Tuesday, December 11, 2018

342- Making Worship Teams into Connect Groups

Worship teams are made up of real people, and these people, while they might be musicians and singers, actually have real needs in the real world.

As this is our last podcast for the year, we thought that we would leave you with a forward-looking pod... how you can begin to affect the lives of your team for years to come!

Worship Teams are People Too!

Worship teams should become worship connect groups. You can share your struggles, you can encourage one another and because of your mutual love of music, you can connect on a level far different than most other people in the church.

As a worship leader, you are really moving into the role of being a worship pastor.  Pastors are called to shepherd, guide, care for and love their flock, and as the worship leader, you also have a responsibility before God to make the members of your worship team strong in the Lord.

So we thought we would finish this year off with an inspirational podcast that might just transform your ministry and your worship team.  

Worship teams need loving too... in fact, many of the team members are desperately in need of love and encouragement.  So in this pod, we explore great ideas as to how you can love and support them in every way.

Transforming worship teams into connect groups could be a key to the success of your ministry long term!  From short Bible studies and devotionals at each practice, through to being there when they are in need of support or encouragement.  You, as the leader, is the one who can make all the difference in your team member's lives!

So as this year ends and a New Year begins, take the time to transform your ministry from just leading music and singing to shepherding and bringing the very best into the lives of your team.

And we will see you next year for another exciting year of podcasting and worship leading.  God bless and have a great Christmas and New Year!

Darin and Erick!


Monday, December 3, 2018

341- Evaluating Your Worship Team

Evaluating your worship team, like your own ministry, is definitely a beneficial thing!

What Does Evaluating Your Worship team Offer?

When you evaluate your worship team, you are taking the first step towards greatness, but you may find that certain individuals are resistant to this. Let's face it, many people in your worship team will be resistant examine door, either thinking themselves above all of this, threatened that they will not meet your standards. However, when evaluating your worship team need to assure them that this is not a way of controlling or criticising, but a way of helping you as a team minister more effectively for the Lord. Just as you evaluate your own ministry, closely examining the way your team operates when you are worship leading can give you insights into ways in which they can improve. And you cannot only examine them as a team, that you can examine the individual lives represented by the worship team members, and have a positive impact in their lives pointing them back to the Lord, and restoring relationships you may have grown cold over time. Your team members may offer up all kinds of spiritual reasons why you should not evaluate them, but if you want your worship team to improve, you simply cannot adequately improve that which you cannot assess! A great time to re-evaluate how your team is ministering is at the end of the year, and that's why we have done this podcast now. This is an excellent time to take the time to be evaluating your worship team, not with a view from criticising or being antagonistic, but with a view of improving their ministry and their personal walk with God in a variety of areas. This is an important podcast that every worship leader should listen to, because we all want to improve at what we're doing whether we are newbies or whether we are in top-level worship leading. Grab a coffee settle back and listen to this week's worship leader podcast…


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

339- Leading Worship for a Guest Speaker

Leading worship is an important task at any time, and especially if you have a guest speaker in your church service. A Guest Speaker Presents a Unique Challenge Having been the guest many times as visiting ministry, in many denominations and nations around the world, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly...

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339- Leading Worship for a Guest Speaker

Leading worship is an important task at any time, and especially if you have a guest speaker in your church service.

A Guest Speaker Presents a Unique Challenge

Having been the guest many times as visiting ministry, in many denominations and nations around the world, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly among worship leaders. As a visiting ministry, I have been in churches where the worship team leader has come to me and asked what they can do to serve my ministry.  I have also seen worship teams so intent on their own portion of the service that they refuse to let the visiting ministry even soundcheck until the service is starting. In the end, for both the visiting ministry and the worship team, we need to never lose sight of the fact that we are called to serve.  To serve the Lord, yes, and also to serve each other. And leading worship for someone whose ministry style you are unfamiliar with is always a challenge.  This is especially true for evangelists, most of whom have a particular style of music and a way they want it to be played, especially for the appeal.  If you stop and think that the invitation could be crucial in eternity for many people, then the importance of getting your service for the visiting ministry right is paramount. So worship leaders, even if you do not have guest speakers in your church often, you still need to listen to this podcast.  The importance of what we do cannot be understated, because the atmosphere for the guest can really stand or fall based on how we serve and minister. Our job as worship leaders is to prepare the atmosphere for the visiting minister, then go with him as he shares so that the music and atmosphere of worship add to what he or she is trying to achieve, rather than detracting from it! This pod is designed to help worship leaders everywhere for those special and sometimes challenging occasions where you need to provide worship in and around a guest speaker...


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

337- What is Your Leadership Style

Your leadership style is the way you lead your team, and having an awareness of the style in which you lead can help you as you lead the worship team.

Leadership Style Can Affect Everything!

Leadership style can make a world of difference.  It encompasses how you lead, how you inspire your team, and also how you deal with conflict within your team. There are many different styles of leadership and each has advantages and disadvantages when it comes to leading a team.  Some styles are controlling, some are more empowering for your team, but even this style comes with risks. as a leader, you need to discover your style, and then apply the strengths of your leadership style to bring the best out of your team. So do you inspire your team?  Do you control them to pursue an excellent result? Or do you empower your team to take the lead and inspire others to greatness?  Remember, being a worship leader is not about singing, it is not about playing well, or even about arranging music...  Being a worship leader is about leading your team in a way that inspires and challenges them. In the end, it is all about leadership style! All worship leaders want to make a difference.  All of you reading this want to become great leaders, but frequently excelling in leadership takes courage to inspire, and also allow your team members to make mistakes and grow in their musical gifting. Having the right leadership style for your specific situation can make an enormous difference in your ministry, so listen to this podcast and learn how to lead your team more effectively.  Remember, leadership is not just something you are born to, not something you are trained in, it is something that you can learn and grow into.  Yes, you can learn how to lead your worship team in a more inspiring and influential way, and this pod will help you understand your style and how you can bring the  =best out in and through your ministry...


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

336- Keeping your Worship Team Inspired and Fired Up!

Keeping your worship team inspired is important at any time, but it becomes even more important as the year rolls on and people become tired and more and more over-committed. So we thought we would put together a special pod to inspire those of you who lead worship teams to keep the team fired up and inspired.

Why is Keeping Your Worship Team Inspired Important?

Every creative person wants to be inspired.  The trouble is that, as the year draws to a close, it is often hard to keep spirits, commitment and excitement up.  People get tired, they get run down, they get distracted and often things like family commitments and work seem to overshadow anything we do in the music team! The great news is that with a little effort you can keep your worship team inspired, fired up and totally committed to the ministry. Simple things can make all the difference as you battle the burnout and bring out the best of your team, both as individuals and together!  Whether it is changing your rehearsals, scheduling social time together or concentrating on sharing your walk with the Lord, there are so many ways you can keep people inspired. And let's face it, who doesn't need to be inspired?  And who doesn't grind down over time? We live in such a busy and crazy world, and every member of your worship team is pulled and dragged all over the place by commitments, relationships, work, business, school and everything else.  It seems almost impossible to remain inspired, but certainly, you can if you do the right things! So settle back and enjoy Darin and Erick as they share their thoughts on how you can keep your worship team inspired and fired up!  A few minor changes and you can set your team up to reach new heights in worship and worship leading over the next year!


Thursday, October 18, 2018

335- Spiritual Accountability

Accountability is a huge part of being in a team, and even when you are the worship leader, accountability is essential.

