liberty to worship the Lord without music or noise. Take 12 minutes out of your busy day to realign your heart with a true heart of worship in this challenging podcast...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

19- Make a Song your Own

Most of us can play music or sing, and we can hear songs on Youtube, read a chord chart and play the song. However, if that is all you do with music, then you are missing out on the greatest inspiration you could have... making a song your own.

How to Make a Song Your Own

So what do we mean by make a song your own?  It means doing it in a way that is unique, that is inspired, that is something you can make the song into. So rather than just reproduce what the band on Youtube does, why not adapt it to suit your style and musical tastes. If you want to play a song in church, and you only want to do it exactly how the CD does it, then why not just play the CD in church?  I mean, why spend countless hours just trying to reproduce what someone else has done?  You are better than that!  God has given you a creative spirit, and with a few select changes, you can make a song into something special, into your own version, full of God-given creativity and inspiration. In this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast you will learn how to make a song your very own, and be inspired to change things to create inspired and wonderful worship songs, different and even better than the ones on YouTube or the latest CD.  You can give these songs a different style, different feel and a different structure than the ones the bands play.  And here's the crazy thing... that same band, the one you are watching on the internet, they will play the same song differently next week! So if you want to explore a whole new area, if you want to supercharge your worship and do worship in a new and inspired way, then this is a great pod to listen to...

Friday, May 24, 2019

18- Are Smoke Machines and Laser Lights Necessary

Smoke Machines and Laser Lights are often used as part of the modern church worship experience.  Now if you go to a secular conference or concert, you will see the same thing... Smoke and Laser Lights everywhere, providing a spectacular and exciting show.

But are Smoke Machines and Laser Lights Necessary for Great Worship?

I often hear people jokingly say, "The presence of God was not in church this morning because the smoke machine was broken." Now, this may be a joke of sorts, but if you go to most modern churches, you can see the point.  Many are magnificent spectacles, lights, lasers, smoke, darkened rooms, and one wonders whether people can actually worship God without all that stuff. And I must confess, I actually like all that spectacular stuff!  I love the excitement and visual stimulation that incredible presentations like this provide. However, I do not for a moment believe that we need anything technical to usher in the presence of God in worship. That's what this podcast is all about... We ask the big question, Do we need smoke machines and laser lights to truly worship, and if we don't, why do so many churches use them? Is it that we need to relate to the young generation?  Is it that we feel the need to hide substandard worship behind smoke and mirrors?  Are they just great fun, and they catch the attention of a world seemingly obsessed with shiny objects, more and more spectacular films and shows and anything new and, well, laserish? Whether your church is a laser and smoke lovin' place or not, check out this slightly controversial podcast.  In all seriousness, we are not just slamming lasers and smoke, but we are suggesting that if your church cannot afford such a visual display, then genuine, heartfelt and powerful worship will attract people more than smoke, lasers and a spectacular performance.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

17- The Bible in Your Worship Leading Life

Using the Bible in your worship leading is important, not only in your personal walk with God but also on stage.

Why Use the Bible in Your Worship Leading?

The bible should be a huge part of the life of every believer, whether they are on stage or off stage.  The Bible is not some ancient book covered in dust we like to read. No, the Bible is, to quite the Bible itself,

Hebrews 4:12 New International Version (NIV)

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

So we wanted to do a podcast refocusing our many worship leaders back onto a pivotal part of leadership, and being a Christian.  Using the Bible in your worship leading life will energise, transform and empower not only your ministry, but every aspect of your life. And to help you in this regard, we want to give away our Bible reading program, which takes you through the entire Bible in just one year, by only reading 2 chapters a day.  How is this possible?  We hit the highlights only, and keep the passages moving and exciting, enabling you to invest just 5-10 minutes per day and cover all the important aspects of the Bible in just one year.


Sometimes we get so involved in the music and presentation of our worship, that we forget the pivotal role that the Bible must play in our lives. We can use the Word of God between songs, we can make sure our songs are accurate, and we can live each day with the power of God's Word leading and influencing us. So settle back and invest 12 minutes into making the Bible the central part of your life, both on and off stage...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

15- How to Hit the Vocal High Notes

Hitting vocal high notes is a challenge for every singer. If you are a singer, then this is a podcast you will not want to miss.  And I am guessing that most of you singers out there would love to stretch your vocal range so you can tackle the high notes with confidence, right? Every...

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16- Dealing with High Emotions in the Worship Team

Dealing with High Emotions in the Worship Team is never easy, but this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast could really help.

