Wednesday, April 29, 2020

59- Prerecording Worship Leading in COVID 19

Prerecording Worship Leading is not something that we usually do, but in this COVID 19 situation, Prerecorded Worship Leading can be a great option.

Prerecording Worship Leading is a Great Option

But it is not without its difficulties, or an extremely heavy time commitment. The great thing is that you can do it over and over again until you get it right.  But of course, the bad thing is that you can do it over and over again until you get it right.  What I'm trying to say is that prerecording your service, while it irons out the difficulties, I can really add a very heavy time component to your preparation. It's a two-way street. Another issue is the trouble many people have actually getting into worship in a meaningful way.  There is something wonderful about live worship, and try as you might, it is very hard to reestablish that when you are prerecording worship.  Sometimes in all of the effort to do things well and make a great recording we lose sight of the real reason we are worshipping in the first place. So in this pod we talk not only about how to do it well, but also how to obtain that live feel which makes your worship so powerful, even in a prerecorded situation.  There is a way to balance the technical and the spiritual together to create a wonderful prerecorded worship experience, and we explore all that in just 12 minutes! Listen to this podcast and learn how to get the best your of your worship leading...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

58- COVID 19 Leading Live Worship on Facebook

COVID 19 Leading live worship is a challenge for many churches, mine included.

COVID 19 Leading Live Worship is New Frontier

This is certainly uncharted territory for any of us, but I believe it is a great and noble task that we can and must rise to in the current environment/lockdown. Erick and Darin have had a short hiatus because we have been in lockdown here down under, and many of us have had a steep learning curve to try and sustain church, worship, preaching and community during this difficult and unprecedented time.  Like our church, you probably have had a few successes and a couple of failures, and we thought it would be a great idea to share some of the ideas we have come across which can help you in your worship. These apply to all churches, regardless of denomination, size of flavour, and the information we share in these podcasts coming up could help you in your struggle to obtain and maintain an online presence. And keeping your community together and happening is the key ingredient during this time. While your people are isolated and dealing with all the fear and hardship of COVID 19 leading live worship can become a wonderful and essential part of their lives, helping them to keep in touch and giving them the sense that, despite the isolation and worry, they are part of the Kingdom of God, and no virus is going to stop God moving in people's hearts! We can and will survive, and our church and worship leading ministries can prosper, even in this environment! So all over the world, wherever you are, don't let COVID 19 derail your church and your worship leading. Listen to these 12 minutes and let's make this trying situation a time for the Kingdom of God to expand and take new territory!