Tuesday, July 14, 2020

69- Where to From Here?

COVID, isolation, church lockdown... so where to from here?

So Where to From Here?

This is a question many of us, especially leaders in the church, are asking at the moment.  We've been through the lockdown, some of us are still there, but where do we go to from this point? And it's not just us asking this, it applies to almost every area of life right now.  We have football being played in front of cardboard cutouts, we have stores drawing lines on the floor, we have schools disrupted and online, and or course churches have been severely affected, with services online only.  At some point, pending government restrictions, we need to get our churches back, right? So how do we restart church, and what does that look like? In this pod, I reveal what the Lord has been saying to my heart for our church, and I believe it will resonate with many pastors and worship leaders around the world.  And for those of you hanging out there for life to just get back to normal, well I'm pretty sure you are going to be in for a shock. Seems like church as we knew it, and as we have known it all our lives, may be changing in some way.  People are craving community like never before, but with the rise of zoom, Facebook and the like, the chances are that things are going to transform and that the changes will be here forever, or a long time. These are the kinds of questions we look at in just 12 minutes on today's podcast, so this is definitely one that should not be missed.  As a worship leader, listen and gather ideas for your specific situation, because I believe the Lord has some real keys in this crisis that, if we discover and apply them and learn them well, we could see real revival among our communities. Enjoy today's pod with an open heart and let's move on from here in unity!


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

68- COVID Changes that Will Stay

COVID changes are here, happening right now, and while many are waiting for them to be reduced or removed, the fact is that some of them will stay... forever!

Some COVID Changes are Likely to Stay Forever!

You may not want to hear this, but it is likely that some COVID changes are likely to remain, if not forever, for a very, very long time.  I have a feeling social distancing in various forms is probably here to stay.  Certainly, restrictions are going to be in place for a long time, whether we get a second wave or not. The smart move for worship leaders is to ask the Lord to show you how you can change to accommodate the new situation. Jesus might never change, but the manner in which we present Him changes often, generation to generation.  And during the coronavirus time, many of us have discovered new ways to reach people we would not otherwise be able to reach. As worship leaders, we need to be listening to the Lord and obedient to what He asks us to do, even if it is a break with tradition.  Church folk have loved tradition for centuries, and rightly so, but there are some things that are not really about the gospel or Jesus or serving or unity, they are just our preferences. So with at least some of the COVID changes being here to stay, or stay for many months or even years, listen to this and make the right changes in your team that will help you in your ministry both in the short term, and long into the future, no matter what the rest of society does! So listen to this and get ready for the changes God leads you to make and let's not let the times overwhelm us and our churches...


Thursday, July 2, 2020

67- When Your Team Falls Away

When your team falls away, which is very common in this current COVID 19 climate, it is always hard to take. This podcast is designed to encourage you in your ministry if you have had a situation where the team you know, and love, have started to become distant.

When your Team Falls Away, God has a Plan!

Sometimes you see members of your team drifting away from you, from the church and sometimes even from the Lord, and it hurts. It is likely not you, not your church and not your personality that has driven them away.  It is very often they themselves, a change of heart or of emphasis that has caused your worship team to become less desirable for them. Don't worry, all is not lost. we want to encourage you in this hour, and tell you that sometimes there are blessed subtractions. Other times, there are great ways of drawing them back into the fold. either way, God has a plan in all this mess, and losing valuable people from your team is not part of it. So listen to this and be blessed.  Also, be encouraged that if god does shift someone out, even someone you think is a huge part of the ministry, then He has a plan, bigger and better than you can imagine.  So pray, listen to this week's pod, and trust that the whole situation is in His hands.  Like the rest of the world, even when things seem crazy and weird, God is always on the throne and still in control!