High Emotions in the Worship Team can Kill Unity

Let's face it, musicians and singers can be people of high emotions at times.  They are passionate, they are gifted, and frankly they are often intolerant of others, especially is others are less gifted than they are! High emotions in the worship team, especially if you have gifted people, is almost par for the course.  We get so passionate about our craft, about our songs, our arrangements, our gifts. But as you will discover when you listen to this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast, no amount of gifting, no amount of talent justifies the poor treatment of other team members. So many singers and musicians consider themselves gifted and look down upon others who seem to be less gifted that they are.  Thing is, Jesus did not call us to be gifted, He called us to be servants.  No matter your gifting, no matter how talented you might be, there is no excuse for treating people badly. Unity, after all, should be the central part of our worship team. But high emotions, things like anger and frustration, are used by the enemy to ruin unity.  And there is nothing like music to make emotions run high, and to quickly and effectively destroy unity! Most worship leaders, in fact, all worship leaders, are going to have to deal with this at some time!  So, do not be surprised by the high emotions in the worship team that threatens to disrupt what God is doing. Listen to this podcast, learn how to deal with the problems ahead of time, detect and meet the high emotions and potentially save your worship team and the unity your team needs to be truly effective leading worship...

15- How to Hit the Vocal High Notes

Hitting vocal high notes is a challenge for every singer. If you are a singer, then this is a podcast you will not want to miss.  And I am guessing that most of you singers out there would love to stretch your vocal range so you can tackle the high notes with confidence, right?

Every Singer Wants to Hit the Vocal High Notes

Vocal expert Erick, and serial vocal abuser Darin take you through some of the awesome techniques they use to hit the high notes, so tune in and listen to this 12 minutes designed for singers to help them become better at what they do. The thing is, no matter what your standard as a singer, there are always things you can do that will help you reach your full potential. Sometimes you can even change the entire range you have, hitting vocal high notes that you have ever hit before. It is possible, it is achievable, and this 12-minute podcast can be a game changer when it comes to your vocal range. How do I know? I know because I have done it myself (this is Darin speaking). Over the years, I have stretched my vocal range from fairly deep baritone to a rich tenor, but this 12-minute podcast can show you shortcuts that can help you achieve the range of vocals that you want to achieve. Plus, you will have a load of fun and a few laughs along the way.  Believe it or not, stretching towards a higher vocal range can actually be fun! So singers, what are you waiting for?  Do not be content with an average range, when you can do something to achieve the vocal high notes you dream of. Check it out now and let this 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast give you the vocal range you always dreamed of.

Monday, April 22, 2019

14- Maintaining Unity in Your Worship Team

Maintaining Unity of the Worship Team is one of the most important aspects of leading a worship team.

Why is Maintaining Unity So Important?

Unity is commonly attacked by the enemy in every area of Christian ministry. And in a worship team, you probably already know that this is not so easy to maintain. Every time you put talented, strong-willed people together, you will get some differences of opinion. It is how we manage those differences which can result in disunity or unity... the choice is yours! The Bible says in Psalm 133:1-3...

How good and pleasant it is     when God’s people live together in unity!

It is like precious oil poured on the head,     running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard,     down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon     were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing,     even life forevermore.

Unity does not mean that you all agree on everything. How many of you know this pretty much never happens.  But unity is when you can agree to disagree agreeably. If you do not have unity in your team, then your effectiveness in worship leading will be affected.  This is because unity is more than just not having conflict, it is at the very core of your ability to lead worship. This exciting podcast is 12 minutes that you can invest into maintaining unity in your worship team, and it could be one of the most important messages you will hear this year! I am not exaggerating when I say that unity, or lack of unity, is one of the most common flaws in worship team leading. So settle back and listen to this podcast, and find ways you can maintain unity in your worship team...

Monday, April 15, 2019

13- How to Resurrect a Great Song

Learning how to resurrect a great song is a skill we should all have in worship leading.

Resurrect a Great Song

As we discussed last week on the pod, so many churches kill off great songs, mainly by flogging them to death. We take a perfectly good song and ruin it, and then throw it on the scrap heap of worship life. There are so many really good songs that we have simply discarded because they were flogged to death by worship leaders.  Songs like Shout to the Lord and Shine Jesus Shine, which were good in their day, have been more or less abandoned. Even if a song was once a great song, many people are just over them today. So is there any hope for these songs? Picture this... we take one of these once loved tunes and we give it a different style, a different feel, perhaps we start it a fresh and new way, or make an acapella version of it. There are loads of ways you can breath new life into a once great song, and that's exactly what the guys discuss in this pod.  They will share new, innovative ideas that will allow you, and your congregation, to rediscover anew the beauty and wonder of songs that were once loved but have fallen into disrepute.   Simple ideas and technique could make all of the difference as you rediscover the awesomeness of some songs you might have thought gone forever! In this podcast, Darin and Erick take 12 minutes to discuss how you can resurrect those seemingly destroyed songs. This is a great podcast to head into Easter with... The theme of resurrection!

Monday, April 8, 2019

12- How to Kill a Great Song

Most worship leaders do not set out to kill a great song...