Accountability Improves your Ability

Worship leaders need to be accountable to their pastors, their oversight and even their team members. When you move into a leadership position, submission to those who are directing you is a very important part of your leadership. Many people want to have the top job... they want to control their own decisions and be the master of their own destiny. However, even the guys at the top need to be accountable. Open your Bible and you will see accountability all the way through.  From David to Nehemiah, from Peter to Paul, successful leaders are accountable!  Unsuccessful leaders, people like King Saul and Samson, often had a real issue with accountability, so there is a lesson in there for all of us! In this pod, we discuss who you should be accountable to and why.  the guys share their own stories and reveal some of the horror stories they have built over many years regarding the inability to be accountable to those in authority over them. We also reveal that the best way to grow your ministry is to be accountable to someone else.  In fact, the best way to grow your ministry is to make yourself a servant to someone else's ministry.  The more you serve them, amazingly the Lord opens up and starts to increase your ministry!  After all, Psalm 127:1 (ESV) Unless the Lord builds the house,     those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city,     the watchman stays awake in vain. So don't try and build your ministry in vain!  As you make yourself accountable, God will build something supernatural and awesome.  Just serve, be accountable and watch Him do what He wants to do in your life and ministry! Finally, worship leaders, do not be frightened by accountability, but step up and submit to your oversight. It will serve you well, increase your effectiveness in ministry and make life a whole lot sweeter as you serve the Lord!


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

333- How to Deliver Criticism and Survive!

Learning how to deliver criticism in a constructive and encouraging way is always a difficult task, especially if you are not someone who enjoys conflict!

Learning How to Deliver Criticism can Make or Break You!

However, if you are to be a leader in worship, you need to deliver criticism at times, so it is worthwhile discovering the best and least explosive way of doing this. How many of you have discovered that musicians and singers are very sensitive to even minor points of correction or criticism? Yes, we are all often very sensitive to this, and this means that learning how to deliver criticism in the right way become an extremely important aspect of leadership within a worship team. Get this wrong and you create a whirlwind of rebellion and tension within the worship team. Get this right, and you can actually create an ally within the team, and also build encouragement and healthy relationships between team members. So it makes sense to learn how to deliver criticism in a way that builds your team and relationships rather than destroys them!  The guys share their own experiences, both being the leader and delivering the critique and also being the one criticised, so you will get a good look at both sided of the coin in this exciting podcast. They also discuss their preferred method of sharing criticism, a method that St Paul used and which is so powerful, the recipient actually walks away encouraged and build up rather than discouraged or even destroyed by the time you spend together.  Trust me worship leaders, this information is gold to those who want to lead a happy and successful worship team! So join Darin and Erick for a very frank discussion of how to deliver criticism in a godly, constructive and honourable way...


Monday, September 24, 2018

332- Worship Team Foldback

Worship team Foldback matters because hearing yourself on stage matters.

"Can You Turn Your Worship Team Foldback Down Please!"

This is true for every worship team, especially if you have a smaller auditorium and a worship band that is prone to be a bit loud. So trust me, if you find yourself telling your band members to turn down time and time again, or if you constantly have singers asking your sound guys to turn them up ("Dude, can you turn me up I can't hear anything up here!"), then this is a podcast you really need to hear! Your worship team foldback is a critical part of the way you perform as a worship team.  If the on-stage sound is too loud, the sound guy has nothing to work with at the front of the house.  In fact, some of the sound people I talk to have just turned off the front speakers and walked away!  When the stage sound is so loud that the sound person turns off the front speakers, and people still complain it is all too loud, then things are really needing to change. One of the things we discuss in this podcast is in-ear speakers, which can minimise your onstage noise dramatically.  These are still quite expensive, but they can work well, so Erick and Darin discuss this as one of the more modern options for dealing with worship team foldback issues. So whether you are leading worship in a big church, small church, traditional or modern church, if you are ministering on stage, the level of your on-stage sound really does matter!  There are new and innovative ways of dealing with hearing yourself on stage, and we even allude to new and innovative ways to deal with those who have their own sound too loud and refuse to turn down! Learn all the tricks that could improve your sound week by week in this special podcast...


Sunday, September 9, 2018

330- Managing Talented Team Members

Every worship leader wants talented team members, but often times when we get them we do not know how to manage them.

What's the Secret to Managing Talented Team Members?

Do we change things for them, or do we treat them like every other worship team member?  Do we push them to the front, or make them "do their time" in the background?  Are you catering to the pride of Talented Team Members, or are you supposed to keep them humble? This revealing podcast will help you manage talented team members, and all the other team members as well.  How do you deal with jealousy in the team, because trust me, if you have Talented Team Members someone is going to get a little intimidated and threatened at some time. We also talk about how you will feel if someone more talented than you comes along.  Can you celebrate the talent, or are you threatened by having someone better than you in your team? OK, sure, some of the really talented people who come along are prideful as well, but I have found that many of them are quite humble, and some even feel used and abused by pastors and worship leaders. Most in my experience are coming into the team, not to big note themselves, but to serve, and to do their best to shine for the Lord. So settle back and listen to the guys discuss the very real and pertinent issue of how to best manage team members who are talented.  We will inspire you to honour and elevate those with real talent, how to keep their hearts humble, how to keep your heart humble and how to manage them so that they and the whole team benefit. We will show you how to love them, how to inspire them and how you can allow those Talented Team Members to positively influence the other members of your worship team...       ..


Friday, September 7, 2018

329- Supercharge Your Worship Practice

Worship practice is often dull, boring and charged with high emotion and frustration. But Worship Practice Can be Fun! I’ve been in some practices where the tension in the room is so extreme you can cut it with a knife, and I’ve also seen the opposite, where you worship practice is fun, enjoyable and productive. So why are...

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

327- Is it OK to Visit Other Churches?

Is it OK to visit other churches, or if you do is it an act of disloyalty?

Be Honest if You Want to Visit Other Churches

This is a controversial and uncomfortable question, so the pod team thought we should have a balanced and serious look at this. Many worship leaders feel guilty if they skip one of their church services and visit another church, mainly because we tend to visit larger, more successful churches than our own.  Is this guilt justified?  Should we tell others, or just sneak around on our own? Erick and Darin share real-life experiences they have had visiting other churches and discuss the ethical and moral implications for those who do take a week out from their church and their responsibilities to check out other churches. Clearly, we all can learn from other churches.  As a worship leader, I am constantly learning from watching other worship leaders and other worship teams in an effort to improve my praise and worship leading. Attending another church can add to this experience. You can also visit other churches when you are away on holidays, and this is one way to glean useful information without the guilty conscience! However, there are times when some worship leaders (not you of course!) go to another church to connect with their pastor and potentially open the door to a better worship leader position.  As the team discusses today, this is definitely not an OK reason to visit another church! Oh, and we also discuss what you should say to your pastor.  In the end, honesty is always best, but you can share your heart without upsetting or becoming a threat to the leadership. So settle back and listen to the worship leader podcast as we discuss this important issue.  If you've ever wanted to check out another church, this is a very important podcast for you...


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

326- The Secret Source of Worship Leading Power

We are all after the “secret sauce”, so what is the secret source of worship leading power? The Secret Source or Worship Leading Power Many successful products have some kind of secret attached to them.  KFC has their 11 herbs and spices, McDonalds has their Big Mac sauce.  Many other products have something secret that they...

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Friday, August 10, 2018

325- Gearing for Growth

Are you gearing for growth in your worship team? Gearing for Growth is Important If you are not growing in your worship team, and in your ministry, then you are often going backward!  Growth is a normal and healthy part of team development, and so it is important that you constantly look ahead and dream...

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Learning How to Lead Worship Effectively in a Conservative Church

Learning how to lead worship inside a conservative church is a real challenge, but I believe that it is a sound and worthwhile thing to pursue. Does YouTube Show You How to Lead Worship Effectively? Have a look at some of the awesome praise and worship leading displayed on YouTube and you will certainly be...

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Premier Praise and Worship Leading Training Are Realistic!

If you are  a veteran praise and worship leader , or have a real desire to become 1, then you're almost certainly looking continuously for the concession praise and worship materials to catapult you into the next level of effectiveness within your craft.  You might take a look at attending praise and worship leading conferences and seminars and, even as you may actually return away impressed and excited, it looks unlikely which you will find too miles in the way of sensible advice.

The truth is which nearly all praise and worship materials revolve around theory rather than realistic recommendation that can truly make a distinction within your praise and worship leading.

The best praise and worship leading materials that will truly have an effect on the standard of the leading you're doing each weekend should be sensible.  The amount of praise and worship materials that I actually have encountered, both in praise and worship conferences and in alternative coaching, has been theoretical at best, revolving mainly around how to keep your heart right before God, and make certain your band does the same.

