New Songs are not Always Better
This podcast is a funny look at those new tunes, the ones that are un... ! What do I mean by that? Well, we are talking about some of those songs certain worship leaders madly promote that are un-something, be it unscriptural, uninspiring, unbelievable or just plain unbearable. The things they talk about, the thing they focus on, the amount of ME rather than JESUS, these are all common criticisms of modern songs, but is this just a bunch of oldies hating everything and anything new, or is there really some valid concerns about the kind of music we are having in our church services. So rather than writing them all off, or blindly accepting them as cutting edge and we all have to sing them, we thought we would take a "tongue in cheek" look at the kind of new songs that are being promoted out there. This is loosely based on my experiences at a recent church convention, where I looked around at 1200 pastors and leaders of our denomination and found most pastors, especially those over the age of 30, staring straight ahead, bored or concerned about the quality of the worship. So this is not a dig about loudness, smoke, lights or anything else, we just wanted to have a look at the content of modern songs and ask the question, "Does this really promote worship?" Come on and join in the fun as we have a look at and discussion of those new worship numbers, and what we see as the problem with them. Yes, it is our opinion, but I do believe we have to, in all honesty, examine the content of the songs we share in church and use to encourage intimacy with God...
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