Tuesday, March 31, 2020

57- How to Control Your Electric Guitarist

An electric guitarist is a double edged sword for most worship leaders and worship teams.

But we Love a Great Electric Guitarist, Right?

Yes, we do, we all love a guy who can play an electric guitar like Santana! But most of us know that that can play out one of two ways. First, you might find an electric guitarist who loves Jesus, loves to serve and sees him or herself as a servant, serving Jesus with genuine humility and self sacrificing obedience. Or, secondly, you might get an electric guitarist who might love God, but they want to be the star of every show, playing loud and dominant over everyone else and who wants to make worship their domain. Now you might think this is a bit harsh on your average lead guitarist,but having ministered in worship for more than 30 years, I must say it is a label that is often lived up to. Yet over the years, I have shared the stage with some absolutely awesome and very humble guitarists!  The thing is, your guitars can be a huge asset, of a massive liability, and you have the ability to she them into one of the other. Listen to this podcast and learn how to make your electric guitarist one of the greatest assets of your worship team. Or you can just let them play lead solos all over your worship, or just keep telling them to turn down 500 times a day.  It's your choice, so we would recommend that you listen to this podcast with an open heart. We are here for you, in this terrible time of world wide crisis, and we will have a special edition of the worship podcast coming up for you. Stay tuned, and stay safe whether isolated in your home or out and about...


Sunday, March 29, 2020

56- How to Control Your Keyboard Player

Controlling your keyboard player might seem like an easy thing, but it’s often harder than you might expect. Generally, its not a question of volume when it comes to keyboard players, unlike drummers for example, because they have a volume knob and can be turned down. When we talk about keyboards, we are referring to...

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

56- How to Control Your Keyboard Player

Controlling your keyboard player might seem like an easy thing, but it's often harder than you might expect. Generally, its not a question of volume when it comes to keyboard players, unlike drummers for example, because they have a volume knob and can be turned down. When we talk about keyboards, we are referring to the players who play both piano and traditional keys.  These days, of course, you can turn the keys down in the mix, so volume isn't the issue.  The main challenge with a keyboard player is what they play. If they are primarily piano, then you need one thing from them, but if they are keys, then you need them to play in a specific way.

Your Keyboard Player Can Add Unbelievable Atmosphere!

The prize is that, if you can control your keyboard player, you can create a wonderful, anointed and amazingly awesome atmosphere. And this atmosphere can add a tremendous anointing to almost every aspect of worship, from the praise section to the worship, from before the worship opens and right through to the response time. In all aspects of worship, a well-played and sensitively applied keyboard can add a whole host of blessing to your congregation. So settle back, especially if you are in lockdown (like I am right now), because COVID 19 can't stop you getting the best from your keyboard player and indeed your entire worship team.  You will not be locked away forever you know, because soon this virus will be passed and your role as a worship leader will be to lead the people and inspire your church members to come back to the church. So take the time and learn how to cope with, and get the very best from your keyboardists.  You'll be glad that you took the 12 minutes to learn these principles...


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

55- How to Control Your Drummer

The drummer… we all love drummers, but many times, especially in a small church, they can be difficult, even impossible to control. The drums are the heart and soul of your worship music.  They do not just keep the beat, they provide the atmosphere to enable you to take the worship where you believe God...

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Monday, March 16, 2020

55- How to Control Your Drummer

The drummer... we all love drummers, but many times, especially in a small church, they can be difficult, even impossible to control. The drums are the heart and soul of your worship music.  They do not just keep the beat, they provide the atmosphere to enable you to take the worship where you believe God wants it to go.

Learning to Control Your Drummer is Best for Everyone

I love drummers, and I love the power and majesty they bring to worship.  They are brilliant for injecting real energy into the mix, and if they are good, they are a huge asset. So we are going to talk about the various aspects of drumming, and the various attitudes you may encounter in your drummers. From the smaller church where everyone complains, he is too loud, to the huge church where his style of drumming might not suit your worship, we reveal easy, fun and gentle ways of influencing your drummer. And trust me, you are not going to want to get your drummer offside!  They can be a huge asset if loved, encouraged and guided, but a major pain if they grow an attitude, which sadly many drummers are prone to do.  So we explore better options than putting a cage around them, or sending them down the street and around the corner!  Like anyone on your team, you are well advised to work with them rather than against them.  Unity is essential to great, soulful worship! In this pod, we share simple and proven ways that you can not only control the noise level and playing of your drummer but also bring the best out in his gifting.  And we can do it all with a smile on our face and love in our hearts. If you lead a worship team, you better not miss this exciting 12 minutes...


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

54- When you are Ready to Give Up on Worship Leading

At some point, you will find yourself reaching the end of your resources, and you will feel ready to give up on worship leading. I bet some of you reading this right now are at that point.

If You're Ready to Give Up... Don't!

  Leading worship is a daunting and sometimes difficult task, and it is made especially so by the criticisms and adverse opinions of others. Perhaps it is someone in your band, or maybe someone you barely know in the congregation, but when you are in the public eye, whether preaching, leading worship, leading groups or anything else, you will always face opposition. You might be facing something personal that no one knows about, but that still causes you to overlook or forget the calling you once had and makes you ready to give up right now. We all face it at some time, and I know it hurts, and even frustrates you, but it is so important for you to remember the calling that God has on your life.  He doesn't change His mind, Numbers 23:19, so don't you change yours and give up. Most often I find we want to give up just before a breakthrough.  So if you feel like you are ready to give up, chances are that the breakthrough in your life and ministry is just around the corner!  So this pod has been designed to speak words of life and encouragement into your life, and say to you don't give up! Life is a journey, and ministry is a journey, and you will face times of joy and sadness, highs and lows, mountain tops and valleys.  You should never make a decision about the future of your ministry in a valley, yet that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do!  So keep going, never give up and reverse any decisions about your life and your ministry until you are through the worst of whatever you are facing right now! This 12 minutes could make all the difference in your life and your ministry...


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

53- Dealing with Negative Opinions

Negative opinions can positively going to ruin your day! And there is no shortage of Negative Opinions!   Any time you are involved in some kind of public ministry, there will be opinions of all kinds. Some, in fact usually more than we recognise, will be positive, with people saying things like how much they...

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53- Dealing with Negative Opinions

Negative opinions can positively going to ruin your day!

And there is no shortage of Negative Opinions!

  Any time you are involved in some kind of public ministry, there will be opinions of all kinds. Some, in fact usually more than we recognise, will be positive, with people saying things like how much they enjoyed the worship, how beautiful the singing was, and so on. But let us be absolutely honest here, the ones you remember are the ones that are negative or critical in some way. True or false? You know it's true, right? So how can you as a worship leader deal with the criticisms and negative that come your way, and how can you do so in a way that is godly, honest and receptive? So we do not want to shut out valid ideas and comments, but we do want to have some level of protection against the opinions that hurt, discourage and even destroy ministries! No matter who you are, you need to know how to deal with negative opinions in the right way.  Make no mistake, these can make or break your ministry, they can fill you with dread... I have even seen worship leaders so stung by negative opinions that they walk away from church altogether. This type of criticism, no matter what seemingly pious, holy, religious word it may be presented in, can be venomous and poisonous to your soul, your loved ones and your ministry. If you have been hurt by critical words, from your team, the pastor, someone in the congregation or anywhere else, then please listen to this podcast and seek God.  Gather with those who do love you, who do support you, and especially go deep with the Lord.  You might be soft hearted, but This is a must-listen for every person in the public eye, and that included every worship leader...