OK, I know that it looks terrific to appreciate how to pray and press into God, and it's tremendous to appreciate the non secular basis of worship, but none of these praise and worship materials actually makes me a best leader.  If you are prefer nearly all different worship leaders, the praise and worship materials you crave will assist you to distinguish added regarding how to really perform the task of worship leading.  Not why you should do it, or where, or who, but HOW you ACTUALLY become a best and more effective praise and worship leader.

Allow me get practical: I'm not journeying to dwell on the Biblical basis of worship, or throw a completely bunch of latest songs at you.  As I actually have stated, the ideal praise and worship materials are realistic, and need to embrace practical ideas which you are able apply this Sunday to create your church worship additional powerful and efficient.

Our free praise and worship leading materials teach you strictly which:  Key issues and techniques which you are able apply this Sunday that will draw your congregation into deeper worship… guaranteed!  Things favor:

1. How to select the privilege songs every time, despite the denomination you're in.

2. How to gain fashionable and effective arrangements of songs, as well as tantalizing introductions, atmospheric feels and powerful choruses!

3. How to blend songs together, so which rather than providing a series of “unrelated” songs you can create a continuum of impressed music.

4. How to transpose and go up keys to feature which powerful drive to your worship leading.

5. A way to guide inspired and uninhibited worship, instead of driving 1 single chord into your audience’s brains!

There are loads of added realistic techniques and management ideas which you can learn which go far beyond the mere theoretical.  If you are able discover praise and worship materials that can actually exhibit you how to do the role usefully, then you may have found praise and worship leaders gold.  Our praise and worship materials come from this extremely realistic basis and have proven to be effective and enormously well-liked with worship leaders round the world.

Darin Browne is an internationally known Praise and Worship leader who has been leading worship for over twenty years in a very number of churches across nearly all denominations in a ton of countries round the world.  He is worship director for Bill Newman International Evangelistic Ministries, and he is passionate regarding training young praise and worship leaders.  Darin has produced an tremendous online training package, guaranteed to coach you how to direct powerful and efficient worship in your church.  That includes a free online ecourse, this [[14]] session final praise and worship leading coaching package.  Check it out at no cost at Praise and Worship Leader

Friday, July 13, 2018

320- SingersHow to Hit the High Notes

One of the constant desires of most singers is to be able to hit the high notes. Hit the High Notes with Confidence! Let’s face it, the high notes are what seem most impressive, and also as singers what makes us feel great.  High notes lift our spirits, and we often go up a key...

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

321- Stage Presentation for Worship

Stage presentation is something often overlooked in worship leading, but it can have a powerful effect for either good or bad when it comes to how your ministry is received. (Photo Pixabay)

Personal and Stage Presentation Matters

What you wear, where you stand, how you stand, how you hold the microphone and a number of other factors can dramatically affect your worship leading, and this is what we are going to explore in this week's podcast. Let's face it when you lead people in worship you need to consider the whole package.  People usually worship with their eyes open, so they are looking at you, taking in the entire scene.  And trust me, your congregation will notice everything!  So we talk about what you are wearing, how you are holding the microphones, where the band members are placed and a ton of other stage presentation issues. Everything we share on stage presentation in this special pod includes practical and easy ways that you can change and improve any deficiencies, so if you want your team to not only sound amazing and lead incredible worship, but also look sensational, then this podcast is not to be missed! Even the little things, the ones you may have never even considered, are dealt with in this podcast.  We also share how you can change how the entire band presents itself, not as stone statues on stage singing and playing, but as real people relaxed and enjoying the worship, and interacting with each other in a way that presents as natural, stylish and cool! We even make a stand against the current trend of blackening out everything, suggesting we can have colour and vibrancy in our churches instead of drab black! So, we may slay a few holy cows in this podcast, but I believe that in the end what the team suggests will be a great blessing to you, and definitely not that expensive to implement (we are basically cheapskates at heart!). Learn more about stage presentation, the look, the feel, the positioning and the attire... it's all here in this week's worship leader podcast...


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

320- Singers... How to Hit the High Notes

One of the constant desires of most singers is to be able to hit the high notes.

Hit the High Notes with Confidence!

Let's face it, the high notes are what seem most impressive, and also as singers what makes us feel great.  High notes lift our spirits, and we often go up a key and find the worship atmosphere goes up a key also. But sometimes we are not confident enough to hit the high notes with impunity. There is always an element of risk the higher you sing, so we thought a podcast revealing the secrets of exactly how you can hit the high notes as a singer was in order, and something that every singer, be they good, bad or average, would benefit from. So this is an instructive podcast, where Darin and Erick will actually step you through how you can hit the high notes again and again with confidence.  We also talk about how you can change your voice over time, gently and safely raising the highest note you can pitch.  In fact, Darin can attest to molding his voice into a tenor doing exactly the things we talk about here! So if you are a singer and you want to hit the high notes, don't just tighten your belt or stamp on your foot hard to cause pain, learn the right techniques and start to get those notes you have always dreamed of getting in your worship leading!  Who knows, you might even break a few windows with your high pitched singing (and is that even possible???).  You certainly will inspire a few people if you can reach higher when you sing and if you can lift the worship at the same time. Importantly, we will be teaching you how to hit the high notes without straining your voice, and this is incredibly important if you are to sing for any length of time. So we will teach you to sing and hit these notes, not screech and scream to try and attain the high notes! If you have always wanted to hit the high notes without straining your voice or risking the dreaded "voice break", then check out this free podcast now...  


Monday, June 18, 2018

Me in the Mirror 2- See Your True Value

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see your true value, see yourself as valuable, as special, as unique, as precious? In this second message on "Me in the Mirror", I want to focus on seeing yourself as God sees you… valuable, special and precious! According to the Mayo Clinic in 2010, if we take a human being and boil them down to their base elements, and sell them, they are worth around $4.50 on today’s market. But even evolutionists believe your true value is worth far more than that. Everybody thinks your true value is worth more than $4.50, right? Why would ladies spend $50+ on shoes to put on 50c worth of feet? Guys, why would we spend $30 on a t-shirt to cover $1.20 worth of chest? We surely have greater value than our raw chemical makeup, but all over the world, in all walks of life, in all age groups, in all classes and no matter what you earn or achieve, people struggle with self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness! Even famous and rich movie stars look in the mirror and hate what they see, and stars like Robin Williams, Philip Seymore Hoffman and Heath Ledger take their own lives, despite their fame and fortune!  


  Listen, you are not an accident, regardless of whether your parents think you were! In God’s eyes, there are no accidents and there are no surprises because He has perfect knowledge and power.   King David contemplating this one day said this to God...   Psalms 139:13-16 (ESV Strong's) For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.   The Hebrew word for formed is qana, which does not just mean creating from nothing but it implies ownership, as an inventor would claim ownership of his invention. God created you, and claims you as His own!   God says He knew us and claimed us even as we were formed in the womb. Man says you are simply a collection of cells until you are born, then you become human. If wombs had windows, we wouldn’t have abortion!   We live in a world that does it’s best to devalue human beings. We live in a society that values the rights of minorities more than the rights of the vast majority. Most people say they see human beings as valuable, but they don’t act like it. People use and abuse each other every day, putting their own interests first. Men see women as conquests, women see men as someone to meet their needs. Salespeople see you as a sale. Even churches can see you as a seat filled, or money in the plate.   God says you are valuable and precious, every one of you. That’s why throughout history, Christians have started the first hospitals, school and orphanages. Every life is precious to God, and should be to us. Your true value is in who you are, not what someone else can get from you!  


