Thursday, July 2, 2020

67- When Your Team Falls Away

When your team falls away, which is very common in this current COVID 19 climate, it is always hard to take. This podcast is designed to encourage you in your ministry if you have had a situation where the team you know, and love, have started to become distant.

When your Team Falls Away, God has a Plan!

Sometimes you see members of your team drifting away from you, from the church and sometimes even from the Lord, and it hurts. It is likely not you, not your church and not your personality that has driven them away.  It is very often they themselves, a change of heart or of emphasis that has caused your worship team to become less desirable for them. Don't worry, all is not lost. we want to encourage you in this hour, and tell you that sometimes there are blessed subtractions. Other times, there are great ways of drawing them back into the fold. either way, God has a plan in all this mess, and losing valuable people from your team is not part of it. So listen to this and be blessed.  Also, be encouraged that if god does shift someone out, even someone you think is a huge part of the ministry, then He has a plan, bigger and better than you can imagine.  So pray, listen to this week's pod, and trust that the whole situation is in His hands.  Like the rest of the world, even when things seem crazy and weird, God is always on the throne and still in control!

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