But sadly, many do kill a great song!  Let's face it, there are loads of wonderful songs in our churches, from the hymns of old right through to the latest hits, but we don't always do them justice when we play and sing them in our worship. We might sing of our crucified Lord, but sometimes we crucify the song in the arrangement and feel that we give it! So, in this slightly tongue in cheek and funny podcast, we are going to look at the top five ways you can kill a perfectly decent song, and we will do it all in just 12 minutes. That's right, we have actually sat down and thought about how we could kill a great song, ways in which we can make this song, however great it is, into the one that makes our congregation roll their eyes when we start it!  And if you do what we suggest, you should be able to take any perfectly good and wonderful song and ruin it for your congregation.  Whether it is overplaying it to death, pitching it too high or some other classic mistake, this is not only a lot of fun but it is a great podcast with practical applications for many of us worship leaders. The hope, of course, is that you will then reverse engineer this and not kill great songs... So we are not advocating actually doing the things we suggest, but rather that you learn how not to do these things... so we can keep great songs as what they are... great songs! And don't forget, you can learn all about how to arrange songs to make them great by joining our Worship Leader Academy.  It includes loads of fun, practical and easy to apply tips that will take your worship leading to a higher level, in just a few short months.  Join the academy, and you will never kill a great song again!

Check Out Our Academy by Clicking Here

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

11- What is Your Worship Style?

So, what is your worship style?

Is it something from another generation, or are you trying to emulate some other worship leader?  Is it a style unique to you and your church, or are you trying to sound like your favourite band?  The way you present your worship plays a key part in how comfortable people are entering into a closer and deeper fellowship with the Lord. The style of your worship is often dictated by the style of your congregation.  Imagine leading worship with just an organ at a youth meeting, or on the flip side, imagine leading worship at a senior's meeting with a heavy metal band! The thing is, as the worship leader, you have a unique opportunity to develop your own style of worship, the kind of music that attracts people and opens their hearts to the gospel, and allows them to go deeper with God. However, many worship leaders simply try and transport what some famous worship leader on YouTube is doing into their local church, and this can lead to really discouraging results.  We should not be just trying to imitate someone else, but be seeking the Lord for our own, unique style of worship that not only suits us, but more importantly suits our congregation and church leadership. This podcast asks the big questions about the way you lead your team and your congregation, and it will be invaluable for those seeking a unique and beautiful way of leading worship.  As you listen open your heart and hear from the Lord as to the best way you can establish a style of music and presentation that captures the hearts of your people, and allows a more intimate level of worship in your church. So what is your worship style?  Listen to this week's podcast and discover yours now...

Monday, March 25, 2019

10- Ideas to Start a Song Service

This great podcast deals with ideas to start a song service in your church.

Start a Song Service the Right Way...

The start of the song service is always a key time, with people walking into the room, with people still talking and chatting to each other, and with a few ready to worship. Fist choice... do you start on time, or do you wait until there are people in the room?  In my culture, we start on time! This means when you come to kick off the service, the room might be 1/5 full, and the hearts of people are distracted, catching up with friend, still grappling with the fight the had on the way to church, or a hundred other distractions. How can you capture the attention and the hearts of your listeners, and turn them from the cares of the day and life's many distractions towards worshipping the Lord? The answer to this important and extremely practical question is what this podcast is about.  Darin and Erick have come up with 5 different and valid ways of starting a song service (of course there are many others too!), and these are so practical you can try them out starting this week.  From the long, atmospheric introduction to the punchy, high energy approach, these ideas will change the way you start your entire service and set the scene for worship in a way you may have never experienced. Discover more in this exciting 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

8- Ideas to Start a Song

This is a great 12 minutes that you can take and apply immediately in your worship ministry... great ideas to start a song.

We All Need Ideas to Start a Song

The beginning of the song is such an important part of your worship leading because if you mess this up, you can lose people's confidence even before you start. And let's face it... we spend so much time rehearsing the body of the song, that often we forget to concentrate on the incredibly important start and finish to the number!  We also overlook the fact that the beginning of a song also provides an incredible opportunity to try new and creative things. Just because Hillsong did it a certain way on their last album, does not mean that that is theirs is the only ideas to start a song. In fact, as you launch into a song, you can give every song your own flavour, and surprise people (in a good way, not a "Man, that was horrible" way). There's the slow and atmospheric approach, or the big beat approach, or even the full 4 part harmony vocal idea... all of these are valid, and trust me, creating new and stunning arrangements as the song begins is one of the great joys of leading worship in church. So have a listen and be inspired to make each and every start if a worship songs something special, anointed and attractive to your listeners! So join us for this phenomenal podcast and great some awesome ideas to start a song in just 12 minutes...

Friday, March 1, 2019

6- Ego or Service... You Choice in Worship Ministry

Ego or service, that is the choice all of us make at some time as worship leaders. All of us as musicians and singers grapple with our egos, and if we are honest, most of us want some kind of recognition for our gift.