  A professor in a college ethics class presented a problem to his students. He said, "A man has syphilis and his wife tuberculosis. They have had four children: one has died, the other three have what is considered to be a terminal illness. The mother is pregnant. What do you recommend?" After spirited discussion, the majority of the class voted that the mother should abort the child.   "Fine," said the professor, "You've just killed Beethoven!" When we judge the worth of a life, we play God without His power and complete knowledge… God says every life is precious and valuable, and every person can fulfil a destiny, should they choose to.   Jeremiah 1:4-5 (ESV Strong's) Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”   Before birth God has a plan for you, a destiny for you, a purpose for your life. You are not an accident, you are not an inconvenience,  are not just another consumer in the market. From a tiny cell, you develop into … 60 trillion cells, 100 thousand miles of nerve fibre, 60 thousand miles of vessels carrying blood around the body, 250 bones, to say nothing of joints, ligaments and muscles. Your true value cannot be measured!   You are fearfully and wonderfully made, but even more than this, God has a destiny for you! You were not just made by Him, you were woven together, you are His workmanship, His masterpiece, with a purpose and a destiny to fulfil.   Ephesians 2:10 (ESV Strong's) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.   Yet, when we look in the mirror, most of us do not see ourselves as valuable and precious. We see our faults, our wrinkles, our blemishes, our pain. Why is it that most people, even Christians, fail to see their value and never reach their full potential? How can you see your true value?  


  This $10 note is worth how much? $10, right? It is a piece of plastic, of little real value, but because the government backs this bit of plastic to be worth $10, it is. I cannot say I want $50 for this note, neither can I say it’s only worth 10c. The value in this note is not what it is made of, and it’s not what it or anyone else thinks about it, it is worth what its creator believes it is worth.   And so are you. You can only discover your true value in life when you place yourself under the loving care of the one who created you. You are worth what your creator says, not what anybody else’s says you are worth, that's your true value!   Like a spring wound up, He sees potential energy stored in you that can be used for greatness. As a watch is created and wound up can run for days, so God sees incredible value in every one of us, and potential for greatness.   Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV Strong's) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.   These words were given by the prophet Jeremiah to a defeated and humiliated nation exiled in a hostile land. In the midst of pain and suffering, loss of material things, loss of loved ones and loss of hope, God loved His people and said He had a plan to prosper them and give them hope! The potential energy is still there, the hope is still alive.   Many come to Ignite because they have been hurt elsewhere, maybe away from God, away from church, out of fellowship, out of ideas and fresh out of hope. Many who come here have felt their dreams die, and feel useless and worthless. One of the gifts God has given me as a pastor is that when I meet you I see greatness. I seem to be able to see through the pain, through the circumstances and the exterior into the heart, and I see greatness in all of you! God’s plan, God’s destiny in your life is not dead, it is dormant, and my job is to stir it into life and have you see your true value! You are valuable and you have purpose!  


  So when you look in the mirror, do you see greatness? Do you see destiny fulfilled, or destiny lost? Do you see the image of a failure, or the image of Christ?   The dictionary defines destiny as fate, “the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.” God does not see destiny as fate… He sees destiny as a series of choices. Wrong choices cause you to lose your destiny. You fulfil your destiny by making not so much good choices, but God choices!   Romans 8:28-29 (ESV Strong's) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,   Your destiny is to look like God’s Son. Your destiny is greatness in His Kingdom. And all things work for good in this, all things, even the rotten, stinking failures and abuses we suffer. How can this be?   When we look into the mirror, we often don’t see our worth, and we cannot see the potential God sees in us. When we look at circumstances, we don’t see God’s overall plan. We see a small portion, but He sees the whole. We see the present, He sees a glorious future in us.   Ships need to float, yet they are made of steel. If you throw a piece of steel in water it will sink. A shipyard is full of all kinds of steel, and if you throw any single piece in the water it will sink, because steel sinks! However, once it is assembled and joined the right way, a massive, incredibly heavy steel ship actually floats. When you see it as a whole, you see its destiny.   God sees your life as a life of destiny... That is your true value! You are not a mistake, you are not here by accident, you have a destiny in this place. It’s not to work hard, make money have a nice family, have a fun life then die, it is a life of serving Him and blessing others. God’s plan is to see you flourish into the image of His Son, and to serve where He has called you. But destiny can be fulfilled, or lost, depending on the choices you make!   Throughout the Bible men and women have fulfilled their God-given, God directed destiny. But many also tragically lost their destiny. Solomon started well, then his many wives turned his head away from God. Samson, Hezekiah, Uzziah, even Judas started following God, but lost their destiny.   Let me look at one of the saddest examples of destiny lost…


  Saul was the first king of Israel, but came a time when he faced a fork in the road of his destiny. God had initially led Samuel right to him, and told him to anoint this young man. Saul was impressive to say the least! Tall, good looking with long wavy hair, he was like the Brad Pitt of his day, and everyone loved him. He should have been the greatest King of Israel!   1 Samuel 10:24 (ESV Strong's) And Samuel said to all the people, “Do you see him whom the Lord has chosen? There is none like him among all the people.” And all the people shouted, “Long live the king!”   This man prophesied, this man fought battles, this man was anointed King and looked the part. So what went wrong for Saul? He faced a fork in the road…   Remember I said destiny is a series of choices? Well, Saul consistently chose disobedience...   1 Samuel 13:11-12 (ESV Strong's) Samuel said, “What have you done?” And Saul said, “When I saw that the people were scattering from me, and that you did not come within the days appointed, and that the Philistines had mustered at Michmash, I said, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the favor of the Lord.’ So I forced myself, and offered the burnt offering.”   Saul stepped out of his destiny by usurping the role of priest, something he knew was wrong.  He feared that he was losing the people, and this fear caused him to do something offensive to God.  If you fear the reactions and opinions of people, then you can lose your destiny! Some here think they have lost their destiny because they listened to what people said about them.   Sometime later the Lord commanded Saul through Samuel to devote a town to destruction. Everything in this wicked and perverse town was to be destroyed, people, animals and things.   1 Samuel 15:12 (ESV Strong's) And Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning. And it was told Samuel, “Saul came to Carmel, and behold, he set up a monument for himself and turned and passed on and went down to Gilgal.”   One hint about where Saul’s heart was going was this… On the way to this assignment, Saul stopped off to erect a statue to himself. Pride, in ourselves and our achievements, can cause us to lose our destiny. When we are prideful, we start making disobedient, arrogant decisions, decisions on our own, serving our own ends, not God’s choices for us. Some here fear they have lost their destiny because they made dumb choices, and suffered the consequences.   He then failed the assignment… disobeying by choosing to spare the evil king and the best of the spoils…   1 Samuel 15:9 (ESV Strong's) But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fattened calves and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them. All that was despised and worthless they devoted to destruction.   A quick recap… Saul had a clear command from the Lord, but tempted by the goods, he chose deliberately to disobey the Lord, and spare the best things for himself. Suddenly Samuel arrives, so Saul recognises he is in trouble, but makes an attempt at deflecting his guilt…   1 Samuel 15:13-15 (ESV Strong's) And Samuel came to Saul, and Saul said to him, “Blessed be you to the Lord. I have performed the commandment of the Lord.” And Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?” Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites, for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen to sacrifice to the Lord your God, and the rest we have devoted to destruction.”   Nice save Saul! When caught red handed, he concocts a lame excuse, to deflect guilt and save face… yes, I did what the Lord asked, but I kept the best animals, not for me, but for you Lord, to sacrifice to you!  Sadly for Saul, both God and Samuel clearly see Saul’s heart for what it is… disobedient.   1 Samuel 15:19-21 (ESV Strong's) Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you pounce on the spoil and do what was evil in the sight of the Lord?” And Saul said to Samuel, “I have obeyed the voice of the Lord. I have gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me. I have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and I have devoted the Amalekites to destruction. But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things devoted to destruction, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.”   Saul pretends to be saving the good for sacrifice, then blames the people. But Samuel says…   1 Samuel 15:22-23 (ESV Strong's) “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king.”   Saul, the great man of destiny, the first King of Israel, lost his destiny, lost his throne, lost his lineage and eventually lost his life because he was not obedient!  


  As I have said, God created you with a purpose and a destiny, and He has desires and plans for you from before you were even born. Let me remind you…   Psalms 139:16 (ESV Strong's) Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.   So if you have doubted your true value, that you are precious and valuable to Him, or if you’ve lost your destiny, let me show you the steps you can take to rediscover your value and destiny in God…  


  The Lord shows us in Scripture your true value, that we are special and precious to Him.   Matthew 10:29-31 (MSG) "What's the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! So don't be intimidated by all this bully talk. You're worth more than a million canaries.   God says it again and again, you are precious. He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to redeem you, to buy you back from sin, to save you from an eternity in hell. However you slice it, you are a valuable person in the eyes of God.  


