Song Arranging is One of the Best Parts of Leading Worship...
Arranging music is a real joy for many worship leaders, and this podcast is a great chance for Darin and Erick to share their love of song arranging. We want you to share the incredible blessing of taking a song you've heard on the internet and making it special, arranging it so that it becomes an amazing song, with highs and lows, special features and powerful vocals. You can use techniques like build-ups, silence, syncopated beats and vocal harmonies. You can repeat parts of the song, you can go up keys, you can end on a high or a low. Truly, arranging songs is one of the great joys of being a musician or a singer, and we want to share this great joy with you... And this is not something that is beyond you, and of you! If you have a creative mind, song arrangements become easy and have an infinite number of variations. If you do not see yourself as creative, you can still start to arrange songs in your own special style. Your whole band looks to you for leadership, and arranging songs is a great way to lead your team and see your congregation worship in true spirit and truth. This podcast is an awesome opportunity to learn the song arranging secrets from 2 guys who have been leading worship and producing records for decades. All is revealed in this week's 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast, and we are excited to bring this information to you and see you reach higher heights in worship as you serve the Lord.
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