Friday, December 15, 2017

Pieces on Earth or Peace on Earth

And the angel known to them, “Fear not, for behold, I present you with good news of valuable joy that is going to be for your people. For unto you is born today in the town of David a Savior, who's Christ the Lord. And you will see it an indication quicker for you: you can see a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying within the manger.” And suddenly really wish in the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the very best,

and on earth peace among individuals that have whom he's pleased!”

When the angels went steer clear from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to the other, “Allow us to give an overview of to Bethlehem and see this thing which has happened, which is a situation Lord has made believed to us.”


As human beings, it appears we have no knowledge of peace in any respect!


During the last 3,400 years of human history, there have only been a reported 268 many years of peace. Within the 20th century alone greater than 105 million folks have been killed in wars, and also as we speak today men, women and kids are losing their lives in conflicts all over the planet, many of which are so mundane they cannot rate a mention in our news.


Mankind loves conflict. Just look at families! When the Bible says Peace on this planet, in any respect is it writing about?






We live in a fallen world, where truly talking often about peace but rarely obtain it. We attempt for peace, but only ever grasp at the illusion of peace, as a mirage in which the closer we get to peace, the further away it genuinely seems.


Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain visited Munich in 1938 to meet with Hitler, who was continually posturing towards war through land from surrounding countries like Czechoslovakia. He was that presented an assurance that forget about demands would be made, and he returned to Britain holding aloft the written assurance and proclaiming “Peace in your time.” A year later, the biggest and the majority of devastating war in human history erupted… Peace was never further away!


Even today Peace is illusive. My memory serves me watching the wall come down in Berlin, watching the demise of Communism and thinking, “Now we'll have peace.” The Cold War was over, but enter militant Islam and the war on terror replaces it. And here’s the joke… Islam actually means peace, but I've never seen a less peace loving crowd than Islamists!


We don’t have peace on this planet, we have pieces!  Let’a brief passage


Luke 2:14 (KJV Strong's)

Glory to God in the best, and on this planet peace, good will toward men.


The KJV, which some believe which is the simple true translation, gets this very, confusingly wrong. It shows that peace and good will is proclaimed to everyone men, but this is not the purport of the passage.


Luke 2:14 (ESV Strong's)

“Glory to God in the best, and across the world peace among people who have whom he's pleased!”


This passage is proclaiming peace to people who have whom He (God) looks great pleased. The peace which the angels offer isn’t for everybody, it is just for those with whom God is please, anyone who has received Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Saviour.


We live in an evil world, controlled by evil people, as a result there cannot and are not going to be Peace on this planet for those men until Jesus returns.


When these words were spoken from the angels to the shepherds, Roman Peace (Pax Romana) were valid since 27 BC. Previous to this, the Romans had invaded countries, slaughtered some people, enslaved the rest and declared peace! But the lack of war doesn't guarantee peace.


The Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, “While emperor may give peace from war on land and sea, he has trouble to present peace from passion, grief, and envy. He cannot give peace of heart for which man yearns greater than even for outward peace.”


The Jewish word shalom (peace) means much over a truce within the battles of life. It implies well-being, health, prosperity, security, soundness, and completeness. It requires to do more with character than circumstances, and it is study about inner peace than the absence of external conflict. Life at the moment was difficult, just as it is today. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, morals were slipping lower, plus the military state was in control. Roman law, Greek philosophy, and also Jewish religion could not meet the requirements of men’s hearts. So, God sent His Son!




Take a look at our society today. There may be war across the globe, fact is that there is war here in our society as well.


We face a war against morality, where militant gay activists have just won a battle. It’s a war from the sexes, it’may be a war against our children. There’s no peace here. Many of us who hold to God’s view of marriage plus the family are attacked constantly, but even among the LGBT community, there has to be peace?


In accordance with their very own figures, and even with the use of the media totally on their side, gay young people are 5 times almost certainly going to attempt suicide, and transgenders are 11 times more likely. Almost 50 % transgenders attempt suicide, whether or not they to get the transition or possibly not, so you can not have let me know that these kinds of folk have peace on earth. They proclaim their sexual freedom, but inside they are torn to pieces by conflict, guilt and shame.


Families are torn apart more than before… that’s not Peace across the world is it? Unions and employers bicker, husbands and wife’s fight, kids and oldsters argue… there isn't any peace in our society, even at Christmas!


And Advertising screams at us all the time, “Buy this, have this, do this,” but none of they provide a feeling of peace that lasts. You could really have essentially the most wonderful holiday, and you ve kept to come home to reality, right?


The best way to inner peace just isn't demanding and getting your own way! Certainly one of life’s great paradoxes is that an increasing number you fight, the more consistently you claw and scratch, the more you demand, the less peace you get.


Isaiah 48:22 (ESV)

“There is no such thing as a peace,” says the Lord, “for your wicked.”


With no God, should you not know Jesus, there isn't any peace! I didn’t say it, God says it. And if you look around at society this Christmas, you can make sure it is 100% true.


But Paul writes this…


Romans 5:1 (ESV)

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


True peace, peace with God, and peace within ourselves. That’s what the angels proclaimed at the primary Christmas… Choose the promised child and you'll discover true peace. Look at the thing that was predicted for the birth of Jesus…


Isaiah 9:6 (KJV Strong's)


For unto us a toddler has been born, unto us a son is given: and the federal government ought to be upon his shoulder:

amazing name must be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,

The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


There’s that word again… Peace! In a world full of conflict, stuffed with fear for ourselves, our nation, our futures, our country’s morals, our finances, our families, on a planet stuffed with selfishness and sin and fear, we you'll find peace. This Christmas, you may experience true peace, inner peace, lasting peace.