  John 15:16 (ESV Strong's) You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.   God promises He has a plan and destiny for you. And it’s a good one, one that bears fruit that lasts forever! You are so precious to Him, He’s not out to get you, hurt you, bring you down or destroy you.  Your true value is that to Him, you are precious and He has plans for you that are perfect!  


  To begin to move towards your destiny, you have to start by repenting of your sin. Repentance doesn’t just mean being sorry for what your thought, said and done, it means turning 180 degrees around and changing your behaviour.   Acts 3:19-20 (ESV Strong's) Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord   Repenting is obedience, turning away from your sin and disobedience and turning towards God. Only then will you discover your true value  


  Revelation 2:4-5 (ESV Strong's) But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.   Some of us here who’ve been Christians for a long time need to rediscover our first love. Remember that feeling you have when you first fall in love with someone… that’s what we often lack. We go on in Christ, we grow, we mature, we get older, we learn and understand but many times we lose the love, the excitement, the joy we once had. If that is you today, the solution is simple… losing your first love is sin, and you must repent!   Rediscovering your first love means remembering what it was like, and reestablishing that first love.  


  The Lord promises us in James,   James 4:8 (ESV Strong's) Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.   However, many times we as Christian go through the religious motions, just as Saul did. We do some religious duty and think that God is pleased. He doesn’t want your sacrifice, He wants your obedience and your heart!   Isaiah 29:13 (ESV Strong's) And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honour me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,   We can draw near with just our mouths. We can go to church, call ourselves a Christian, listen to SALT or obey a bunch of rules taught by men, but the heart of God is that we draw near in our spirits, which involves all of us reengaging with God.   Having quiet times, reading the Word, praying constantly, coming to church, these are all ways that help us reengage our spirits with the Lord. Why go through the motions of being a Christian when you can be full on for Jesus and change the world? David wrote…   Psalms 63:1 (ESV Strong's) O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.   Do you long for God like that? You should, because that is how you discover your destiny and your true value!  


  Moving into your destiny starts with seeing your true value, as precious to the Lord, and someone of value. However it is not enough to sim,ply acknowledge that you are worthwhile.   I said before that destiny is a series of decisions, and these decisions involve you being obedient. When you sense God leading you, that you do not resist but rather obey and trust Him. That is how you move into the greatest destiny you could imagine.   Exodus 19:5 (ESV Strong's) Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine;   Ignite church is a safe place for you to start being obedient to the Lord. That’s why we have 201, so you can see opportunities to invest that precious life of yours in something powerful Thayer yields fruit for eternity.  


  Today the Lord has His arms outstretched to you, calling you to be devoted to Him, and to trust Him with your life and future. Today He is asking you to see beyond the reflection in the mirror and trust Him to lead you into your destiny.   Today He is promising you that whatever you think about yourself, however you see yourself, You are valuable and precious to Him. You are so precious He sacrifices His only Son for you, and He has beautiful, wonderful plans for you.   Remember that $10 note? We agreed that it is worth $10 only because our government says it is, and they created that note.   What if I chew it and spit it out? $10?  What if I stamp on it and walk all over it? $10. What if I cover it in dirt and grime? Still $10.   Today some of you have been chewed up and spat out by life, rejected and walked all over by others, or sullied your life with sin and disobedience. I don’t care what you’ve been through, I don’t care if you’ve been divorced or into drugs or caught in adultery. I don’t care if they say you have a low IQ, a low self-esteem or a low net worth. Today you see your true value.   Jesus sees your true value, Jesus sees you as worthwhile, precious and He has a destiny for you. You must decide to walk with Him, or without Him. You are valuable when you come to Jesus, so I’m going to ask you to do that right now… Start seeing your true value as He sees you, and start living like He wants you to…


Monday, June 11, 2018

318- Leading the Perfect Worship Service

How would you like to lead the perfect worship service?

Can we Lead the Perfect Worship Service?

OK, it is likely that none of us can lead an absolutely perfect worship service, but I am confident that we can get close to or approach perfection in the way we lead our worship. It starts with having your heart and the hearts of your worship team right with God.  But there are also some positive thing you can do to help make your worship service powerful and close to perfect.  And we recognise that worship might look different for different churches, but that does not mean that we should not aim for being perfect! So if you are a worship leader, and if you want to increase your skills and start to lead a church service that affects the lives of those listening and singing, then this is a great podcast for you to tune into!  As a worship leader for many years, I can tell you that there is nothing quite like leading a service where the Holy Spirit takes off and draws people to the throne of God in an incredible and supernatural way.  It is one of the great thrills of serving the King, and if we can learn how to lead services like this, not only will we feel fulfilled but people will flock to be a part of it! Leading worship is a journey for us, and discussions like this can lead us deeper into the Lord, and deeper into our skillset as a worship leader.  So guys, do not miss this podcast, even if you think (and you are right) that our feeble efforts could never produce the perfect article in our worship.  If we can become closer to perfection in our worship leading, it is definitely worth the journey! Check it out now!


Friday, June 8, 2018

317- Are you Complaining or Praying in Your Worship Leading?

When you lead worship, are you complaining or praying when things go wrong? Things do go wrong when worship leading, as you may know, but many times the success of the ministry depends on our attitude, doesn't it?

Are you Complaining or Praying

I know, there is a huge tendency to complain when things go wrong, and this is just human nature. So when you face a challenge, are you complaining or praying?  I mean, when push comes to shove, are you complaining or praying your way through the issues? Let's face it, all of us are inclined to complain from time to time, even constantly, when things do not work out as we have planned.  But how many of us know that when things go wrong or at least differently to our original plans in our worship leading, it is very often God leading us in a different way.  Perhaps He is working on our character, or perhaps He is working on someone in the band. If you complain from the outset, it reveals that our spirit is not actually submitting to the Holy Spirit.  We should have a great attitude like Job in adversity, but often we just complain and whine like the Israelites in the Exodus! This podcast is about ceasing the complaints and starting the prayer because God can use more effectively if we are focussed not on our problems and setbacks but on our prayer life.  It is exciting because it is all about seeing the Lord in the midst of our apparent trouble, and about focussing on His will for our lives instead of complaining.  This podcast might allow all of us the opportunity to experience what Habakkuk did over three chapters, and go from questioning God to this... Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. Check it out now...


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Ps Fred Bartolo- Forward Movement

Pastor Fred Bartolo brings this great message of forward movement, and everyone in the room was excited.  Ps Fred is a funny and entertaining preacher and deeply affected the lives of many at Ignite by encouraging them forward in their healing, their walk with God and their Christian faith.

So Who is Pastor Fred Bartolo?

0.jpgPastor Fred Bartolo and his wife Mary have very different backgrounds.  Fred is an ex-Rugby League player who often found himself in trouble with the law , while his beautiful bride Mary lived in Brazil serving as a Catholic nun.  Both had a personal encounter with The Lord Jesus Christ and received Him as their Lord and Saviour at around the same time, but in different countries and under radically different circumstances! They eventually met in Malta and got married the following year, being ordained as pastors in 1993. Since then Fred Bartolo has served within Australia, but also around the world, notably planting fourteen churches in Chile and establishing outreaching church plants to several other South American countries. including Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Columbia, and Venezuela, as well as in their home country of Malta. Fred Bartolo is now an elder of Ignite Christian Church, and has a well recognised and beloved itinerate ministry throughout Australia.  We clelbrate his powerful ministry, and the wonderful effect both he and Mary have had in all of our lives here at Ignite, and we are excited about the future and what the Lord is doing in and through this dynamic couple! This message is one not to be missed!


Monday, May 21, 2018

315- Increasing Power in Worship Leading

Increasing power in worship leading is something we all want, but sometimes it is a difficult thing to obtain.