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

66- Maximising Lockdown

Maximising lockdown is something we all need to do in this current pandemic. OK, we all have it and we all have to deal with the isolation and restrictions, but today's pod is about how you can maximise lockdown.  Not just endure it, but use this time to reset and make life changes, and worship leading changes, that will last forever. As worship leaders, and as any pastor in the church will tell you, this current crisis has been challenging to say the least. We have had to modify, and indeed continue to modify the way we do church.  It is difficult, and we have found ourselves staring down the barrel of a monitor, phone or tablet trying to be pastors. Image by Dipesh Parmar from Pixabay And worship leaders too have had a difficult time trying to maximise lockdown.  Our band is scattered across the region, and our congregation is sitting at home in their PJs having breakfast instead of being in the church building.  Many argue it opens up a whole new audience, and this may be true, but I would be lying if I said as a pastor I'm loving zoom and Facebook more than real life! It is difficult, it is downright weird, and for worship leaders and their teams, it can be soul-sapping and very disappointing.

Maximising Lockdown Maximises the Situation

Look, I know that the current situation is not ideal.  But we as worship leaders and church leaders can choose to see the glass half empty or half full.  Listen to this podcast so you can not only maximise lockdown as a leader in the church, but also maximise it in your own personal life, and in your time with the Lord. In this middle of the greatest pandemic of our lifetime, listen to this and let's make the very best use of the time and isolation afforded by the COVID pandemic.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

65- Having Hope in the Lockdown

Many around the world are still locked down over the coronavirus pandemic, and wondering if there is any hope in the lockdown. This is for you!

Did You Say Hope in the Lockdown?

Is there hope in the lockdown?  Of course, there is, but for many of us going through this unprecedented time, it's hard to see the hope of things ever settling down. Great news... God is still on the throne, and you are still his child!  So we wanted to produce a fun podcast that blesses you and gives real hope for the future. Here in Australia, we are trying to navigate an even harder situation, that is trying to come out of the lockdown in a sensible and law-abiding way. If we struggled for hope in the lockdown, in many ways coming out of it is even harder, especially for churches! And I have a feeling church, and therefore worship leading may never be the same.  The fact is our world, our homes, schools and businesses may never be the same again also.  And the church, which is such an involved and social place, will be one of the hardest to get back to some kind of normalcy. So rather than getting all upset and frustrated with the ridiculous situations we all face around the world, let's inject a little bit of hope in the lockdown and see the great and wonderful things that are all around us.  The Lord has blessing even in the darkest of times, and that is what this podcast celebrates and encourages you with! Listen to this podcast and be blessed, and remember that through all of this, God has a plan, and you are still called and anointed! Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree does not bud     and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails     and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen     and no cattle in the stalls,  yet I will rejoice in the Lord,     I will be joyful in God my Savior.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

64 Leading Worship in Lockdown

Lockdown has been a challenge for all of us, and as worship leaders, it is especially hard to try and lead worship to a congregation who are only on a screen, and whom you cannot see anyway.

Lockdown is a Challenge, but Not a Deal Breaker!

OK, very few of us are enjoying being locked down, and it is especially hard for churches.  The whole point of church is that we can come together to worship together, and all of us including me are missing the joy and experience of corporate worship. As worship leaders, we definitely have to think outside of the box on this one!  As a pastor, Darin can tell you it is different, difficult and even soul-destroying preaching to a camera or an empty auditorium.  As a worship leader, it is probably even harder.  We naturally feed off the energy of others worshipping with us, and of course, this is not available when we are on YouTube or Facebook live. So how can you lead worship effectively to an empty room?  How can you motivate your team when things look more like a rehearsal than a worship time.  You can be effective as a worship leader, and then carry the lessons long after the lockdown finishes, and we want to share our ideas to help you do this! So this special pod deals with lockdown, and how you can lead worship to your people who are in lockdown and needing to connect with and worship the Lord in a new, different and fresh way.  Listen and learn, because all of us are listening and learning as we go.  Even the best worship leaders and the most experienced have never seen or tried to deal with what we are facing during this lockdown, so let's learn and move forward together


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

63- Caring for Your Worship Team in Lockdown

We re all going through it, and none of us like it, but lockdown is a reality for the entire world, and yes, even worship leaders.

Your Worship Team in Lockdown Needs a Leader!