Life is full of worries and anxieties. As Christmas approaches, do you feel anxious? Worried about finances, concerned with family interaction, concerned with being alone this Christmas?


People fear numerous things. When that is focussed and irrational, we it is known as a phobia. And phobias come in bewildering variety…


Xanthophobia- fear of the colour yellow

Turophobia- fear of cheese

Omphalophobia- fear of bellybuttons

Pogonophobia- fear of beards

Frigatriskaideaphobia- fear of long words (ironic)

Papa phobia- fear no matter the pope

Hylophobia- fear of trees and woods

Coulrophobia- fear of clowns (I feel we will all deal with that), and here’s a contemporary one…

Nomophobia- fear of getting without cell phone coverage, and professional on this field say, the bulk the individuals in your country suffer the pain of this!


Some of you here fear a surprisingly large number of things as Christmas approaches.  Who among us lacks financial fear, worried that we all have enough money to really enjoy Christmas and aqcuire presents for the children or grandkids. Many have anxiety about acquiring the family together plus the inevitable conflicts.


John 14:27 (ESV Strong's)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I share with you. Not as on earth gives do I offer to you. Let not your hearts worry, neither allow them to be afraid.




You won’t find peace on this planet in this world. Politicians cannot debate and provides us peace, lawmakers cannot legislate Peace. Pop stars can’t provide it to you personally by songs, actors cannot fool you involved with it, and also religion can’t create peace in your world (even when it calls itself peace although it’s blowing you up!).


Only Jesus, only a hurtful relationship with Him, only having His Holy Spirit living within you can give you peace. So let’s consider looking at among the anxieties you face this Christmas, and never what I use the phrase about peace, but what exactly Jesus brings you early today…




In case you are worried about finances this Christmas, and I number myself among these, then Jesus knows and understands.  We worry so much about acquiring and experiencing the things of this planet, but worry is like a rocking horse… it keeps your mind occupied, nevertheless you don’t actually get anywhere.


Matthew 6:25-27 (ESV Strong's)

“Therefore I inform you, do not be concerned of your life, what you may will eat or what you may will drink, nor of your body, whatever you will put on. Is just not life greater than food, and the entire body more than clothing? Look at the birds whatever the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, but without doubt your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which persons by being anxious will add one single hour to his span of life?


Stop, look at your life right now. Can you add even just one hour to it by worrying? Nope, nobody can.  But I have realized a great key towards stopping worry and anxiety about money and other things in my life. And I’m not even that clever, because a few verses later, Jesus tells us the reply…


Matthew 6:31-33 (ESV Strong's)

Therefore don't be troubled, saying, ‘What we could eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What lets wear?’ When it comes to the Gentiles seek in spite of everything these items, plus your heavenly Father knows that you want them all. But seek first the kingdom of God brilliant righteousness, and all these things will be added onto you.


This is a Christian paradox that I have proven true again and again… in the event you bother about, obsess about and strive for the cash, things, clothes and food, they appear to elude you. Should you seek first His Kingdom, if you decide on your mind on loving and approaching to God, this stuff seem to come along almost miraculously. And in the event that they don’t, you don’t care since you tend to be more focusing on God!


Paul wrote


Philippians 4:11-12 (ESV Strong's)

I am not saying I am these are being around need, for I got to know in whatever situation I am it really does not have to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I already know how to abound. In different and each circumstance, I got to know the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.


You could have peace the world over, true peace the world over and contentment whether you have a lot or a little this Christmas!




For all those worrying about family conflict, whichever is arrayed against you, you can have peace in the midst of all that conflict. Don't fear this Christmas, but listen to precisely what the Lord says about conflict…


2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV Strong's)

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


A sound mind is self control. How lots of you be aware that, whenever the family gets together, it merely requires one misplaced word and things escalate from there. Listen, some of you have to learn the power of shutting your mouth. The power of holding your tongue, regardless of how offended you could be!


It doesn't matter what other people saying who you love, you can choose to stay silent and not escalate the situation. This Christmas, if you are worried about conflict, try being self controlled and remaining silent. Let them rant and rage… if you concentrate on Christ you can be an island of peace this is definitely a lot of stressed conflict!





Every Christmas many of you feel overlooked. Overlooked by family, maybe kids who have their own family. A few of you're coping with broken families, separation, and some persons here just feel desperately, desperately lonely, especially at Christmas time.


Psalms 68:5-6 (NIV-WS)

A parent beyond just the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in her holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads to get prisoners with singing; however the rebellious have a home in a sun-scorched land.


If you feel lonely and overlooked this Christmas, defenderless, fatherless, lonely, do not forget that, whatever your family situation, have the ear of a church family who loves you, the following at Ignite.


Please don’t be consumed with worry and loneliness this Christmas. You are required, and you will not be overlooked forever.  God says,


1 Peter 5:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God in order that at the correct time he might exalt you, casting all of your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.


So today, if you're lonely or overlooked, don’t look at those around you, search for at He who gave His life simpler for you! And cast your anxieties on Him.




Hurt people hurt people, and if you are in pain, or near a person, likelihood is you’ve been lured to or have already blamed God and attacked others around you.  I’ve seen people battling health issues, or coping with separation and broken relationships, blame God, when it is His expressed yearning to prosper you, to not harm you, to offer an additional plus a hope.


Pain, hurt, sickness and separation aren't God’s fault. The devil and man’s sinful nature take care of all of the evil and pain you notice around you. Sometimes God allows this if it affects, but He always it provides a greater have plans to build your life plus your character.


Though this Christmas, how are you going to find peace across the world, even just in physical or psychological pain?


Psalms 34:18-19 (ESV Strong's)

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

The majority are the afflictions whatever the righteous, however the Lord delivers him out of which all.