Power in Worship Leading

Seeing the Holy Spirit move in power in worship leading is clearly heavily dependent on your walk with God.  However, there are still great ideas and tips that you can use to increase the power in worship leading you see in your church. These are not gimmicks or tricks, there are some positive and simple things you can do to see your worship leading take off in a way you have never experienced before. And surely this is what we all want, what we all desire to see in your lives, and in our churches.  So in this podcast, we discuss how you can generate real power in your worship leading, by keeping close to the Lord in your quiet times and devotionals, and also by using simple techniques that can open the way for the Holy Spirit to move in your church in a new and fresh way. So settle back, grab s coffee or tea and explore simple but powerful ways you can increase the anointing of God in your worship leading... Honestly, there are definite things you can do to increase the power of your worship leading ministry. And a quick plug... If you really want to open the top end and SUPERCHARGE your worship ministry, check out our online  Worship Leader Academy, where we spend a lot of time giving you teaching that can make a massive difference in the way you lead the power with which you lead and every aspect of your life and ministry for the Lord. Check it out here, and leave no stone unturned to increase the power of worship leading in your life, and in your church.  




Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Armour of God- Part 2

We studied our enemy last week, and so this week we are going to look at the first 3 parts of the armour of God. Now remember, we are fighting the ruler of the Kingdom of the air, (Ephesians 2:2), so we are engaged in a spiritual battle.  We need to stand and hold our ground firstly, then ultimately attack, but standing firm and holding ground is our first priority. Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. I actually love how the Message Bible translates this passage... Ephesians 6:11- 13 So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. So, when facing the enemy, we know He will attack in many areas, and we highlighted 3 last week, society, the church and importantly, your mind. This last one is where we will concentrate our defence. The Bible never instructs you to flirt with the devil. It does not tell you to collaborate with him. But it does tell you to resist him... James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. If you struggle with a sin, run like crazy! If you struggle with sex, don't visit porn sites. If you struggle with gossip, don't talk to certain people. If you struggle with anger, find a way to defuse yourself before you explode! If you struggle with substance abuse This is why we don't like seeing Christians dating Non believers. Aside from the Biblical commandment to not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14), it just makes sense. You might think you will win them to Christ, but 9 times out of 10 they will win you away from Christ. Don't flirt with it, it's a tough gig and it is just not worth it most often. Flip Wilson was an African American comedian in the 1970s, and he had one famous skit about a black lady who bought a dress and, when her husband asked her why she bought it, she said it was not her fault because, "The devil made me do it!" That is not resisting, right? And collaborating, well we know about that from the war. Collaborators were those who, when the Nazis invaded, decided to work with them rather than join the resistance. After the war, the men were shot and the women had their heads shaved and were ostracised from the community for the rest of their life. You don't want to flirt with the devil, or collaborate, you need to resist.


Armour-of-god-300x154.jpgIf you are going to resist, put in the full armour of God The Greek word for "full armour" is panoplia, which refers to the complete armour of a heavily armed infantry soldier. It is not light, it is sometimes a little uncomfortable, but it is the maximum protection for a soldier. With this you can not only stand, you can withstand. So you can stand your ground, and you can withstand the onslaughts of the enemy and his troops... the underlying meaning of withstanding is resisting. So let's start to look at the various pieces of armour God gives you.


The first piece of armor mentioned is this belt of truth. IN Ephesians 6:13, it says Stand firm, there's that word again, with the belt of truth. In older translations it says, gird your loins, which is very poetic, but it actually means tighten your belt. Now the Greek word for truth is halÄ“theia, which refers to the state of the heart answering to God's truth; or the agreement of our convictions with God's revelation. Certainly we must be faithful in holding the truth of God’s word, but it is also necessary for the truth to hold us. We must apply God's truth to our daily lives. As we test everything by the truth, we find strength and protection in the combat. So the belt is not our truth, it is God's truth, and because it is a belt or a girdle, it surrounds the central point of your body. In fact, the loins was described by ancients as the seat of power. So "To smite through the loins" is to strike a fatal blow. "To lay affliction upon the loins" is to afflict heavily. And the belt or girdle holds everything together, it is the common bond of the whole of your body armour. You see, truth gives unity to and surrounds all the different virtues, and it also gives determination and consistency to your character. All the virtues are exercised within the sphere of truth. Compromise truth, and you compromise everything! Now my wife pointed out to me that at some point everybody lies. Who has ever ticked a box on the internet labeled "I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions" without actually reading them? I would argue that I have skimmed them, but there you go! However, outside of that, we need to be totally honest. Now we all know that when your belt slips, it can be very embarrassing. Try running, jumping or fighting with your pants around your ankles because your belt has slipped! Not exactly efficient, in fact it could be dangerous and cause your demise, right? I scuba dived a few weeks ago, and tightened my weight belt before descending.  The pressure caused my 7ml wetsuit to contract, and my belt was slipping. I had to stop swimming and continually haul it up, otherwise I could lose it and float too fast to the surface.  To be honest, it distracted me and ruined my first dive. So what does this mean for you?  It means you need to truthful and honest, and frankly some of you aren't doing that. You need to be careful at being honest 100% of the time, and not bend or warp the truth to suit your own ends. I know Christian businessmen who lie and are not honest. I know Christian mums who lie to their kids. I even know pastors who lie and twist the truth so they can get their own way. No matter who you are, no matter what the excuse or circumstances, it is not right! So, are you absolutely honest in everything you do, or do you bend the truth when it suits? In my life and business, I am a stickler for honesty. I will not permit my staff to lie either, so if someone calls and I don't want to talk to them, they are instructed to say, "Darin can't talk right now," they cannot say, "Darin is not here." Even with the kids, how do you speak to them? If they ask for something in a shop, do you say ,"We can't afford that?"  What about with friends? What about at church? Do you say the occasional "white lie" to get your own way. "White lie", now there's a fallacy... All lies are black in God's eyes! Integrity is a bit like pregnancy... You cannot be half pregnant, or 90% pregnant! You either are pregnant or you are not. Same with integrity. If you are honest 98% of the time, then you are dishonest. You can't have 98% integrity! And remember, the belt is what your sword hangs on, so if you want to be powerfully used by God, you can't be a liar! And if you want to stand against and be protected from the devil, the first thing you need to do is to covenant with God to be truthful... 100% honest. With yourself, and with others!  This is the first piece of the Armour of God. And this leads to the next piece of armour...


The breastplate is the Greek word thorax, which we use of the central part of an insect body, which looks a little bit like the original breastplate piece of armour. It was a form of protection from the neck to the bottom of the ribs, and consisted of 2 pieces, a front and a corresponding back section.  Each section could be solid, or chain mail, often with pieces of horn or other hard material sown in for protection. It's a bit like an ancient Kevlar vest. The breastplate protects the vital organs of a soldier, and it needs to be serviceable but also comfortable. It guards your heart, stomach and other organs. The Greek word for righteousness is dikaiosune is “the character or quality of being right or just”;  It is used to denote an attribute of God, e.g., Rom. 3:5, the context of which shows that “the righteousness of God” means essentially His right nature, which is the same as His faithfulness, or truthfulness, that which is consistent with His own nature and promises. Essentially, righteousness is doing right, not by our standards but by God's. So what this element of the armour tells us is that doing right protects our heart. Jeremiah tells us that the natural heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked... Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?   Proverbs tells us to guard our hearts... Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. We are instructed to “put on” this armor, which implies that we do not automatically wear it all the time, which means that sometimes, our hearts are vulnerable, especially if we flirt or collaborate instead of resist. Putting on the armor of God requires a decision on our part. To put on the breastplate of righteousness, we must first have the belt of truth firmly in place, because one is fastened onto the other. You see, without truth, our righteousness will be based upon our own attempts to impress God by trying to be right. This leads to legalism or self-condemnation (Romans 8:1), so trying to be good enough is never going to protect you properly... It has to be His righteousness! We must choose to acknowledge that, apart from Him, we can do nothing (He is the vine, we are the branches, devoid of life if not connected to Him...John 15:5). If we truly have accepted Christ into our lives, we can see ourselves as being “in Christ” and that, regardless of our failures, His righteousness has been credited to our account. It's His righteousness, not ours! So it is almost like Jesus looks at our righteousness, which is like filthy rags, and says, "Oh, that will never protect you, you'd better put mine on!" We “put it on” by seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness above everything else (Matthew 6:33). That shows you how much God values righteousness and integrity. Yet so many of us compromise our righteousness and integrity for things, for stuff, yet if we seek first His righteousness, we get the stuff we need anyway! When God reveals an area of change to us, we obey and allow Him to work in us. At the point where we say “no” to God, we open a little crack in the armor where Satan’s arrows can get through (Ephesians 6:16). As we wear Christ’s breastplate of righteousness, we begin to develop a purity of heart that translates into actions. Wearing this breastplate creates a lifestyle of putting into practice what we believe in our hearts. As our lives become conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), our choices become more righteous, and these godly choices also protect us from further temptation and deception (Proverbs 8:20; Psalm 23:3). Why not be like the prophet Daniel? Daniel 6:4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Daniel’s steadfastness, strength of character and faith grew out of his habits of holiness. He consistently did the right thing, and the more he did right the harder it became for him to do wrong. So righteousness becomes a habit if we put on the breastplate daily. Studies show that of we maintain a behaviour for 30 days straight it become a life changing habit. It becomes our norm, so whether it is having a quiet time, praying or flossing, making something valuable into a habit takes 30 days but is life changing. So if you put this piece of the armour on daily, you will, over time, see you actions change to be more Christ-like, and less you-like! And your heart will be protected. And remember, this piece of armour is protecting your heart! Remember Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Do you want peace? Then be righteous, because a righteous man has no fears of being found out. This week I met someone who had tried to dig up dirt on me. Was I ashamed to see them? Not at all! Why? Because I knew in my heart I had acted righteously with regards them. I had peace. My heart was guarded. So righteousness is the way to guard your heart and mind, and the more you put it on, the more your ways will become truly righteous, because you will conforms to His will,


