Tuesday, July 14, 2020

69- Where to From Here?

COVID, isolation, church lockdown... so where to from here?

So Where to From Here?

This is a question many of us, especially leaders in the church, are asking at the moment.  We've been through the lockdown, some of us are still there, but where do we go to from this point? And it's not just us asking this, it applies to almost every area of life right now.  We have football being played in front of cardboard cutouts, we have stores drawing lines on the floor, we have schools disrupted and online, and or course churches have been severely affected, with services online only.  At some point, pending government restrictions, we need to get our churches back, right? So how do we restart church, and what does that look like? In this pod, I reveal what the Lord has been saying to my heart for our church, and I believe it will resonate with many pastors and worship leaders around the world.  And for those of you hanging out there for life to just get back to normal, well I'm pretty sure you are going to be in for a shock. Seems like church as we knew it, and as we have known it all our lives, may be changing in some way.  People are craving community like never before, but with the rise of zoom, Facebook and the like, the chances are that things are going to transform and that the changes will be here forever, or a long time. These are the kinds of questions we look at in just 12 minutes on today's podcast, so this is definitely one that should not be missed.  As a worship leader, listen and gather ideas for your specific situation, because I believe the Lord has some real keys in this crisis that, if we discover and apply them and learn them well, we could see real revival among our communities. Enjoy today's pod with an open heart and let's move on from here in unity!


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