Turn to Jesus this Christmas and allow Him to save your crushed spirit. Though you might have many afflictions, God might be relied upon to produce prohibit you from all of these, so you will have perfect peace even in pain and suffering this Christmas. Trust Him, and see your eyes off the discomfort!






Us only ever feel fear once we think of Christmas, not peace the world over!  Sometimes we are overwhelmed by worry, and we're not even sure what it is that’s causing it!


When Franklin D Roosevelt came to power in 1933, he faced the depths no matter what the Great Depression. In inaugural speech, he explained these words… “the single thing we should fear is fear itself,” and this is now the same nature no matter what the fears and anxiety that plagues us this and each Christmas.


Psalms 91:5-7 (ESV Strong's)

You won't fear the phobia of the dark, nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

A thousand may fall at your side, 10000 at the right hand, but it won't come near you.


When you appear like you might be afraid of almost everything, perhaps’re not even sure why you fear, then you should come prior to a Lord in prayer and ask for Him to beat the fears and anxieties and surround just peace on earth…




Peace the world over is really as elusive on our behalf to find directly at heads while it is to see it to be out there within the world. It is chasing a rainbow… if there’could be a pot of gold in the end no matter the rainbow, the closer you get, the further it appears to be away.


So this Christmas, how are you going to find perfect peace regardless of what the winter holiday brings?


Picture this… it’s after midnight, you might be worry about tomorrow’s troubles, you may’t sleep. You are trying to still your mind, nevertheless it races at 100 miles an hour.


Does that ever happen to you?  You know that 90% of whatever you bother about never even occurs, but you cannot tell the mind that, right?


1.      PRAY


Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

do not be anxious about anything, yet in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made regarded by God. And of course the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts along with your minds in Christ Jesus.


So 1st step is to hope, if you end up worried and anxious, bring your eyes off of the circumstances and put them firmly in Jesus. Praying is exactly actually talking to God, but once you begin to hope, when you confess your worries (because in spite of everything, they're sin), and when you hand the whole situation approximately God, you'll be able to experience perfect peace flooding your soul.


2.      READ


The following verse in Philippians demonstrates the steps to to acquire this perfect peace. It’s not by watching TV, it’s not if you take medication.  The peace that truly guards your hearts and minds and protects you against worry and anxiety…


Philippians 4:8 (ESV Strong's)

Finally, brothers, anything that is true, anything that is honourable, anything that is just, everything that is pure, anything that is lovely, whichever is commendable, if there happen to be any excellence, if there is anything merit praise, take into consideration these things.


In the event you read His Word, should you meditate on all of those things. You start to think about what it says. Then you definitely take your eyes over the circumstances and position them on Christ, and you will experience peace. Reading the Bible daily slowly but surely changes how you think that, speak and behave. Having Scripture in the heart guards it against attack, and allows peace to settle.


It sets the mind on God, and as you you transform your eyes upon Him, everything who you love grows strangely dim.


Isaiah 26:3 (ESV Strong's)

You retain him in perfect peace whose thoughts are stayed on you, because he trusts in you.


How will you trust someone you do not know? If some guy in the street asks me for $50, I’m likely to say no. If my spouse asks me, I’m likely, indeed compelled to say yes. What’s what i mean? One I do know and trust, the other is unknown.


Read God’s Word and spend time with Him, and peace will flow through you this Christmas.




Once we join our hearts together, there's a supernatural strength. That is what Church is about. It’s not about singing, preaching or raising money, it is focused on worshipping together and supporting one another.


People often advice me, “I like Jesus but hate Church.” I understand this , but they also are forgetting on a rate of faith and peace you simply cannot find by yourself. God made us to get His body, joined together. So this Christmas, don’t hate Church, just find the best possible because your peace will be increased should you do.



People often think Church is focused on a lovely experience, and large churches have lights, smoke machines and first class entertainment. You goes to, sneak out afterwards and avoid having to do anything. However the status quo’s Christian entertainment, folks, not Church. Church is about being connected, not being a person!


But exactly what many people today actually need is not a fascinating time , they should get a group of believers who stand with them. The believer is inspired to put on the complete armour of God…


Ephesians 6:16 (ESV Strong's)

In all of the circumstances require the shield of religion, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts no matter what the evil one;


The shield Paul has take into consideration this is definitely Roman shield, that's not used singly but with other soldiers, forming a wall of shields. Your faith can protect you a little if you end up isolated and by yourself, but when joined with others in the people of god you have some serious defense against the enemies flaming darts.





So this Christmas, on the earth cannot give you peace across the world, but God can. You may allow peace the world over which passes understanding guard your heart and one's mind right now.


But you should understand this… The peace of God is a present; it isn't something we can manipulate and it’s not something we can preorder from a listing or a web site, because it's you can of is one with Him.  It is the result of disengaging and letting God control and concern yourself with what is happening in your life.


When our relationship with Jesus is robust and adversity strikes, we do not have to crumble or give up to worry and anxiety. We can pick, and find it is a choice, we can pick to reside in the steadfast and clear confidence of His love, His wisdom, His power, and His provision.


Here is the basis of His unshakable peace on this planet—not that we able to do to your house controlling circumstances, however the status quo His help is ever-present and perfect to produce us in almost any challenge we face. True peace is inner peace with God, whatever the circumstances, and also in war we may be at peace.


So this Christmas, let not your heart be troubled. Allow peace of God flood your life.


In case you are dreading something about this particular Christmas, when you've got fear, anxiety, worry or anything else, this applies to you moment to have us stand together with you and pray for peace on earth to individuals that have whom He is pleased.


But if you don’t think God is satisfied with you, if you don’t know Him or when you've got been running from Him, or ignoring a Him, then we have to solve that first.  If you're removed from God, or have not asked Him inside of life, this have you noticed your moment

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Peace on Earth, or pieces on earth?

And to discover the angel thought to them, “Fear not, for behold, I provide you with excellent news of wonderful joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born at the present time in the city of David a Savior, who's Christ the Lord. And this is going to be a sign simpler for you: you can see an infant wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying inside a manger.” And suddenly there arised with the angel a lot of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the best,

and on earth peace among individuals that have whom he is pleased!”

In the event the angels went prevent them into heaven, the shepherds said one to the other, “Allow us to reassess to Bethlehem and then determine this thing which has happened, how the Lord has made recognized by us.”


As people in general, it seems like we don't have a clue about peace at all!


Within the last 3,400 a lot human history, there have only been a reported 268 a lot peace. Within the 20th century alone greater than 105 million many people have been killed in wars, and even just as we speak today men, women and youngsters are losing their lives in conflicts all over the planet, lots of which are so mundane they fail to rate a mention in our news.


Mankind loves conflict. Just take a look at families! In the event the Bible says Peace across the world, whatsoever is it talking about?






We are now living in a fallen world, where truly talking often about peace but never obtain it. We strive for peace, but only ever grasp at the illusion of peace, such as a mirage exactly where the closer we get to peace, the further away it really seems.


Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain visited Munich in 1938 to meet with Hitler, who was continually posturing towards war by having land from surrounding countries like Czechoslovakia. He was presented with an assurance that eliminate demands can be made, and he returned to Britain holding aloft the written assurance and proclaiming “Peace in our own time.” Per annum later, the biggest and the majority of devastating war in human history erupted… Peace was never further away!


Even today Peace is illusive. I recall watching the wall cool off in Berlin, having the demise of Communism and thinking, “Now we'll have peace.” The Cold War was over, but enter militant Islam and the war on terror replaces it. And here’s the joke… Islam actually means peace, but I've never seen a less peace loving crowd than Islamists!


We don’t have peace on earth, we now have pieces!  Let’looking at passage


Luke 2:14 (KJV Strong's)

Glory to God in the highest, and across the world peace, good will toward men.


The KJV, which some believe is the true translation, gets this very, confusingly wrong. It shows that peace and good will is proclaimed to everyone men, but this isn't the interpretation of the passage.


Luke 2:14 (ESV Strong's)

“Glory to God in the highest, and the world over peace among people having whom he's pleased!”


This passage is proclaiming peace to people having whom He (God) looks good pleased. The peace that the angels offer isn’t for everybody, it's only for those with whom God is please, individuals who have received Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Saviour.


We live in an evil world, controlled by evil people, as a result there cannot and won't be Peace the world over for those men until Jesus returns.


When these words were spoken via the angels to the shepherds, Roman Peace (Pax Romana) were ultimately since 27 BC. Prior to this, the Romans had invaded countries, slaughtered a number of people, enslaved the remaining and declared peace! But the lack of war doesn't guarantee peace.


The Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, “While emperor offers peace from war on land and sea, he has difficulty to present peace from passion, grief, and envy. He cannot give peace of heart for which man yearns greater than even for outward peace.”


The Jewish word shalom (peace) means much over a truce within the battles of life. It indicates well-being, health, prosperity, security, soundness, and completeness. It has to do more with character than circumstances, and it is study about inner peace than the absence of external conflict. Life right now was difficult, just as it's today. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, morals were slipping lower, and the military state was in control. Roman law, Greek philosophy, and even Jewish religion couldn't meet the requirements of men’s hearts. So, God sent His Son!




Have a look at our society today. There is war around the world, fact is that there is war here nowadays as well.


We happen to face a war against morality, where militant gay activists have just won a battle. It’s a war contrary to the sexes, it’can be a war against our children. There’s no peace here. Lots of people who hold to God’s view of marriage and to discover the family are attacked constantly, but even among the LGBT community, can there be peace?


Based on their very own figures, and in spite of tv and internet totally on their team, gay youngsters are half a dozen times more prone to attempt suicide, and transgenders are 11 times more likely. Almost half of transgenders attempt suicide, whether or not they to get the transition or otherwise, so you cannot tell me that these kinds of folk have peace on earth. They proclaim their sexual freedom, but inside they are torn to pieces by conflict, guilt and shame.


Families are torn apart more than ever before… that’s not Peace on this planet might it be? Unions and employers bicker, husbands and wife’s fight, kids and parents argue… there isn't a peace in our society, even at Christmas!


And Advertising screams at us all the time, “Buy this, get this, do that,” but none of it emits a sense peace that lasts. You could really have probably the most wonderful holiday, and you ve still got to come home to reality, right?


The way to inner peace is not demanding and getting your own way! One among life’s great paradoxes is that more you fight, the better you claw and scratch, the more consistently you demand, the less peace you get.


Isaiah 48:22 (ESV)

“There is no such thing as a peace,” says the Lord, “regarding the wicked.”


Without any God, in case you don't know Jesus, there isn't any peace! I didn’t say it, God says it. So if you go searching at this world this Christmas, you'll be able to verify that it's 100% true.


But Paul writes this…


Romans 5:1 (ESV)

Therefore, since we've actually been justified by faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


True peace, peace with God, and peace within ourselves. That’s what are the angels proclaimed at the primary Christmas… Choose the promised child and you can see true peace. Look at what has been predicted regarding the birth of Jesus…


Isaiah 9:6 (KJV Strong's)


For unto us a toddler has been born, unto us a son is given: and the federal government needs to be upon his shoulder:

and the name must be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,

The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


There’s that word again… Peace! In a world full of conflict, full of fear for ourselves, our nation, our futures, our country’s morals, our finances, our families, on a planet full of selfishness and sin and fear, we you could find peace. This Christmas, you possibly can experience true peace, inner peace, lasting peace.





Life is filled with worries and anxieties. As Christmas approaches, do you are feeling anxious? Worried about finances, worry about family interaction, worry about being alone this Christmas?


People fear lots of things. When that is focussed and irrational, we refer to it as a phobia. And phobias are available in bewildering variety…


Xanthophobia- fear of the color yellow

Turophobia- fear of cheese

Omphalophobia- fear of bellybuttons

Pogonophobia- fear of beards

Frigatriskaideaphobia- fear of long words (ironic)

Papa phobia- fear whatever the pope

Hylophobia- fear of trees and woods

Coulrophobia- fear of clowns (I think we are able to all deal with that), and here’s a contemporary one…

Nomophobia- fear to becoming without cell phone coverage, and experts say, the bulk the individuals in our country are affected by this!


A few of you here fear a surprisingly large number of things as Christmas approaches.  Who among us does not have financial fear, worried we simply have the funds for to enjoy Christmas and make presents for the children or grandkids. Many have anxiety about finding the family together plus the inevitable conflicts.


John 14:27 (ESV Strong's)

Peace I leave along with you; my peace I share with you. Not like on the earth gives do I share with you. Let not your hearts be anxious, neither allow them to be afraid.




You won’t find peace the world over in this world. Politicians cannot debate and provides us peace, lawmakers cannot legislate Peace. Pop stars can’t give it for your requirements by songs, actors cannot fool you with it, in addition to religion can’t create peace in your world (even if it calls itself peace although it’s blowing you up!).


Only Jesus, only a possitive correlation with Him, only having His Holy Spirit living within you can provide you peace. So let’s consider looking at a few of the anxieties you face this Christmas, and never what I use the phrase about peace, but what Jesus gives you early today…




If you're worried about finances this Christmas, and I number myself among these, then Jesus knows and understands.  We worry so much about acquiring and enjoying the things of this planet, but worry is sort of a rocking horse… it keeps the brain occupied, nevertheless you don’t actually get anywhere.


Matthew 6:25-27 (ESV Strong's)

“Therefore I let you know, don't be concerned regarding your life, whatever you will eat or what you may will drink, nor about your body, the things you will put on. Is not life greater than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds whatever the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, but without doubt your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you when you are anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?


Stop, look at your life right now. Can you add even just one hour with it by worrying? Nope, nobody can.  But I have discovered an incredible key towards stopping worry and anxiety about money and other things in my life. And I’m not even that clever, as a few verses later, Jesus tells us the reply…


Matthew 6:31-33 (ESV Strong's)

Therefore don't be troubled, saying, ‘What lets eat?’ or ‘What lets drink?’ or ‘What we could wear?’ When it comes to the Gentiles seek in spite of everything this stuff, and also your heavenly Father knows that you ll require them all. But seek first the dominion of God and the righteousness, and all these items will probably be added to you.


It is a Christian paradox that I testified true persistently… in the event you be worried about, obsess about and desire for the money, things, clothes and food, they appear to elude you. Should you seek first His Kingdom, if you set the mind on loving and forthcoming to God, these items seem to come along almost miraculously. And if they don’t, you don’t care since you are more focusing on God!


Paul wrote


Philippians 4:11-12 (ESV Strong's)

Not that I am with regards to being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I'm it doesn't need to be content. I already know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In a and each circumstance, I got to know the key of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.


You will have peace on earth, true peace the world over and contentment whether you have huge amounts or slightly this Christmas!




For those worrying about family conflict, whatever is arrayed the wrong way, you could have peace in the midst of the only thing that conflict. Don't fear this Christmas, but take heed to what the Lord says about conflict…


2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV Strong's)

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power with a lot of love and self-control.


A sound thoughts are self control. How many of you be aware that, as soon as the family gets together, it only takes one misplaced word and things escalate from there. Listen, a few of you need to get the power of shutting your mouth. The power of holding your tongue, no matter how offended there is a chance that you are!


No matter what others are saying who you love, you can pick to stay silent and not escalate the situation. This Christmas, in case you are worry about conflict, try being self controlled and remaining silent. Let them rant and rage… if you concentrate on Christ you will be an island of peace is a a lot of stressed conflict!





Every Christmas lots of you feel overlooked. Overlooked by family, maybe kids who have family. Some of you are dealing with broken families, separation, and some persons here just feel desperately, desperately lonely, especially at Christmas time.


Psalms 68:5-6 (NIV-WS)

A father as well as the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, he leads for getting prisoners with singing; however the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.


If you feel lonely and overlooked this Christmas, defenderless, fatherless, lonely, remember that, whatever your loved ones situation, you have a church family who loves you, this situation at Ignite.


Please don’t be consumed with worry and loneliness this Christmas. You are required, and you'll not be overlooked forever.  God says,


1 Peter 5:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

Humble yourselves, therefore, by the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.


So today, in case you are lonely or overlooked, don’t look at those around you, lookup at He who gave His life quicker for you! And cast your anxieties on Him.




Hurt people hurt people, and if you are in pain, or near any person who is, chances are you’ve been influenced to or have blamed God and attacked others around you.  I’ve seen people battling health problems which can affect our lives, or coping with separation and broken relationships, blame God, when it is His expressed desire to prosper you, not to harm you, to offer another as well as a hope.


Pain, hurt, sickness and separation are not God’s fault. The devil and man’s sinful nature are in charge of all the evil and pain you see around you. Sometimes God allows this to occur, but He always it features a greater intend to construct your life and also your character.


Though this Christmas, how can you find peace on earth, even just in physical or psychological pain?


Psalms 34:18-19 (ESV Strong's)

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.


Turn to Jesus this Christmas and allow Him to save your crushed spirit. Though you might have many afflictions, God could be relied upon to offer stop you from each of them, so you can have perfect peace even within pain and suffering this Christmas. Trust Him, and see your eyes off the discomfort!






Some individuals only ever feel fear once we consider Christmas, not peace on this planet!  Sometimes we are overwhelmed by worry, and we aren't even sure exactly what it is that’s causing it!


When Franklin D Roosevelt discovered power in 1933, he faced the depths of the Great Depression. In her inaugural speech, he said these words… “that being said the only thing we should fear is fear itself,” and that is the very nature no matter the fears and anxiety that plagues us this and each Christmas.


Psalms 91:5-7 (ESV Strong's)

You will not fear the terror of the twighlight, nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

One thousand may fall by your side, ten thousand at your own right hand, but it will certainly not come near you.


If you appear like you're afraid of just about everything, perhaps you’re not even sure why you fear, then you have to come just before the Lord in prayer and ask Him to beat the fears and anxieties and surround only the peace on earth…




Peace on this planet can be as elusive for those to seek out directly at heads as it is to find that it is out there within the world. It looks like chasing a rainbow… assuming there’can be a pot of gold by the end no matter what the rainbow, the closer you will have, the further it seems to be away.


So this Christmas, how can you find perfect peace whenever there is a serious christmas brings?


Picture this… it’s late at night, you're concerned about tomorrow’s troubles, you possibly can’t sleep. You are attempting to still the mind, however it races at 100 miles an hour.


Does that ever happen to your account?  You know that 90% of whatever you concern yourself with never even occurs, but you can't tell the mind that, right?


1.      PRAY


Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

do not be troubled about anything, however in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made believed to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts plus your minds in Christ Jesus.


So step 1 is to wish, when you are worried and anxious, consider taking your eyes off the circumstances and put them firmly in Jesus. Praying is merely speaking with God, but at first to pray, if you confess your worries (because in any case, they are sin), and the moment you hand the whole situation as much as God, you can experience perfect peace flooding your soul.


2.      READ


The very next verse in Philippians shows you how to obtain this perfect peace. It’s not by watching TV, it’s not by taking medication.  The peace that truly guards your hearts and minds and protects you in opposition of worry and anxiety…


Philippians 4:8 (ESV Strong's)

Finally, brothers, whichever is true, anything that is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whichever is lovely, everything that is commendable, in case there is any excellence, if there is anything merit praise, take into consideration these things.


If you read His Word, when you meditate on all the things. You start to think about what it says. Then you definately bring your eyes off the circumstances and put them on Christ, and you will experience peace. Reading the Bible every day slowly but surely changes how you're thinking that, speak and behave. Having Scripture in the heart guards it against attack, and allows peace to settle.


It sets the brain on God, and as you you develop eyes upon Him, everything near you grows strangely dim.


Isaiah 26:3 (ESV Strong's)

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.


How can you trust someone you have no idea? If some guy in the street asks me for $50, I’m more likely to say no. If my other half asks me, I’m likely, indeed compelled to say yes. What’s the distinction? One I do know and trust, the other is unknown.


Read God’s Word and chat with Him, and peace will flow through you this Christmas.




When we join the circulation together, there is a supernatural strength. That is what Church is about. It’s not about singing, preaching or raising money, it is focused on worshipping together and supporting one another.


People often advice me, “I really like Jesus but hate Church.” I understand this , but they are forgetting on a rate of faith and peace you simply cannot find by yourself. God made us to become His body, joined together. So this Christmas, don’t hate Church, just find the correct because your peace shall be increased if you do.



People often think Church concerns a fascinating time, and huge churches have lights, smoke machines and top class entertainment. You participates, sneak out afterwards and not have to do anything. Though it’s Christian entertainment, folks, not Church. Church is focused on being connected, not being unit!


But exactly what nearly all people today really want just isn't a great experience , they should get a breed of believers who stand with them. The believer is encouraged to placed on the full armour of God…


Ephesians 6:16 (ESV Strong's)

In every circumstances require the shield of faith, with which you'll extinguish all the flaming darts no matter the evil one;


The shield Paul has in mind this is definitely Roman shield, which has been not used by itself but with other soldiers, forming a wall of shields. Your faith can protect you somewhat if you find yourself isolated and by yourself, but when joined web-sites in the church you have a lot of serious protection against the enemies flaming darts.





So this Christmas, on the earth cannot offer you peace on earth, but God can. You may let the peace on this planet which passes understanding guard your heart and the mind right now.


But you have to understand this… The peace of God is a present; it is not something we can manipulate and this’s not something we can preorder from a list or an internet site, because it's you should of could constitute one with Him.  It's the result of disengaging and letting God control and worry about what is going on within your life.


When our relationship with Jesus is powerful and adversity strikes, we are not obliged to crumble or give in to worry and anxiety. We can pick, and notice that it is just one choice, we may choose to have a home in the steadfast and strong confidence of His love, His wisdom, His power, and His provision.


This is the basis of His unshakable peace across the world—not which we able to do to your house controlling circumstances, but that His assistance is ever-present and perfect to offer us in nearly every challenge we face. True peace is inner peace with God, regardless of the circumstances, and also in war we can be at peace.


So this Christmas, let not your heart be troubled. Let the peace of God flood your life.


In case you are dreading something about this particular Christmas, when you've got fear, anxiety, worry or anything else, you moment to obtain us stand along with you and pray for peace across the world to people who have whom He is pleased.