Church is super weird right now, with zero contact, isolation, church on Facebook, zoom meetings, and frankly we are all getting a little, well, "over it" by this stage. And so is your worship team. But rather than see all the negatives and difficulties, we wanted to change it all around and begin to see opportunities, perhaps even opportunities to minister to others in a way you might never have been able to think about just a few months ago. And people need love right now.  Your worship team in lockdown is no different, stuck in a house or apartment, bored, frustrated and going out of their mind!  The social price that the world will pay for this pandemic is yet to be fully measured, but it will be extreme for sure! So we want you as a worship leader to become the leader God has destined you to be!  And there is no greater opportunity that the once in a lifetime, even the once in a Millenium opportunities we now face.  You might be aware that the Chinese symbol for the word "crisis: is a combination of two words, danger and opportunity.  While the rest of the world is seeing danger we as the people of God can see opportunities that are unique.  And we can see chances to step up and be a leader to our worship team in lockdown, meeting their needs and pastoring them in their isolation and frustration. In this special pod, we look at ways you can encourage and bless your worship team during their, and your lockdown.  The Lord can open unique opportunities for you, so listen to this pod and put some of these into action...


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

62- How to Control Your Bass Player

We all love them, and if he's not there we sense a gap at the bottom end of our mix, but sometimes a bass player can disrupt things, especially if they are too loud.

The Bass Player

Bass provides the lower end of your mix and is often the most overlooked part of the music team.  The Bass player rarely has solos and lacks the pizzaz and prominence of a lead guitarist.  he lacks the romance of a piano or a saxophone, but if he is not playing, or not playing well, you can lose the entire mix! And I would have to say that the "big bottom end" is one of my favourite things (it could be argued that my bottom end is bigger as a result of the lockdown, and the amount I have eaten!), but I love a great bass.  I generally equalise the bass lower, and take some of the bottoms out of the kick drum, and this gives it a rumbly, deep sound. However, the risk with a bass player, because bass notes are of a longer wavelength, is that overwhelm many of the other sounds in the mix.  So controlling your bass player is going to essential if you want a pleasant mix, and if you want to avoid a hundred complaints about how loud the entire thing is! So this week we are going to examine some sensible, subtle and excellent measures you can take to not only control your bass guitarist but to unleash their full potential. Listen and learn how to encourage and get the very best from your bassist, who should be an integral part of your team and your worship sound...


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

61- Things to Do in Isolation

Isolation... most of the known world is going through it right now, thanks to some virus that is afflicting mankind, so we thought we would do something crazy like discuss what you can do during the COVID 19 crisis.

So what can you do when you are in isolation due to COVID 19?

We thought we would have a bit of fun and look at things you can do while in isolation.  Obviously sitting watching Netflix and eating chocolate is not the best use of your time while isolated, right?  That would never lead to a flattening of the curve you know! So we are turning the tables on lockdown, and giving you the top 5 things to do while in isolation, as long as you socially distance yourself of course.  And we do it all in just 12 action-packed, socially distanced minutes. So use the time you have for things that in the long run really matter, and don't waste all of your time watching the reruns of TV shows you don't even really care about. The Kardashians can survive without you, and you are better off investing in things that have long-lasting value, both in our world and in eternity to come! Here Downunder, for example, I have done a variety of things in lockdown, from planting a veggie patch to recording a new album, featuring a song about the coronavirus and the climate of fear it has produced among those who are lacking hope across the world. I can't solve all your problems, but we thought a bit of fun and a few useful suggestions would be in order for those still in isolation. Tune in, get some fun ideas, and have a few laughs along the way...


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

60- How to Improve Broadcast Quality in COVID 19

The need to improve Broadcast quality has suddenly become all-important in the lockdown due to COVID 19.

So How Can You Improve Broadcast Quality on a Budget?

