Tuesday, November 26, 2019

43- How to Pastor Your Worship Team

As a leader, you should pastor your worship team! Being a worship leader is not just about singing and playing.  It goes beyond choosing songs and arranging the music.

Worship Leaders Should Pastor Your Worship Team

Worship leaders need to become worship pastors, caring for and encouraging the worship team just as the pastor works to shepherd the whole church. It is not enough to just make music.  Your team comes to practice, and they need direction and help in their music.  But they also come to practice at times with personal crises, having had financial issues, fights with their spouse, a tough day at work and might even be in sin.  It is not enough to care only for the music or the singing, because when you pastor, you should be caring for the whole individual. Musicians and singers are, by nature, emotional.  That's what makes them creative and awesome.  However, this comes with its own kind of baggage, and this needs the care and love of a shepherd. And if you decide to pastor your team rather than just produce it, you can have an amazing impact on their life, and they will usually respond with incredible loyalty and respect for you as a leader. Leading is not just creating, it is leading, and good leaders lead every aspect of their team's lives.  It doesn't mean you meddle and stir up things that should be left alone, but it does mean that you are available and ready to care for the people the Lord has given you to pastor. So we thought we would do a 12-minute pod on what it actually means to pastor your worship team, and how you as the leader can care for not only the musical needs but the entire person on your team. If you love people and love your worship team, this special podcast is for you...


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

42- Making Christmas Carols Special Again

Christmas carols are upon us once again, and many worship teams, possibly yours, are madly rehearsing for the Christmas festivities.

So This Year We Want to Make Christmas Carols Special Again!

When you sing Christmas Carols year and year, how can you make them special?  I mean, what can you do to change the drab, boring, run of the mill songs and transform them into something just awesome and incredible. And while some of these carols are amazing and beautiful songs, some come across as very old fashioned and out of date, and this makes them especially hard to sing them in a way that modern audiences will respond to. And I have to admit, as a worship leader, I actually spent many years just dreading this time of year!  I know it sounds a little "bah humbug" of me, but the thought of churning out the same old songs the same old way just about gave me nightmares! Don't worry, I have converted back to someone who loves this time of year, and part of that transformation came with being able to make these beautiful and majestic songs into something special again! So, worship leaders, don't be bored or negative about this time of year, because we are going to change not only your mind but also your heart where Christmas Carols are concerned.  We are about to show you that these songs can become a tremendous tool in enabling you to reach out to those who would otherwise never come to church. That's what this podcast is all about.  Giving you 5 ideas on how you can transform the humble carol into a spiritual and musical masterpiece! Give us 12 minutes and we will throw some great suggestions your way as to how you can make Christmas special this year...


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

41- When is Worship Too Loud?

When is worship too loud in your church?

Is Worship Too Loud, or are People Just Too Old?

You may have heard it said that if you think it's too loud, you're too old.  That was probably coined back in the late 60s or early 70s, when rock music was loud and, well, rocky, but the very ones who once said that are today complaining that the music in church is too loud, even though they are partially deaf these days! So in your church, how do you know when the sound level is overly loud, or too quiet for that matter? It is a balancing act because if you have worship too loud, people cannot hear themselves sing and so stop singing.  However, if you have it too soft, people can hear themselves too much and they stop singing also.  We have to get this balance right, worship leaders, because the success of your worship leading is at least partially tied in with the level of the sound, like it or not! So when is worship too loud?  Is it when the little old lady who sits in front of the speaker complains, or is it when the guy in the back row has blood flowing from his ears? Is it when you are comfortable with it, or is it when the old man with sensitive ears turns his hearing aid down? We know that perceived loudness does not simply depend on volume, it involves equalisation, bass levels and whether the singing can be heard.  So we reveal some secrets and show you how you can have a great volume without the complaints and people leaving the room in pain! In so many churches the question of whether you worship too loud is a hotly debated and often highly emotional issue, and that's why we decided to do a podcast and spend 12 minutes figuring out what constitutes too loud, and what you can do about it...


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

40- Raising Leaders

Raising leaders is one of the great challenges in any leadership, especially in worship.

Raising Leaders is What True Leaders Do!

There is a huge tendency for leaders to just do everything themselves.  They know how it should be done, they can do it, there is little risk in the short term and everything looks rosy. The problem is that that is not leadership!  If you are not raising leaders you are failing as a leader, even if worship seems to be going OK. If you are not training leaders and giving them the chance to improve in their ministry, what happens if you get sick or travel away?  Your church will suffer if you insist on being the only trained leader, and your leadership will be questioned because you are not producing the fruit that real leaders produce... Other leaders, trained and ready to go! I know some worship leaders feel that they are not qualified to train and equip others for the position, but if you are called and in the job, you are automatically qualified.  Some don't want to bring leaders up because they are afraid the trainee will be better than them.  However, true leaders know if you raise others who are better, you yourself are also lifted up.  Training and equipping leaders is a win-win situation. So we wanted to do a special podcast on raising leaders, and how you can have the incredible satisfaction of reproducing your ministry in the lives of others.  Take 12 minutes and listen to this to become a better leader, and watch how the Lord uses you to make an incredible impact and leave an amazing legacy because you took the time to train, equip and pour your life into raising leaders...