However if you simply don’t think God is delighted with you, when you don’t know Him or in case you have been running from Him, or ignoring a Him, then we have to solve that first.  If you're far from God, or have never asked Him within your life, this will be your moment

Monday, November 27, 2017

Lessons from the Lamps 4- False Prophecy

False prophecy is alive and well today! I want to continue the series I have been doing looking at the seven churches in the book of Revelation. So far we’ve seen Christ address Ephesus where He talked about losing your first love, Smyrna where He ...

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Potter and the Clay - Shaped for the Future

The potter and the clay is the story of being shaped by the master potter for the future.  One of the things I notice when you’re as old as I am is that no one asks me what I want to be when I grow up. When you get on in years, people judge you on...

You, Life, God and a Few Other Important Things- Ps Keith Heale

Pastor Keith shares on You, your Life, God and a Few Other Important Things, bringing his humour and fun perspective to many of the big questions of life that we face.  A wonderful message not to be missed...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Lessons from the Lamps- Little Compromises

Little Compromises is what we are looking at today. We’ve been looking at the seven churches Jesus addresses in Revelation, and so far we have looked at Ephesus and Smyrna. The next church in our series is a town called Pergamum. These three...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lessons from the Lamps 2- Persecution and Poverty

Persecution and poverty are the subjects of the next church message we are looking at.  I am sharing a series on the 7 churches Jesus prophesies to in the first few chapters of the book of Revelation. The other week we saw a very successful, busy an...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Truth about Fasting- Lynn Preece

Learn the truth about Biblical fasting, and the incredible health benefits of fasting.  In this amazing message, Nutritional Therapist Lynn Preece explores the basis for fasting, the benefits of fasting and the way every one of us can begin to make ...

Ignite Christian Church- New Name, New Vision

Today is a major day in the history of this church. It is a day of fresh beginnings, it is a day of fresh vision. As you can see, the stage is different, no longer black and dull because we have added a little colour. It is also the day when we l...

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Truth about Visual Stress and Your Child

Stress at school can be found in a variety of kinds.  As a Behavioural Optometrist, I desire to take a look at specifically what visual tension at school can do to your kid, and how you can lower this and thereby increase their school results, vision and love of life.

Visual Stress at School Affects Kids

Stress at school is a big aspect of numerous students lives, whether they remain in the very first grade or the 12th grade. The method a kid handles the different sources of stress in the classroom can have a huge bearing on the performance and their overall lifestyle.And that is where visual stress at school becomes increasingly important.

With vision being the dominant sense in the classroom, with approximately 80%of all information coming in through the eye gate, tension on a visual system permeates every aspect of school life. So exactly what is this tension, what result can have on your kid, and most notably, how can you minimize it?

Visual Stress and Learning

As a child finds out, increased visual stress can have a major effect on their performance. If they have difficulty sustaining their focus or eye teaming on their books or computer screen for an extended period of time, they experience visual stress.

This suggests they face a choice ...

1. They can do the work and try their hardest, resulting in visual tension symptoms such as aching eyes, exhausted eyes, headaches or irritability.

2. They can aim to do the work however lose concentration quickly, leading to decreased efficiency, decreased marks and loads of daydreaming

3. they can continue to strive, but find a way to adjust to the visual stressthey are placed under. This adjustment is typically in the form of jeopardizing their range vision.

Visual Stress and Eye Strain

Visual stress can result in eyestrain in various types, such as headaches, exhausted eyes, soreeyes and even behaviour modifications such as irritation or disappointment. Considered that none of these symptoms are really preferable, kids dealing with continual visual stress at school can typically resort to the next 2 modifications ...

Visual Stress and Poor Concentration

without a doubt the most common sign that I view as a behavioural eye doctor amongst trainees of any age suffering from visual tension is decreased concentration spans. This implies that holding their concentrate on close things like computer screens or books is so challenging, they choose to avoid the job.

The majority of kids with finding out issues struggle with this type of visual tension in some type, and the fantastic news is that it is quickly dealt with.

Visual Stress and Short Sightedness

Progressively one of the most typical adjustments to visual stress in school is to go shortsighted. When children go shortsighted, they jeopardize their range vision and lock the focus on close things in an effort to reduce the visual stress involved in that task.When a well-meaning eye doctor occurs and prescribes distance classes, since the range is blurry, what takes place is that they start the child on a downhill cycle, with the range prescription typically increasing each and every single year. Across the world, shortsightedness is being called the myopia epidemic, since it is set to increase almost 200 %in a 10 year period.

How to Deal with Visual Stress in School?

The terrific news is that we can handle visual tension among school students quickly and successfully. Using unique lenses such as bifocal or assistance reading lenses, we have been able to improve kids concentration, reduced discomfort symptoms such as aching eyes and headaches and most importantly , massively decrease the slide into shortsightedness that lots of kids are experiencing.

This indicates that with the ideal kind of reading lens, kids can continue to use technology such as iPads and phones as well is checking out and doing research whilst reducing the threat that they will end up being depending on full-time classes for range wear.In addition, the best kind of eye exercises can likewise be really reliable in lowering the amount of visual stress of kid experiences in the classroom.

In my practice, I have actually been using vision therapy to successfully deal with learning issues, eyestrain and even to decrease the growth and sometimes even reverse shortsightedness.So instead of let your kid suffer visual tension at school, see a behavioural optometrist and get a fresh perspective on how you can increase their performance, reduce their pain and irritability and safeguard the rise long into the future, the matter how hard they study and how much innovation they delight in!

Visual stress at school can be reduced and its results minimised if you deal with a behavioural eye doctor is committed to assisting kids.

Monday, October 2, 2017

How to Lead worship for the First Time

You might consider that learning how to lead worship is a simplething, but it is in facta lot harder to do than most people believe. Nevertheless leading worship is one of the great responsibilities in the church, and one that can result in a huge blessing to your church and yourself.

