Tuesday, December 11, 2018

342- Making Worship Teams into Connect Groups

Worship teams are made up of real people, and these people, while they might be musicians and singers, actually have real needs in the real world.

As this is our last podcast for the year, we thought that we would leave you with a forward-looking pod... how you can begin to affect the lives of your team for years to come!

Worship Teams are People Too!

Worship teams should become worship connect groups. You can share your struggles, you can encourage one another and because of your mutual love of music, you can connect on a level far different than most other people in the church.

As a worship leader, you are really moving into the role of being a worship pastor.  Pastors are called to shepherd, guide, care for and love their flock, and as the worship leader, you also have a responsibility before God to make the members of your worship team strong in the Lord.

So we thought we would finish this year off with an inspirational podcast that might just transform your ministry and your worship team.  

Worship teams need loving too... in fact, many of the team members are desperately in need of love and encouragement.  So in this pod, we explore great ideas as to how you can love and support them in every way.

Transforming worship teams into connect groups could be a key to the success of your ministry long term!  From short Bible studies and devotionals at each practice, through to being there when they are in need of support or encouragement.  You, as the leader, is the one who can make all the difference in your team member's lives!

So as this year ends and a New Year begins, take the time to transform your ministry from just leading music and singing to shepherding and bringing the very best into the lives of your team.

And we will see you next year for another exciting year of podcasting and worship leading.  God bless and have a great Christmas and New Year!

Darin and Erick!


Monday, December 3, 2018

341- Evaluating Your Worship Team

Evaluating your worship team, like your own ministry, is definitely a beneficial thing!

What Does Evaluating Your Worship team Offer?

When you evaluate your worship team, you are taking the first step towards greatness, but you may find that certain individuals are resistant to this. Let's face it, many people in your worship team will be resistant examine door, either thinking themselves above all of this, threatened that they will not meet your standards. However, when evaluating your worship team need to assure them that this is not a way of controlling or criticising, but a way of helping you as a team minister more effectively for the Lord. Just as you evaluate your own ministry, closely examining the way your team operates when you are worship leading can give you insights into ways in which they can improve. And you cannot only examine them as a team, that you can examine the individual lives represented by the worship team members, and have a positive impact in their lives pointing them back to the Lord, and restoring relationships you may have grown cold over time. Your team members may offer up all kinds of spiritual reasons why you should not evaluate them, but if you want your worship team to improve, you simply cannot adequately improve that which you cannot assess! A great time to re-evaluate how your team is ministering is at the end of the year, and that's why we have done this podcast now. This is an excellent time to take the time to be evaluating your worship team, not with a view from criticising or being antagonistic, but with a view of improving their ministry and their personal walk with God in a variety of areas. This is an important podcast that every worship leader should listen to, because we all want to improve at what we're doing whether we are newbies or whether we are in top-level worship leading. Grab a coffee settle back and listen to this week's worship leader podcast…
