Monday, April 8, 2019

12- How to Kill a Great Song

Most worship leaders do not set out to kill a great song...

But sadly, many do kill a great song!  Let's face it, there are loads of wonderful songs in our churches, from the hymns of old right through to the latest hits, but we don't always do them justice when we play and sing them in our worship. We might sing of our crucified Lord, but sometimes we crucify the song in the arrangement and feel that we give it! So, in this slightly tongue in cheek and funny podcast, we are going to look at the top five ways you can kill a perfectly decent song, and we will do it all in just 12 minutes. That's right, we have actually sat down and thought about how we could kill a great song, ways in which we can make this song, however great it is, into the one that makes our congregation roll their eyes when we start it!  And if you do what we suggest, you should be able to take any perfectly good and wonderful song and ruin it for your congregation.  Whether it is overplaying it to death, pitching it too high or some other classic mistake, this is not only a lot of fun but it is a great podcast with practical applications for many of us worship leaders. The hope, of course, is that you will then reverse engineer this and not kill great songs... So we are not advocating actually doing the things we suggest, but rather that you learn how not to do these things... so we can keep great songs as what they are... great songs! And don't forget, you can learn all about how to arrange songs to make them great by joining our Worship Leader Academy.  It includes loads of fun, practical and easy to apply tips that will take your worship leading to a higher level, in just a few short months.  Join the academy, and you will never kill a great song again!

Check Out Our Academy by Clicking Here

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