Sunday, July 21, 2019

26- The Last Song of Your Worship Set... Make it the Best!

The last song of your worship set is often the most important.  It is the point to which you are leading the congregation, the culmination of leading worship in your church service.

The Last Song Should be the Best

So why is the last song so important, and how can you make it the height of worship that you long for and that your church deserves. Everything you do in your worship set should be done with the end in mind, the hope and the wonderful privilege of leading people closer to the Lord.  Ours is a  noble calling, taking people from where they are when they walk into the room, right through to an encounter with God Himself. So we need to be mindful of how we are leading worship, and especially how it all leads to the last song, the one that reaches the highest heights of worship, and prepares the way for what follows, even into the delivery of the sermon. In fact, if you get this area of your worship leading right, you can prepare the way for your pastor to share a more powerful word, and preach more effectively for the Kingdom.  So it is not an over-exaggeration to say that the final song you share in your worship set can affect people's lives. So settle back, have a coffee or tea and learn how to make the final song of your worship set the best song ever!  Apply these simple yet effective ideas, and you will find that the 12 minutes you invest right here could yield a lifetime of powerful and effective worship leading...

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