Ephesians 6:15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. What Paul is referring to here is the caligal, or Roman military boots. These were one of the most important parts of the Roman soldier’s equipment. They were designed for marches over every kind of tough terrain, and it has even been said that the attention given to soldiers’ boots was the secret of Roman conquests across the then known world. The gospel of peace is the message that Jesus gave to those who trust in Him (John 14:27; Romans 10:15). And it is not just the Gospel message, because when you come to Christ you also receive the assurance from God that you are His child and nothing can snatch you out of His hands (John 10:29; 1 John 5:13). The word readiness implies constant vigilance. A victorious soldier had to be always ready and prepared for battle. He had to have studied his enemy’s strategy, be confident in his own strategy, and have his feet firmly planted so that he could hold his ground when the attacks came. You see, a Roman soldier’s battle shoes were studded with nails or spikes to help him keep his balance in combat. He knew that, if he lost his footing and went down, it wouldn’t matter how good the rest of his armour was; the enemy had him, and he would be doomed. When we are ready with the gospel of peace, we live with the understanding that we are continually under attack from Satan. Second Timothy 4:2 says to “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.” So the gospel itself is to be the firm footing of the believer, and his walk needs to be worthy of it and therefore a testimony in regard to the gospel. These shoes are defensive helping us to stand our ground, and also offensive as we attack by sharing the good news with others... Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” So let me finish this message by asking you, how's your belt, how's your breastplate and how's your shoes? Do you struggle to live the life of integrity you long to live? Are you fearful to share your faith with others? Take a few moments right now to examine your heart carefully, Jeremiah 20:12 Lord Almighty, you who examine the righteous and probe the heart and mind, Let Him probe your heart and mind right now. If you long to have truth and integrity as the foundation of your life, and if you feel unrighteous but long to be more righteous and Christ-like, respond to His Spirit and ask Him to fill you with integrity, truth, righteousness and the gospel.  Then you have pu on the first three pars of the Armour of God!


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spiritual Success 6- Shining and Sharing Your Faith

Shining and sharing your faith is an important part of becoming a spiritual success. And we have seen that the steps involve reading the Bible daily, praying constantly, fellowshipping at the right church, giving of yourself and your money, and now the final step in becoming a true spiritual success is shining and sharing your faith.


  As you drive along the motorway you see billboards, and they are designed to capture your attention. They are easily seen, and often have a slogan in them that intrigues, shocks or otherwise makes you look. Most people in our nation will never enter a church building apart from maybe a wedding or funeral. They will never read the Bible. You and I are the only Bible they will ever see, the only contact with a church they will ever experience.   Romans 10:14-15 (ESV Strong's) How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”   You are the billboard, you are the one who is sent and you sharing your faith, church, not the pastor, not the guy with evangelism as their spiritual gift, you and I are the ones to show Jesus and preach the good news to them!   Spiritually successful Christians make others look and you are constantly sharing your faith, even if they themselves are quiet and unassuming.   And remember, kindness, love, respect, miracles, signs and wonders, all of these are links in the chain of salvation, but none of them actually save people.   Ten million signs and wonders would not make this world turn to Christ, because belief is a choice. Ultimately people choose to either accept Christ, or reject Him. You’re responsible in sharing your faith, but you are not responsible for the decision they make.    


  John Stott said, “We should not ask, “What is wrong with the world?” for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, we should ask, “What has happened to the salt and light?”   Matthew 5:13-16 (ESV Strong's) “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.   Every one of us is called to shine for Jesus, to be salt and light to a world that is a mess. Whether you fancy yourself as an evangelist, whether you have that gift or not, sharing your faith starts with you shining for Jesus. Very often it’s what you do rather than what you say that is the most important thing in reaching out to others.   Uncle Erick story… On his way to church in his Sunday suit and saw a neighbour digging out his grease trap. He went home, changed into his overalls, skipped church and got down and dirty and smelly in the hole with the man… a few weeks later that man came to Christ.   If you are not living a life they respect, why should they bother to listen to you?  If you’re gossiping, exploding in anger, manipulating people or holding grudges, your words carry little power. If they see you as honest, stable and kind, someone with their life together, they will listen to you, I promise you! Especially if their life is a mess.   But don’t think you need to be a stellar Christian to share your faith. I’ve seen drug addicts lead other drug addicts to the Lord. You don’t have to be perfect to shine, but you cannot influence others for Christ if you do not have the right to speak into their life. When they see a change in your life, you earn that right.   And the reality is, you need to be sharing your faith as much as they need to be hearing about it? Shining for Jesus builds builds upon your credibility as a person, but you need to couple shining with something else… sharing your faith, or speaking about Jesus.   Check Dr Billy Graham being interviewed by Woody Allen on out Facebook page…   https://www.facebook.com/ignitechristianchurch    


  If you are alive in Christ you should be sharing your faith.   The Dead Sea in Israel is the lowest point on earth, more than 400m below sea level. It is renowned as being deadly because of the lethally high salt content. Why is it so poisonous? The river Jordan flows into it, but nothing flows out, that’s why it is dead. And so many Christians are like that… we get plenty of teaching, tons of input but give nothing back.   Greg Laurie said, “Input without output is hazardous to our faith.” We become like the Dead Sea.   2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV Strong's) Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.   If you are getting good teaching, if you are growing in Christ reading His Word, start using it, start handling the Word of truth correctly. Let God’s truth flow through you to others, don’t be a typical Christian and stagnate!  


  I would like to run a seminar to detail how to effectively share your faith. Please don’t be put off by this, it is a very simple thing. The gospel is simple, not complicated. It is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.   1 Corinthians 1:18 (ESV Strong's) For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.   Sharing your faith should be natural and reflect our relationship with Christ. I don’t want to Bible bash people, I don’t want to offend them or manipulate them into a decision they are not actually making. Jesus made you the way you are so that you can gently and naturally share your faith in a way that sits right with your personality.   So what are the steps to sharing your faith effectively, even for a non evangelist?    