With the church as we know it closed, church leaders have been forced to adapt quickly to the current climate, and for many, it has been a steep learning curve. OK, you might be the best tech person in the world, but I would say most if not all of our many listeners have at best a limited knowledge and at worst complete ignorance of how these things work. So here's some great news... It is not as hard as you might imagine to improve broadcast quality, even if you are on a tight budget!  And, in these COVID times, who isn't on a tight budget, right? And the same applies to worship leaders and worship teams.  We want to produce the best quality without compromising the spirit of worship, but most of us do not know how to achieve this goal given the lack of technology, or technological knowledge. So don't let the fear of the unknown rob you of a powerful and long-reaching influence across Facebook, Youtube and the whole internet. Using something as simple as a cell phone, we will discuss how you can get a great worship sound, clear and balanced, and broadcast it to all of your church, and possibly way beyond. Fear not, because we have produced this special podcast just for you to help you use simple, effective and easily obtained technology to make your broadcasts top notch.  You will probably want to continue your online exploits once the corona pandemic is over, because most of us are finding that we can reach more people online than we were reaching in face to face contact at church before the crisis. Yes, I know all this tech stuff is uncomfortable, confusing and frustrating at times, but if the crisis causes you to modify your behaviour and reach even more people with the gospel, then this could be a great opportunity. Tune in to today's podcast and get excited!


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

59- Prerecording Worship Leading in COVID 19

Prerecording Worship Leading is not something that we usually do, but in this COVID 19 situation, Prerecorded Worship Leading can be a great option.

Prerecording Worship Leading is a Great Option

But it is not without its difficulties, or an extremely heavy time commitment. The great thing is that you can do it over and over again until you get it right.  But of course, the bad thing is that you can do it over and over again until you get it right.  What I'm trying to say is that prerecording your service, while it irons out the difficulties, I can really add a very heavy time component to your preparation. It's a two-way street. Another issue is the trouble many people have actually getting into worship in a meaningful way.  There is something wonderful about live worship, and try as you might, it is very hard to reestablish that when you are prerecording worship.  Sometimes in all of the effort to do things well and make a great recording we lose sight of the real reason we are worshipping in the first place. So in this pod we talk not only about how to do it well, but also how to obtain that live feel which makes your worship so powerful, even in a prerecorded situation.  There is a way to balance the technical and the spiritual together to create a wonderful prerecorded worship experience, and we explore all that in just 12 minutes! Listen to this podcast and learn how to get the best your of your worship leading...


Saturday, April 25, 2020

58- COVID 19 Leading Live Worship on Facebook

COVID 19 Leading live worship is a challenge for many churches, mine included.

COVID 19 Leading Live Worship is New Frontier

This is certainly uncharted territory for any of us, but I believe it is a great and noble task that we can and must rise to in the current environment/lockdown. Erick and Darin have had a short hiatus because we have been in lockdown here down under, and many of us have had a steep learning curve to try and sustain church, worship, preaching and community during this difficult and unprecedented time.  Like our church, you probably have had a few successes and a couple of failures, and we thought it would be a great idea to share some of the ideas we have come across which can help you in your worship. These apply to all churches, regardless of denomination, size of flavour, and the information we share in these podcasts coming up could help you in your struggle to obtain and maintain an online presence. And keeping your community together and happening is the key ingredient during this time. While your people are isolated and dealing with all the fear and hardship of COVID 19 leading live worship can become a wonderful and essential part of their lives, helping them to keep in touch and giving them the sense that, despite the isolation and worry, they are part of the Kingdom of God, and no virus is going to stop God moving in people's hearts! We can and will survive, and our church and worship leading ministries can prosper, even in this environment! So all over the world, wherever you are, don't let COVID 19 derail your church and your worship leading. Listen to these 12 minutes and let's make this trying situation a time for the Kingdom of God to expand and take new territory!


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

57- How to Control Your Electric Guitarist

An electric guitarist is a double edged sword for most worship leaders and worship teams.

But we Love a Great Electric Guitarist, Right?

