Tuesday, February 25, 2020

52- Dealing with Difficult People on Your Worship Team

No matter who you are, or what kind of church you have, you are always going to have to deal with difficult people at some point on your team.

Difficult People are a Fact of Life

People are people, and difficult people rarely acknowledge that they are in fact difficult.  They see themselves as forceful, as superior in knowledge or ability, and they think that their way is the best way, and have no hesitation in telling you so! And while we might see them as difficult, they see themselves as a necessary part of your leadership experience. They see their voice as valid, important and probably more weighty than any others.  So the big question is how do you handle these people without hurting or destroying them. And this surely is part of the calling of being a worship leader. So often we think it is all about singing and choosing songs and leading the people in worship, but it is also about managing your team.  I believe that a great worship leader not only minimises conflict and difficulties in their team, but also develops the team members and brings the very best out of those who are in the team. So whether they be on instruments or vocals, your job and your calling as a worship leader should including making your team members better at their skills, and bringing them also closer to God. And of course, some of the more difficult personalities can become your biggest support and strongest allies in the worship team.  As tough as they might be to manage, the rewards both in their personal development and also the development of the team are worth it! So, we know you are all going to face these guys at some point, if you are not facing them already, so listen to this podcast and discover how in a godly, calm and rational way you can deal with difficult people, and build up not only them, but your entire worship team...


Monday, February 17, 2020

51- Unnecessary Distractions in Worship

Unnecessary distractions occur at all kinds of times, but especially so in worship. Worship is all about focussing on God, and so unnecessary distractions are anything that makes you take your attention off the Lord and place it somewhere else.

Beware Distractions of Your Own Making!

When we are worship leading, sadly sometimes we face a situation where we are the ones who are causing the distraction, or someone in our team, whom we are responsible for, is taking people's eyes off Jesus and placing it on themselves! Some distractions are external, and there is little you can do about them.  If your church is near an airport or a train and a noise vehicle rumbles past, then there's little you can do about that. However, sometimes we are the source of the problem.  Some worship leaders talk incessantly, some use arrangements that might be cool but are very misleading or difficult for the worshippers.  Others want to have great guitar or drum solos, treating the worship time as their biggest gig ever! So what are the distractions, and let's look at practical, sensible ways of dealing with them and getting back to the main thing, which is leading the people into worship. OK, some of this podcast might cause a little bit of pain, but we need to recognise how we can cause our people to focus on Jesus, bot us, what we wear, how we perform or how cool we are!  Remember, your calling as a worship leader is to lead people into worship, and when you truly are an anointed worship leader, there is nothing better than knowing the people's hearts are engaged with the Lord we serve! This podcast gives some insight into what things could be a source of unnecessary distractions during your worship leading, and what you can do to minimise these and keep people's eyes and hearts centred on the object of their worship, the Lord Himself!


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

50- Music for All Age Groups

Worship should be music for all age groups, but often in the church we find one age group and their preferences dominant the style of worship. Sometimes the older generation sets the agenda, and the songs are hymns and ancient worship songs that have history and memories for those people. At other times, the youth take over and all the songs are upbeat, loud and in the style kids love but older ones hate.

Worship should have music for all age groups!

  In this pod we explore ways you can make your church worship acceptable right across the age spectrum, using instruments and arrangements that appeal to most of not all the generations you have in your church. If church is to be welcoming and inclusive, we need music for all age groups rather than one specific age genre in our worship!  Yet as I travel, I see so many churches catering to one specific genre, be it youth or hymns or something else. So yes, you do need to stop and have a look at your congregation and discover what kind of age distribution you have attending.  Yes you have to cater for the various groups in some way. Music can be used as a tool for unity rather than disunity, but the reports I receive from so many people in churches are that the music divides rather than unites them as a church, and as a church family. In this podcast we have a look at some simple things you can do to broaden the appeal of the music you play in worship.  The various generations have preferences, and you might think that these will never connect or overlap, but if you arrange and produce certain styles you will discover that you can marry the various age groups together. So wherever your church is at right now, this is an important podcast because we all want to see unity and joy in our worship, not exclusivity and tension, right?


Monday, February 3, 2020

49- Who is on your Worship Team and Why?

Who is on your worship team?  Probably more important, why are they on the team at all? Is it people you know and trust?  Is it iconic and masterful musicians, or sensational singers with a 4-octave range? Is it the pastor's daughter, who can't sing, but you know you just have to have on the team.

Forming your worship team is not easy

Different people want to be a part of the worship for a variety of reasons, some of which are noble, some self-seeking and some and godly reasons.  You have to learn about them, their history, their desires and dreams and their heart to serve. And sometimes, it's hard to look beneath the surface and see the real reasons these people want to be on the team. But remember, when establishing worship in your church, you need to form a team, and a team needs to be made up of people who can actually work together! Many times we select members of the team because they are talented, or skilled at playing or singing. But the reality it that, while hey may have talent, some of these people are difficult to work with, and sometimes they cause incredible disruption and dissension within the ranks. That's why we decided to spend a 12-minute pod asking you to take a look at your worship team, and the reasons they are who they are, and help you assemble a dream team that will lead your church into a glorious and worshipful future. The decisions you make about who is in your worship team and why could be some of the most pivotal and important decisions you make for the whole of your future in ministry, so listen to this podcast and make the right decision about who to include in you worship team...
