Measuring engagement in your congregation is important for any worship leader.
How do you know if your worship leading is hitting the mark? If you cannot measure something, you cannot change it, and you cannot improve it, so we must not be frightened about ways to measure whether the congregation is with us, or not (as the case may be).
Measuring engagement is Essential for Improvement
So often we as worship leaders just operate with a vague notion that we are leading OK, or that things are not quite right. And surely, the truest measure of your worship leading skills and gifting has to be whether the people in your church are with you, right?
You need to measure this because otherwise, you have no idea how your people are reacting to the worship. You could be leading them well, but you could just as easily be off, doing your own thing, and leaving them behind.
You may have seen, or experienced, situations where the
worship leader describes an "amazing morning of incredible worship," and you were at the same service and you never saw this so-called incredible worship. Part of the disconnect here is that the worship leader had a great time worshipping the Lord, but the congregation stood and watched them, and experienced nothing like the same spirit of worship.
In other words, the congregation was not engaged in the service. So, if you are not measuring engagement in your congregation, how are you going to know this? You might, at best, have a vague notion that people liked it, or you might ask your friends, all of whom feel obliged to like it.
So this podcast is going to examine how you can quantify the
reaction your congregation is having to your worship leading. We must all gauge this in some way, so this is a podcast not to be missed!!!
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