  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. I’ve been involved in all kinds of evangelism around the world, and have traveled with Dr Bill Newman across the globe, but he would tell you that the mass evangelism campaigns we have are just a platform for personal evangelism.   Romans 12:15-16 (ESV Strong's) Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.   Aussies hate arrogance, so don’t be superior, don’t be self absorbed and don’t preach at them. Step one is to just connect with people, where they are at.   Brett plays in a band and often tells people about his faith in the club where they are playing. Some of you mums share with other mums at school. Glen shares Jesus from his Harley. Some of you builders talk to tradies on the building site. I often talk to people who come for an eye test and get the gospel as well. Last week I spent half an hour sharing my faith with one of my staff.   Whenever you meet people, the first step is to connect with them, and love them with gentleness and respect.  Don’t Bible bash them, take the time to talk to them, connect with them, listen to them about their life and their struggles…   1 Peter 3:15 (ESV Strong's) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,   If I meet a salesman who pitches vigorously in my face… I feel disrespected. If I meet someone I can trust, someone who listens and seems to care about me, I am more inclined to respond positively.    


  When Peter preached the first sermon in Acts 2, he quoted Scripture. Now you don’t have to quote verse and reference, but you ought to have enough of the Word in your life so the Lord can quicken it to your heart as you need it sharing your faith.   Artists know their brushes, builders know their tools, musicians know their instruments, so you should know your tools. Your tool is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and God promises this…   Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.   I have memorised, learned and studied the Bible, and so as I speak to people in I find verses popping into my head, quickened to my spirit as the bible calls it.   Hebrews 4:12 (ESV Strong's) For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.   The Word of God is living and active, and it penetrates people’s hearts, and divides or separates good from evil, right from wrong, sin from righteousness. That verse says it discerns, which in Greek means judges, the thoughts and intentions of their heart, which is very handy when sharing your faith.   Using Scripture as you talk to others sharing your faith penetrates more than the best of your words or your fine sounding arguments.   You can not argue someone into Heaven, only the Holy Spirit breaks the yoke, and only the Holy Spirit can save a soul, and He uses the Word of God.   Ask the Gideon’s, who have countless testimonies of people coming to Christ just by reading a bible in a hotel room or prison cell.   Salvation is a spiritual act. You may feel that people need convincing, but behind it all there are demons and principalities that need to be overcome, and your words do not cut it. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, and if you don’t know the Word, when sharing your faith you are fighting with bare hands with your sword still in its scabbard!    


  There are so many issues people talk about, and you need godly opinions, but don’t get diverted, keep the main thing the main thing. You will not win people to Christ arguing about same sex marriage, creation science or the Shroud of Turin. Facts may be part of the journey, but they alone will not save people.   Titus 3:9 (ESV Strong's) But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.   2 Timothy 2:23-24 (ESV Strong's) Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,   If you want people to come to Jesus, talk about Jesus! You might have an opinion on various issues, but getting on Facebook and offending people about non salvation issues will not bring them to Christ. You might win the argument and send them to hell for eternity, is that a good deal?   As you are sharing your faith you can share your testimony, you can share your experiences by all means, because a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument.   Why not memorise a few verses about Jesus and the gospel, like John 3:16 or Romans 5:8?    


  We rarely hear about repentance these days, even sadly in gospel preaching, but for people to come to Christ they must acknowledge their need of Him.   How can people agree to be saved when they have no concept of what they are being saved from? They might look at their life and be sorry for what they’ve done, but that’s not the same as repentance.   Remorse is being sorry. But repentance is being sorry enough to change.   2 Corinthians 7:10 (ESV Strong's) For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.   People are generally sorry not for what they have done, but they are sorry for being caught or suffering the consequences.   In our modern society, we have a huge tendency to pass blame for our bad behaviour or decisions.  We abdicate responsibility, we blame others, we always have.  Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, and the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on!   So often today we excuse bad behaviour because we’ve convinced ourselves it is someone else’s fault. I only did this because you did that to me. My sin is because of my parents, my partner, my upbringing, my circle of friends, my church, my job and anyone else… except me!   Here’s the top 7 ridiculous lawsuits won, all from the US…  
  1. I tripped over my own toddler in your furniture store and broke my ankle… $750,000
  2. I spilled hot coffee on my lap and burned myself… $2.5m
  3. I locked myself in your garage while robbing your house and could not get out because you were on vacation… $500,000
  4. Your chained up beagle bit me after I climbed your fence and fired pellets at him… $14,500
  5. I slipped on the soft drink I threw at my boyfriend in your restaurant and broke my tailbone… $113,500
  6. I burned myself on an uninsulated wire while trespassing on your property… $24m
  7. Red bull didn’t give me wings… $13m
  Listen, regardless of upbringing, relationships, friends  and the tough life you’ve been dished, at some point if you want to change your life you need to acknowledge your guilt, and step up to take responsibility for your decisions.   Ezekiel 18:20 (ESV Strong's) The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.   In other words, man up and take responsibility for what you’ve done or become!   And so it is with the gospel… when people have the revelation that they are sinners, destined for hell, but that Jesus paid the price for them and died in their place, then they are truly ready to receive Christ.   And we need to understand that too. People out there are lost. We call them sinners, unchurched, unbelievers, non-Christians, but the reality is that they are lost. If they die tonight, they face judgment and eternity in hell, so you need to find the best way to reveal that fact to them when sharing your faith.  


    If you talk to someone about the Lord, if you share you faith and don’t ask a question, it’s like a preacher who preaches well but never asks for a response. At Ignite that doesn’t happen, because I always preach to a verdict, to a response. It’s like a salesman, who does the greatest pitch ever then fails to close the sale by simply asking, “Do you want to buy it?”   I will often ask people to pray to ask Jesus into their lives in church. Often no one responds. I’m not embarrassed. It’s God’s problem, not mine, I just need to keep faithfully asking as I feel led.   So don’t be afraid, just ask and let God be God. We are responsible to ask, but we are not responsible for their reply to that question. Peter said,   Romans 10:9-10 (ESV Strong's) because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.   Peter spelled out exactly how to be saved, and challenged the crowd, and 3,000 came to Christ that day. Be bold, be courageous and just ask. The worst that can happen is that they say no or not right now. The best is that they accept Christ and live with Him for eternity!  


  When people come to Jesus it is usually a long and convoluted journey. Long before they meet you or anyone else, the Holy Spirit has been working in their life, preparing the soil for a harvest of salvation. You might be the first Christian they have ever talked to, you might be one of many in their journey, or you may have the privilege of leading them right through for the Lord.   1 Corinthians 3:6-7 (ESV Strong's) I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.   In the chain of their salvation you could be the first link in the chain, the middle link or the last link.. Just don’t be the missing link!   You do not have to force every person you talk to into making a decision to receive Christ on the spot.  Just be faithful, take them a little further on the journey, as far as they are prepared to go, and believe the Lord to complete the rest.   You cannot save them, they have to make the decision, and God’s grace is there for them…   Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV Strong's) For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.   Arthur Stace was a quiet, unassuming ex-alcoholic who walked the streets of Sydney before dawn every day for 37 years, and never led one person to Christ personally. But every day he wrote a single word in the pavement in yellow chalk, and that word led to the conversion of thousands of people to Christ… the Word was “Eternity”.  


  Remember, ultimately a person is responsible for their own decision to accept or reject Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to save souls, and our job is simply shining and sharing our faith.   Ultimately, salvation is a choice, and it is a choice they make, not you. Only the Holy Spirit can draw people into the Kingdom, not you, so we do not need to see a result or try and make people get saved… those are the Holy Spirit’s lines, not ours.   Our job is to shine, but to shine brightly in this dark world. Yet we must not fool ourselves or compromise our witness for Christ.   St Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times, and where necessary use words.” What he is suggesting is that you let your life shine for Christ, but I believe He is wrong on the second part… you must also use words. Otherwise, they think you’re a nice person and a great guy, and Christ isn’t honoured, you are! So couple your shining with words that tell them the reasons why you act in such a noble way…   Let me finish with 2 verses we have already used…   Matthew 5:16 (ESV Strong's) In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.   1 Peter 3:15 (ESV Strong's) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,  


  If you have never asked Jesus into your heart, now is a great time to do it. The Bible says we have all sinned, the Bible says we are all guilty and are destined for hell. You don’t need to be good enough to be saved, you just need to be humble enough to accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation.   Think of one person you know who doesn’t know Christ, and then pray for an opportunity to shine and to share. It’s not enough just to do good and shine, and it’s not enough just to tell them you’re a Christian, you need to do both!