Yes, we do, we all love a guy who can play an electric guitar like Santana! But most of us know that that can play out one of two ways. First, you might find an electric guitarist who loves Jesus, loves to serve and sees him or herself as a servant, serving Jesus with genuine humility and self sacrificing obedience. Or, secondly, you might get an electric guitarist who might love God, but they want to be the star of every show, playing loud and dominant over everyone else and who wants to make worship their domain. Now you might think this is a bit harsh on your average lead guitarist,but having ministered in worship for more than 30 years, I must say it is a label that is often lived up to. Yet over the years, I have shared the stage with some absolutely awesome and very humble guitarists!  The thing is, your guitars can be a huge asset, of a massive liability, and you have the ability to she them into one of the other. Listen to this podcast and learn how to make your electric guitarist one of the greatest assets of your worship team. Or you can just let them play lead solos all over your worship, or just keep telling them to turn down 500 times a day.  It's your choice, so we would recommend that you listen to this podcast with an open heart. We are here for you, in this terrible time of world wide crisis, and we will have a special edition of the worship podcast coming up for you. Stay tuned, and stay safe whether isolated in your home or out and about...


Sunday, March 29, 2020

56- How to Control Your Keyboard Player

Controlling your keyboard player might seem like an easy thing, but it’s often harder than you might expect. Generally, its not a question of volume when it comes to keyboard players, unlike drummers for example, because they have a volume knob and can be turned down. When we talk about keyboards, we are referring to...

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

56- How to Control Your Keyboard Player

Controlling your keyboard player might seem like an easy thing, but it's often harder than you might expect. Generally, its not a question of volume when it comes to keyboard players, unlike drummers for example, because they have a volume knob and can be turned down. When we talk about keyboards, we are referring to the players who play both piano and traditional keys.  These days, of course, you can turn the keys down in the mix, so volume isn't the issue.  The main challenge with a keyboard player is what they play. If they are primarily piano, then you need one thing from them, but if they are keys, then you need them to play in a specific way.

Your Keyboard Player Can Add Unbelievable Atmosphere!

The prize is that, if you can control your keyboard player, you can create a wonderful, anointed and amazingly awesome atmosphere. And this atmosphere can add a tremendous anointing to almost every aspect of worship, from the praise section to the worship, from before the worship opens and right through to the response time. In all aspects of worship, a well-played and sensitively applied keyboard can add a whole host of blessing to your congregation. So settle back, especially if you are in lockdown (like I am right now), because COVID 19 can't stop you getting the best from your keyboard player and indeed your entire worship team.  You will not be locked away forever you know, because soon this virus will be passed and your role as a worship leader will be to lead the people and inspire your church members to come back to the church. So take the time and learn how to cope with, and get the very best from your keyboardists.  You'll be glad that you took the 12 minutes to learn these principles...


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

55- How to Control Your Drummer

The drummer… we all love drummers, but many times, especially in a small church, they can be difficult, even impossible to control. The drums are the heart and soul of your worship music.  They do not just keep the beat, they provide the atmosphere to enable you to take the worship where you believe God...

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Monday, March 16, 2020

55- How to Control Your Drummer

The drummer... we all love drummers, but many times, especially in a small church, they can be difficult, even impossible to control. The drums are the heart and soul of your worship music.  They do not just keep the beat, they provide the atmosphere to enable you to take the worship where you believe God wants it to go.

Learning to Control Your Drummer is Best for Everyone

I love drummers, and I love the power and majesty they bring to worship.  They are brilliant for injecting real energy into the mix, and if they are good, they are a huge asset. So we are going to talk about the various aspects of drumming, and the various attitudes you may encounter in your drummers. From the smaller church where everyone complains, he is too loud, to the huge church where his style of drumming might not suit your worship, we reveal easy, fun and gentle ways of influencing your drummer. And trust me, you are not going to want to get your drummer offside!  They can be a huge asset if loved, encouraged and guided, but a major pain if they grow an attitude, which sadly many drummers are prone to do.  So we explore better options than putting a cage around them, or sending them down the street and around the corner!  Like anyone on your team, you are well advised to work with them rather than against them.  Unity is essential to great, soulful worship! In this pod, we share simple and proven ways that you can not only control the noise level and playing of your drummer but also bring the best out in his gifting.  And we can do it all with a smile on our face and love in our hearts. If you lead a worship team, you better not miss this exciting 12 minutes...


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

54- When you are Ready to Give Up on Worship Leading

At some point, you will find yourself reaching the end of your resources, and you will feel ready to give up on worship leading. I bet some of you reading this right now are at that point.

If You're Ready to Give Up... Don't!