When you lead worship for the first time, consider these things...

1. Song Choice:

The primary thing to consider is your choice of songs. Picking songs that are singable and that your people recognize and like is a good start. Deciding on songs that you love but your people do not know is one of many classic mistakes of worship leaders.

2. Key Choice

Learning how to lead worship efficiently relies next on selecting songs that are in a related key.  If songs are in the matching key, your band or worship band can simply move from one to the next.  If they are not in a similar key, they should be in keys that allow movement from one song to the next in a way that is smart.  Avoid convoluted keys that are complicated to move to.

3. Song Arrangements

Arranging songs is one of the magnificent keys of  learning how to lead worship for the first time. If you're are uncertain of the right way to assemble songs, ask your team and if you do not know, consider some youtube clips and find out a few ideas.

4. Have some Cool ideas

It's continually wonderful to put in a number of surprises, like going up a key or repeating an earlier song as a reprise.  Letting your imagination fly is one of the fantastic joys of leading worship in church.

5. Do Not Neglect Hymns

You could imagine that old hymns are old school, but if you prepare them in a modern way, they can be fantastic additions to the first time worship leader.  Many folks, old and young, love these old songs, and giving them a new twist can lead them to be the highlight of your worship leading. 

You Can Find out How to Lead Worship for the First Time  

You may be inexperienced, but if you get the correct teaching you can make a gigantic impact even if you are learning how to lead worship for the first time.  Get the right training, enjoy the experience and have confidence in God to pull it all together and create your heart felt effort into a sacrifice worthy of the Lord!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Learn the Top Worship Leading Tips and Hacks

Learning top worship leading tips and hacks can make a world of difference for many worship leaders around the world.

And there are definite things you can learn which will immediately improve the standard and even power of your worship leading. Some of these may be a surprise to many, but all of them are easy to learn and apply so that you can start using them this Sunday as you lead worship.

Learn Top Worship Leading Tips and Hacks Today...

Worship leading is not practically singing or playing, and no matter how skilled you are, there is constantly room to find out a bit more or be reminded of something you may have discovered before.These praise leading hacks and pointers will assist to make you a more reliable worship leading powerhouse in your church, however they are not going to immediately mean that you will lead people closer to the heart of God in your worship leading.  There is constantly a spiritual aspect to your ministry, which is more dependent on your heart and your individual walk with the Lord.

That being said, saying you are anointed of God and following the Holy Spirit does not mean that you have gotten here as a worship leading.  Learning the right suggestions and hacks can make you a a lot more anointed worship leader, so this is an outstanding podcast to challenge and offer you the fast lane towards much better leading of worship in your church.We all desire

to become outstanding at what we do, and we all desire to be used by the Lord in a powerful way in our praise, so this is a fantastic chance to grab hold of some simple praise leader tips and hacks that truly do work.  Listen and delight in, then prepare to apply this to your praise leading, starting this Sunday. You are going to love these amazing worship leading tips and hacks ...


And if you wish to go even further, and discover more tips and hacks, there's a fantastic praise leader training school that is available to you a fraction of the price of going to Bible College.It's a total month course covering all you need to understand to lead a worship group, from picking the best tunes, joining and arranging songs and going up secrets, right through to managing the worship group, dealing with personalities, conflicts, support and all the rest.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Natural vs Trained Worship Leading

Trained Worship Leading?  Just how does it as compare to natural praise leading, as well as need to we place any kind of focus on training if worship leading is, actually, a spiritual ministry?The equilibrium between qualified worship leading as well as all-natural leading has actually been discussed for a long period of time. Many individuals have an all-natural  skill to sing or play music, and they believe that their all-natural capacities as artists and vocalists need to suffice to obtain them through their praise leading jobs. However is this real? 

Why Bother with Trained Worship Leading at All?

If you have a level of

natural talent, and also if your heart is writing you are led by the Spirit, is this enough?I mean, what place should synthetic strategies have in a spiritual exercise like worship leading

? That's just what this podcast is all about ... We take a look at, compare and also contrast the advantages and negative aspects of all-natural ability versus skilled praise leading.We will certainly analyze just how you could add the appropriate sort of training to your natural ability to supercharge your prayer leading

ministry long into the future. We will additionally discuss what sort of training is going to be the most efficient and the least expensive, and also just how you could make use of identified and commemorated strategies to add genuine power to your praise leading.So often in churches, the worship leader is the individual who has a wonderful voice or a good capacity to play the piano or guitar.

However, even if you sing well or play what does not instantly make you a terrific prayer leader.Worship leading in the church is an amazing combination of all-natural capacities and also the best sort of training. The encouraging thing about this is that

, even if you are not a great vocalist or gamer of an instrument, you could still be a marvelous worship leader by making use of  the right methods and also getting the very best training. This consists of not just training your voice however also training in ways to structure and set up songs, in addition to the very spiritual elements of obtaining your heart right before you lead worship.So if you want  to be a powerful, anointed worship leader, learn to incorporate all-natural talent with qualified prayer leading ... And always remember, there's an impressive praise leader training camp that's obtainable to you a fraction of the price of going to Bible College.It is a total 6 month course covering every little thing you should know to lead a praise group, from selecting the very best songs, signing up with and organizing songs and also increasing tricks, to managing the group, managing characters, disputes, encouragement and the rest.So if you're leading worship in the majority of any kind of capability, do not stumble in the dark! For just$ 29.77 a month make the most of the training you should not just endure, yet come to be the worship leader you're predestined to be.Supercharge your worship leading abilities today (potentially even obtain your church to fund you ... finest investment they could ever make!). Select the image listed below to analyze it currently with our totally free webinar, From Zero to Awesome Worship Leading