Ego or Service... Your Choice

So how do you put that desire aside and just serve? I don't mean do what you are told, I am talking about genuine servant-hood. Christ calls us to be servants, but if we take a few moments and look honestly at our hearts, while we want to serve there is always a tension with our egos. While ego, ambition and confidence are not all bad, they are often the polar opposite of service.  And one of the truest tests of ego or service is going to be how you react when someone else has success.  Can you genuinely rejoice with them, can you celebrate their successes, or do you feel resentful or upset when someone else does good? My experience is that, if we concentrate on genuinely serving and not pursuing our ego-driven agenda, that God has a habit of raising up your ministry.  Jesus puts it this way... Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. And Peter promises, 1 Peter 5:5-6 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, So listen to this podcast and examine your heart, and ask yourself the question about your ministry.. is it about ego or service? Image by 1475341 on Pixabay

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

4- Doing Multiple Church Services Well

Multiple Church Services can be incredibly taxing, but they can also create huge blessings for you, your worship team and the whole congregation.

Multiple Church Services Should Mean Multiple Blessings!

Most often we turn to multiple church services because we cannot fit people into a single service, or because we have people who want something different from the service, and we feel it is impossible to join the different needs and cater for them in the single service. In this week's 12 minutes pod, Erick and Darin discuss the various reasons for going to 2 or more services, the pitfalls, the fallout and the blessings that you might see along the way. And trust me, there are blessings if we do this right, but there can be curses if we do it wrong! So whether your church is growing so well that you need to change the way you do church on a Sunday, or whether you have two fighting factions each of whom demands a church service to their own liking, there are potential blessings and curses along the road. The guys discuss the recent changes they have experienced in church, and how we can see those become a blessing rather than a curse for your people.

Deuteronomy 28:1-68 ESV 

“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lordyour God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. ... So listen to this week's pod and faithfully obey what the Lord is leading you into... And how do multiple services work, what times can you use, should the same worship songs or even the same sermon be used in each?  These are the pressing questions the guys answer in this week's 12 minutes for worship leaders...

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

3- Organising Your Song List the Right Way

Organising your song list might sound like a pretty dull thing to talk about on the 12 minutes for worship leader's podcast, but organising your song list correctly can be one of the most rewarding things in your ministry.

Organising Your Song List Breathes Life into Your Ministry

OK, I will admit that organising anything can be a real drama, especially for those of us who are "free-flowing musicians and singers," but even I grow tired of the disorganisation that accompanies much of our worship environment.  Put simply, we cannot have a songbook that is 3,500 pages long (not if we want to stay sane!), so we need a strategy that enables us to have a manageable song list. You cannot have your worship team wading through mountains fo song sheets trying to find the right song in the right key, 2 minutes before you take to the stage at church!  Having identifiable songs in easy to access areas is absolutely key for your worship leading, and making sure everyone has a current copy makes life so much easier.  Now, I know this stuff is far from glamorous, but this podcast is dealing with the intensely practical issues of song lists, keys, adding new songs and all the little things that can make life a bit sweeter. So this is 12 minutes on how you can transform your worship team, help them cope with new songs, old songs and everything in between, and make life and ministry a whole lot easier.  And if life is more cruisy for your worship team, trust me, it will be better for you in the long run.  Part of leadership is management, both of resources and also of people, and this podcast will go a long way towards giving you a great start as you manage your worship team. Check it our now on the all new pod right here...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

1. New Year, New Podcast

It's a New Year and we are launching a new podcast!

Some New Year Resolution, Right?

We know that so many people in our modern world have so little time, so we decided to compact our teaching and free podcast into just 12 minutes, the perfect time for you to listen on the way to work, or while you're vacuuming the floor. So rather than clogging up your new year with a long, elaborate podcast, that you struggle to finish, we've decided to ask just 12 minutes of your time,  Actually, this pod runs a little over, but the next lot of podcasts will all be 12 minutes. I mean, what else are you going to do in 12 minutes?  You could boil eggs 3 times, you can watch just under half of the evening news, or you can invest in your ministry and your life by listening to our new podcast.  You could put 12 minutes a week into bettering your gifts, serving your church and your pastor and falling in love with worship all over again. So worship leaders, this new podcast format is for you. Just 12 minutes a week, and you will be encouraged, challenged and at times amused by the wisdom and insight of two longstanding worship leaders.  Like you, we are finding that just taking a few minutes from your day can be challenging, and so a shorter, more concise but still fun and challenging podcast will definitely be better for all of us. So please, check out the new look worship leader podcast, and invest 12 minutes a week into something that will change your life and ministry.  And as always, you can email us at and give us your ideas for our 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast.  I mean, we do this for you, so please let us know what you want us to spend 12 minutes on at the start of this new year...