  Leading worship is a daunting and sometimes difficult task, and it is made especially so by the criticisms and adverse opinions of others. Perhaps it is someone in your band, or maybe someone you barely know in the congregation, but when you are in the public eye, whether preaching, leading worship, leading groups or anything else, you will always face opposition. You might be facing something personal that no one knows about, but that still causes you to overlook or forget the calling you once had and makes you ready to give up right now. We all face it at some time, and I know it hurts, and even frustrates you, but it is so important for you to remember the calling that God has on your life.  He doesn't change His mind, Numbers 23:19, so don't you change yours and give up. Most often I find we want to give up just before a breakthrough.  So if you feel like you are ready to give up, chances are that the breakthrough in your life and ministry is just around the corner!  So this pod has been designed to speak words of life and encouragement into your life, and say to you don't give up! Life is a journey, and ministry is a journey, and you will face times of joy and sadness, highs and lows, mountain tops and valleys.  You should never make a decision about the future of your ministry in a valley, yet that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do!  So keep going, never give up and reverse any decisions about your life and your ministry until you are through the worst of whatever you are facing right now! This 12 minutes could make all the difference in your life and your ministry...


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

53- Dealing with Negative Opinions

Negative opinions can positively going to ruin your day! And there is no shortage of Negative Opinions!   Any time you are involved in some kind of public ministry, there will be opinions of all kinds. Some, in fact usually more than we recognise, will be positive, with people saying things like how much they...

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53- Dealing with Negative Opinions

Negative opinions can positively going to ruin your day!

And there is no shortage of Negative Opinions!

  Any time you are involved in some kind of public ministry, there will be opinions of all kinds. Some, in fact usually more than we recognise, will be positive, with people saying things like how much they enjoyed the worship, how beautiful the singing was, and so on. But let us be absolutely honest here, the ones you remember are the ones that are negative or critical in some way. True or false? You know it's true, right? So how can you as a worship leader deal with the criticisms and negative that come your way, and how can you do so in a way that is godly, honest and receptive? So we do not want to shut out valid ideas and comments, but we do want to have some level of protection against the opinions that hurt, discourage and even destroy ministries! No matter who you are, you need to know how to deal with negative opinions in the right way.  Make no mistake, these can make or break your ministry, they can fill you with dread... I have even seen worship leaders so stung by negative opinions that they walk away from church altogether. This type of criticism, no matter what seemingly pious, holy, religious word it may be presented in, can be venomous and poisonous to your soul, your loved ones and your ministry. If you have been hurt by critical words, from your team, the pastor, someone in the congregation or anywhere else, then please listen to this podcast and seek God.  Gather with those who do love you, who do support you, and especially go deep with the Lord.  You might be soft hearted, but This is a must-listen for every person in the public eye, and that included every worship leader...


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

52- Dealing with Difficult People on Your Worship Team

No matter who you are, or what kind of church you have, you are always going to have to deal with difficult people at some point on your team.

Difficult People are a Fact of Life

People are people, and difficult people rarely acknowledge that they are in fact difficult.  They see themselves as forceful, as superior in knowledge or ability, and they think that their way is the best way, and have no hesitation in telling you so! And while we might see them as difficult, they see themselves as a necessary part of your leadership experience. They see their voice as valid, important and probably more weighty than any others.  So the big question is how do you handle these people without hurting or destroying them. And this surely is part of the calling of being a worship leader. So often we think it is all about singing and choosing songs and leading the people in worship, but it is also about managing your team.  I believe that a great worship leader not only minimises conflict and difficulties in their team, but also develops the team members and brings the very best out of those who are in the team. So whether they be on instruments or vocals, your job and your calling as a worship leader should including making your team members better at their skills, and bringing them also closer to God. And of course, some of the more difficult personalities can become your biggest support and strongest allies in the worship team.  As tough as they might be to manage, the rewards both in their personal development and also the development of the team are worth it! So, we know you are all going to face these guys at some point, if you are not facing them already, so listen to this podcast and discover how in a godly, calm and rational way you can deal with difficult people, and build up not only them, but your entire worship team...


