Monday, March 25, 2019

10- Ideas to Start a Song Service

This great podcast deals with ideas to start a song service in your church.

Start a Song Service the Right Way...

The start of the song service is always a key time, with people walking into the room, with people still talking and chatting to each other, and with a few ready to worship. Fist choice... do you start on time, or do you wait until there are people in the room?  In my culture, we start on time! This means when you come to kick off the service, the room might be 1/5 full, and the hearts of people are distracted, catching up with friend, still grappling with the fight the had on the way to church, or a hundred other distractions. How can you capture the attention and the hearts of your listeners, and turn them from the cares of the day and life's many distractions towards worshipping the Lord? The answer to this important and extremely practical question is what this podcast is about.  Darin and Erick have come up with 5 different and valid ways of starting a song service (of course there are many others too!), and these are so practical you can try them out starting this week.  From the long, atmospheric introduction to the punchy, high energy approach, these ideas will change the way you start your entire service and set the scene for worship in a way you may have never experienced. Discover more in this exciting 12 minutes for worship leaders podcast...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

8- Ideas to Start a Song

This is a great 12 minutes that you can take and apply immediately in your worship ministry... great ideas to start a song.

We All Need Ideas to Start a Song

The beginning of the song is such an important part of your worship leading because if you mess this up, you can lose people's confidence even before you start. And let's face it... we spend so much time rehearsing the body of the song, that often we forget to concentrate on the incredibly important start and finish to the number!  We also overlook the fact that the beginning of a song also provides an incredible opportunity to try new and creative things. Just because Hillsong did it a certain way on their last album, does not mean that that is theirs is the only ideas to start a song. In fact, as you launch into a song, you can give every song your own flavour, and surprise people (in a good way, not a "Man, that was horrible" way). There's the slow and atmospheric approach, or the big beat approach, or even the full 4 part harmony vocal idea... all of these are valid, and trust me, creating new and stunning arrangements as the song begins is one of the great joys of leading worship in church. So have a listen and be inspired to make each and every start if a worship songs something special, anointed and attractive to your listeners! So join us for this phenomenal podcast and great some awesome ideas to start a song in just 12 minutes...

Friday, March 1, 2019

6- Ego or Service... You Choice in Worship Ministry

Ego or service, that is the choice all of us make at some time as worship leaders. All of us as musicians and singers grapple with our egos, and if we are honest, most of us want some kind of recognition for our gift.

Ego or Service... Your Choice

So how do you put that desire aside and just serve? I don't mean do what you are told, I am talking about genuine servant-hood. Christ calls us to be servants, but if we take a few moments and look honestly at our hearts, while we want to serve there is always a tension with our egos. While ego, ambition and confidence are not all bad, they are often the polar opposite of service.  And one of the truest tests of ego or service is going to be how you react when someone else has success.  Can you genuinely rejoice with them, can you celebrate their successes, or do you feel resentful or upset when someone else does good? My experience is that, if we concentrate on genuinely serving and not pursuing our ego-driven agenda, that God has a habit of raising up your ministry.  Jesus puts it this way... Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. And Peter promises, 1 Peter 5:5-6 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, So listen to this podcast and examine your heart, and ask yourself the question about your ministry.. is it about ego or service? Image by 1475341 on Pixabay