Tuesday, August 21, 2018

327- Is it OK to Visit Other Churches?

Is it OK to visit other churches, or if you do is it an act of disloyalty?

Be Honest if You Want to Visit Other Churches

This is a controversial and uncomfortable question, so the pod team thought we should have a balanced and serious look at this. Many worship leaders feel guilty if they skip one of their church services and visit another church, mainly because we tend to visit larger, more successful churches than our own.  Is this guilt justified?  Should we tell others, or just sneak around on our own? Erick and Darin share real-life experiences they have had visiting other churches and discuss the ethical and moral implications for those who do take a week out from their church and their responsibilities to check out other churches. Clearly, we all can learn from other churches.  As a worship leader, I am constantly learning from watching other worship leaders and other worship teams in an effort to improve my praise and worship leading. Attending another church can add to this experience. You can also visit other churches when you are away on holidays, and this is one way to glean useful information without the guilty conscience! However, there are times when some worship leaders (not you of course!) go to another church to connect with their pastor and potentially open the door to a better worship leader position.  As the team discusses today, this is definitely not an OK reason to visit another church! Oh, and we also discuss what you should say to your pastor.  In the end, honesty is always best, but you can share your heart without upsetting or becoming a threat to the leadership. So settle back and listen to the worship leader podcast as we discuss this important issue.  If you've ever wanted to check out another church, this is a very important podcast for you...


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