Monday, February 17, 2020

51- Unnecessary Distractions in Worship

Unnecessary distractions occur at all kinds of times, but especially so in worship. Worship is all about focussing on God, and so unnecessary distractions are anything that makes you take your attention off the Lord and place it somewhere else.

Beware Distractions of Your Own Making!

When we are worship leading, sadly sometimes we face a situation where we are the ones who are causing the distraction, or someone in our team, whom we are responsible for, is taking people's eyes off Jesus and placing it on themselves! Some distractions are external, and there is little you can do about them.  If your church is near an airport or a train and a noise vehicle rumbles past, then there's little you can do about that. However, sometimes we are the source of the problem.  Some worship leaders talk incessantly, some use arrangements that might be cool but are very misleading or difficult for the worshippers.  Others want to have great guitar or drum solos, treating the worship time as their biggest gig ever! So what are the distractions, and let's look at practical, sensible ways of dealing with them and getting back to the main thing, which is leading the people into worship. OK, some of this podcast might cause a little bit of pain, but we need to recognise how we can cause our people to focus on Jesus, bot us, what we wear, how we perform or how cool we are!  Remember, your calling as a worship leader is to lead people into worship, and when you truly are an anointed worship leader, there is nothing better than knowing the people's hearts are engaged with the Lord we serve! This podcast gives some insight into what things could be a source of unnecessary distractions during your worship leading, and what you can do to minimise these and keep people's eyes and hearts centred on the object of their worship, the Lord Himself!


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

50- Music for All Age Groups

Worship should be music for all age groups, but often in the church we find one age group and their preferences dominant the style of worship. Sometimes the older generation sets the agenda, and the songs are hymns and ancient worship songs that have history and memories for those people. At other times, the youth take over and all the songs are upbeat, loud and in the style kids love but older ones hate.

Worship should have music for all age groups!

  In this pod we explore ways you can make your church worship acceptable right across the age spectrum, using instruments and arrangements that appeal to most of not all the generations you have in your church. If church is to be welcoming and inclusive, we need music for all age groups rather than one specific age genre in our worship!  Yet as I travel, I see so many churches catering to one specific genre, be it youth or hymns or something else. So yes, you do need to stop and have a look at your congregation and discover what kind of age distribution you have attending.  Yes you have to cater for the various groups in some way. Music can be used as a tool for unity rather than disunity, but the reports I receive from so many people in churches are that the music divides rather than unites them as a church, and as a church family. In this podcast we have a look at some simple things you can do to broaden the appeal of the music you play in worship.  The various generations have preferences, and you might think that these will never connect or overlap, but if you arrange and produce certain styles you will discover that you can marry the various age groups together. So wherever your church is at right now, this is an important podcast because we all want to see unity and joy in our worship, not exclusivity and tension, right?


Monday, February 3, 2020

49- Who is on your Worship Team and Why?

Who is on your worship team?  Probably more important, why are they on the team at all? Is it people you know and trust?  Is it iconic and masterful musicians, or sensational singers with a 4-octave range? Is it the pastor's daughter, who can't sing, but you know you just have to have on the team.

Forming your worship team is not easy

Different people want to be a part of the worship for a variety of reasons, some of which are noble, some self-seeking and some and godly reasons.  You have to learn about them, their history, their desires and dreams and their heart to serve. And sometimes, it's hard to look beneath the surface and see the real reasons these people want to be on the team. But remember, when establishing worship in your church, you need to form a team, and a team needs to be made up of people who can actually work together! Many times we select members of the team because they are talented, or skilled at playing or singing. But the reality it that, while hey may have talent, some of these people are difficult to work with, and sometimes they cause incredible disruption and dissension within the ranks. That's why we decided to spend a 12-minute pod asking you to take a look at your worship team, and the reasons they are who they are, and help you assemble a dream team that will lead your church into a glorious and worshipful future. The decisions you make about who is in your worship team and why could be some of the most pivotal and important decisions you make for the whole of your future in ministry, so listen to this podcast and make the right decision about who to include in you worship team...


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

48- What Each Generation Brings to Worship Leading

Generations and ages may differ between people, and even between churches, but here at the pod, we believe that each generation brings something different and important to worship leading.

So What Does Your Generation Bring to Worship?

We all know there is often a difference between the generations, and especially when it comes to music and in particular worship music. Worship should be something that unites the generations, not divides them.  So often in church, the leadership opts for one age group at the expense of the others.  Some churches are all about old people, old people's music and style. Others are all for youth, with laser lights and smoke machines, and a volume that drives the older people screaming from the auditorium! We believe that every generation brings something different, useful and valid to worship leading in church.  Surely our task as worship leaders is to see the good in every age group.  We are different, but every difference can be celebrated as we work with worship leading to bring the generations together.  So whatever generation you belong to, whether you are older, younger or somewhere in between, you have something to offer to your church in worship leading. So what does, or at least, what can each generation bring to the table.  You may not realise the kinds of traits each age group brings, but this podcast will open your eyes to new and effective ways to bring the generations together around worship, right across every age group in your church! This podcast takes 12 minutes to look at the various generations, both young and old, and how each can make a positive and unique commitment to worship... Have a listen, and start to see the wonderful contributions every age group can make to worship in your church.


48- What Each Generation Brings to Worship Leading

In any church we have generations.  In fact, most churches have a wide spread of ages, from the very young to the very old and everything in between. But as you've probably noticed, they do not always get along, they often have a different idea of styles of music, and so generations become a source of disunity instead of a blessing. Generations and ages may differ between people, and even between churches, but here at the pod, we believe that each generation brings something different and important to worship leading.

Talking 'Bout my Generations

My age group brings something completely different to, say, Millenials. So who is right?  Frankly, that's not the right question, because establishing a right and a wrong does not unite the church but divide it! So many churches cater purely for one generation, to the exclusion of the other age groups.  I believe this is counterproductive, and it creates a situation that I have experienced, and some of you have emailed me to tell me you have experienced.  It creates a situation where one age group gets their way, their control and their worship style, and if you're not with them, you are treated as a second class citizen! Some of you may be considered too old.  Some too young.  All of this is wrong I believe that every age group has something to contribute to worship leading, and the way we lead and draw people into the presence of God. So what does, or at least, what can each generation bring to the table.  This is an exciting and different podcast, looking at the traits of various generations, their perceived strengths and weaknesses, and discovering what each group can contribute to worship leading in your church. This podcast takes 12 minutes to look at the various generations, both young and old, and how each can make a positive and unique commitment to worship...


Monday, January 20, 2020

47- Your Worship Goals for 2020

Hey, we’re back after a Christmas break, which is a summer break Downunder where we live, and we want to explore your worship goals for 2020. I hope you had a very blessed time.  We did well, but many in our family were affected by the horrific bushfires which swept the southern states of our...

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47- Your Worship Goals for 2020

Hey, we're back after a Christmas break, which is a summer break Downunder where we live, and we want to explore your worship goals for 2020. I hope you had a very blessed time.  We did well, but many in our family were affected by the horrific bushfires which swept the southern states of our country.  Appreciate your prayers for our nation of Australia while people rebuild their lives!

So What Are Your Worship Goals for the New Year?

So what do you want to achieve this year in your worship? Do you want to introduce new material, write some new songs, explore harmonies... or is it just a matter of survival? Maybe you want to create an environment of friendship and fellowship in your team, or perhaps you want to produce an album? Everybody is different, and every church is different as well.  That is the really cool thing about our ministries... they are intensely personal while being extremely public at the same time!  What we do on stage might be public, but what we achieve in our personal walk with God feeds into our public persona. If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. So let's start the year with dreams of serving the Lord in worship to a greater height than ever before.  Even better, let us start the year with a fresh drive to know Jesus more intimately.  Knowing Him in a closer way is always one of my goals for a new year, and especially this year as it is the start of not just a new year, but a new decade! So before you launch into a new year, and a new decade, take some time to pray and ask the Lord how you should approach this year and set the right goals, not yours, your pastor's or your church's but God's goals for the new year! Welcome to 2020, the year of vision, and let's go for it!
