Start a Song Service the Right Way...
The start of the song service is always a key time, with people walking into the room, with people still talking and chatting to each other, and with a few ready to worship. Fist choice... do you start on time, or do you wait until there are people in the room? In my culture, we start on time! This means when you come to kick off the service, the room might be 1/5 full, and the hearts of people are distracted, catching up with friend, still grappling with the fight the had on the way to church, or a hundred other distractions. How can you capture the attention and the hearts of your listeners, and turn them from the cares of the day and life's many distractions towards worshipping the Lord? The answer to this important and extremely practical question is what this podcast is about. Darin and Erick have come up with 5 different and valid ways of starting a song service (of course there are many others too!), and these are so practical you can try them out starting this week. From the long, atmospheric introduction to the punchy, high energy approach, these ideas will change the way you start your entire service and set the scene for worship in a way you may have never experienced. Discover more in this exciting 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast...